Oscar’s ‘Humanitarian’ Forgets Hollywood’s Homeless

Oscar’s ‘Humanitarian’ Forgets Hollywood’s Homeless

Hollywood has always been about appearances.

But Hollywood, the entertainment capitol of America, has never been what it appears to be.

Hollywood is a grand tool utilized by the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families to implement psychological operations.

Its “celebrities” are also merely tools, experimental models used to dispense Pavlovian-styled behavioral modification upon their legions of blind worshipers among the American general public.

Most, if not all, of these “celebrities” aren’t real, and only exist as carefully-crafted personas and well-managed and meticulously designed images – such as the Hollywood filmmaker known as “Tyler Perry” – which are blindly consumed and even admired by the public.

Furthermore, as we’ve learned through the process of in-depth investigation, not only do most of those known as Hollywood’s “celebrities” exist only as fabricated character schemes acted out by live-action role players, many of Hollywood’s “stars” have been identified as royal descendants of the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families.

These families not only own and control Hollywood, but, as well, own and control the US corporation.

Most recently, Hollywood’s prestigious Academy saw fit to bestow “Tyler Perry” with a ‘Humanitarian’ award.

Tyler Perry

Will Smith

Everyone may now be aware, before the commencement of the 93rd (12/21/777/Alistair Crowley’s joker intelligence code) Academy Awards – Hollywood’s annual ceremony of narcissistic self-congratulation – hordes of homeless vagrants were forcibly removed from the premises of Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles.

Yet, one should expect, those among Los Angeles’s homeless are the very same Hollywood’s “celebrities” claim suffer from a lack of “representation” and “equitable” consideration.

One of those “celebrities”, attending this year’s Academy Awards, was “Tyler Perry”, who, after being called to the podium to accept The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, delivered a rousing but platitudinous speech denouncing “hate”.

As for the plight of the homeless, those forcibly removed from the premises – one supposes, so the pristine red carpet wouldn’t be sullied – they went unmentioned by Perry during his speech.

Furthermore, not one of those among Perry’s fellow “celebrities” – those also remaining unaware of their insufferable penchant for regurgitating honeyed and politically correct buzzwords – seemed to be bothered taking any discernable notice of this glaring irony.

Again, one supposes, acknowledgment of such a glaring irony would only have served to completely peel away Hollywood’s fig leaf of superficial righteousness.  Continue reading “Oscar’s ‘Humanitarian’ Forgets Hollywood’s Homeless”

Bernie Made Off But Still Alive

Bernie Made Off But Still Alive

What follows are not only the results of an investigation into the MSM’s concocted narrative concerning “Bernie Madoff”, it is also the story of one of Hollywood’s richest, most powerful, and influential entertainment executives, and of the many faces and celebrity personas he has adopted throughout his life.

In fact, David Geffen – the son of former Coca-Cola executive Barry Diller (AKA former US president Dwight ‘Ike’ Eisenhower/Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg), and grandson of Prince Tassilo Egon von Furstenberg (AKA former US president Harry Truman/Hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart/musician and band leader Glenn Miller) – is a man who, over the long decades, has portrayed some of the MSM’s most high-profile fabricated character schemes.

Barry Diller

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg

Prince Tassilo Egon von Furstenberg

Harry S. Truman

Jimmy Stewart

Glenn Miller

Maj. Glenn Miller standing with hand in pocket. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Suffice to say, while especially considering the chameleon-like track record of his royal ancestors, is it, therefore, any surprise to discover Mister David Geffen has also been identified as a major perpetrator of the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation?

Nevertheless, as everyone is about to learn, in addition to the nearly numberless fabricated character schemes – some famous and, still others, infamous – David Geffen has been discovered as the man behind the mask of “Bernie Madoff”, the alleged mastermind of what – for decades, since 1960 – the MSM claims existed as an abominably vast and grossly criminal Wall Street “Ponzi”-styled financial speculation scheme.

But while the MSM dishes out its tabloid brand of soap opera “journalism”, seeking to dramatize every tawdry facet of “Bernie Madoff” and his infamous “Ponzi” scheme operation, they will never dare to report that “Madoff” himself was nothing more than a fabricated character scheme designed with an entirely ulterior motive in mind.

It could be further argued, the timing of the MSM’s decision to “off” the fabricated character scheme known as “Bernie Madoff” was an attempt to distract the American public from the ongoing Covid-19 psychological operation which, by now, exists as an obvious geo-political cloak for 1.) The covert execution of mass genocide and global population reduction of human resources in lieu of the implementation of AI, robotics, and 5G coordinated digital systems, 2.) The even greater covert efforts to implement the UN’s Agenda 2030 and “climate change” agenda, and, 3.) The global implementation of an experimental blockchain crypto-currency system which has also been designed as a track and trace system using body activity.

SEE: https://medium.com/@ThePixelDoc/most-everything-in-the-coming-years-will-be-managed-by-blockchain-technology-including-physical-1fb71033a083

Shortly, it will, as well, become clear that, from his incipient emergence on the world’s stage, Madoff’s infamous legend was designed and created to distract the general public’s short lived attentions away from the genuine criminals whom routinely devise schemes to rob and economically exploit the American public: the hidden owners of the genuine “Ponzi” scheme known as the US corporation, the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families.

Continue reading “Bernie Made Off But Still Alive”

The Joker Still Laughs at You

The Joker Still Laughs at You

This the story of a European prince, one who is alleged to be “dead”.

Nevertheless, decades ago, during the early years of the 1960’s, this Danish prince was cast, perhaps ironically, in the annals of American history as a lowly but mafia-connected night club owner and an “assassin”.

Not more than one-half decade later, however, this Danish prince would go on to play the role of a US presidential candidate who was also “assassinated”.

Considering the concept of karma, one supposes, what goes around comes around.

Turns out, when describing the true nature of Danish Prince Henrik’s family – the royal House of Glucksberg (a royal house originating in Northern Germany) – the former description – ‘mafia-connected’ – is certainly more than appropriate.

Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA “Jack Nicholson”/”Jack Ruby”/”Robert F. Kennedy”) is, in fact, connected to a mafia, the organized crime families we’ve come to know as the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families whom, since the ancient era of imperial Rome, have controlled the destiny of humanity and, as well, controlled – through the monopolization and weaponization of the MSM – what the public has been psychologically conditioned to perceive as recorded “history” and, therefore, “reality” (Post-Modern Reality Simulation).

Continue reading “The Joker Still Laughs at You”

Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs

Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs

Turns out – other than the most essential of biographical details – not much is really understood about the life of the man known as “Klaus Schwab”, the executive chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab

For a man in such a high-profile public position, Schwab’s “official” biographies – including his own biographical entry located at Wikipedia – appear to be remarkably threadbare.

Despite being posed by the MSM as a figure of great influential power, “Klaus Schwab” remains a complete mystery.

But further and extensive investigation has managed to peel away the layers of mist, mystery, and intrigue which – up until now – have managed to obscure the true identity of the chief spokesperson for what has become infamously known as the “Great Reset”.

Schwab, as shall soon be made quite evident, has proved to be yet another fraudulent character scheme and portrayed by a Norwegian European royal playing at being actor.

Additionally, the academic bona fides attached to the pseudonym of  “Klaus Schwab” also exist as fabrications and have been tailor-made – most likely by CIA in cooperation with other such agencies operating under the umbrella of the international intelligence octopus – to fit Schwab’s concocted persona.

Not only that, Schwab’s royal host actor has a royal granddaughter who – upon further and extensive image comparison analysis – portrays Greta Thunberg, the ubiquitous but obnoxious “climate change” activist. 

As shall soon be demonstrated, Klaus Schwab’s royal host actor has been caught out as a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

The man known as Klaus Schwab – as are the royal host actors portraying his spouse “Hilde” and the “climate change” activist known as “Greta Thunberg”, Schwab’s hidden granddaughter – is nothing more than a media generated persona with a concocted biographical intelligence legend attached to a pseudonym, and created to widely promote the “climate change”, “Great Reset”, and Covid-19 psychological operations as paradigm-shifting engines of global social, political, and economic transformation.

Harold V, King of Norway

Though those whom frequent this site may wish to carefully consider the following conclusions of one’s investigation, most, however, may not be able to handle the truth.

By the way, one can solemnly promise, the Hollywood actor everyone witnessed in the previous video excerpt will be prominently featured in my next article.

“Jack Nicholson” has also been discovered to be a fabricated character scheme who – for decades – has been portrayed by a European Danish royal.

Without giving too much away in advance, this Danish royal – though he is alleged to have died in 2018 but has now been proved to be very much still alive – was also involved in the execution of the “assassination” of US president John F. Kennedy (AKA Dennis Hopper), with whom “Nicholson” starred in a Hollywood film production, 1968’s Easy Rider.
Continue reading “Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs”