Kavanaugh scandal: media sorcerers gaslight America

Loyal readers have often observed a great deal concerning the subject of predictive programming here at Newsspell. Considering the Kavanaugh scandal, the latest hoax perpetrated by the mainstream media sorcerers, it appears that concept has clearly been parodied. For it appears, the alleged victim of sexual predation possesses psychic abilities. One is referring to a revealing snippet from the recent public testimony of Christine Blasey-Ford.

Ford recently testified to a confession she had allegedly made to her husband, six years prior to the congressional proceeding, concerning her alleged perpetrator, Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

One will not bother to recount Ford’s exact testimony here in this installment’s introduction. Rather, one shall provide one’s loyal readers with a key visual aid, so that they might better determine for themselves.

Needless to say, Ford’s implication she may have known that Brett Kavanaugh, well beforehand, would become a nominee for the Supreme Court is quite stunning, and demonstrates this formal congressional hearing to have been the poorly conceived psychological gaslighting of the American public it truly was.

Could it have been an oversight on the part of the scriptwriters or was this merely another deliberate component of the psychological operation?

Along with the author, other researchers noticed too, the Coca-Cola product placement featured throughout the proceedings. To loyal readers and regular visitors, this should not be a surprise, for Coca-Cola has long been a valuable corporate asset for the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, and they are never loathe to forego profitable commercial opportunities.   Continue reading “Kavanaugh scandal: media sorcerers gaslight America”