CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

To those grown comfortable living with lies, deception, acknowledging the truth is to risk suffering a fatality perhaps worse than death. To discover the truth, one must first dare to cross the Rubicon of fear. But most dare not because once navigated, the very thought, realization of being unable to return, marooned and left to survive alone in an unfamiliar wilderness, remains inconceivable, too much to bear. It seems that for the unfortunate majority, letting down one’s defenses – ego, vanity – and sacrificing unquestioned faith in improbable beliefs, to stand apart, isolated from the madding crowd to accept absolute, unfettered truth appears too high of a price to pay.

Speaking of death, as undoubtedly most are aware, it was recently announced that, former legendary NFL star, journeyman Hollywood actor, Orenthal James Simpson has shuffled off this mortal coil, reportedly having succumbed to a long-term battle with cancer.

Buffalo Bills
1975: O.J. Simpson #32 of the Buffalo Bills looks on during an NFL game circa 1975. (Photo by Robert Riger/Getty Images)

But there’s much more the MSM left out concerning OJ Simpson which, shortly, in due course, will be further elaborated upon.

One couldn’t help but notice, while eulogizing the “Juice”, conveniently enough, undoubtedly by deliberate omission, the MSM failed to report that not only did Simpson become a professional actor even before he was drafted into the NFL, but that he was also employed as a covert CIA asset.

Furthermore, regarding Simpson’s most infamous acting performance during his staged trial simulation spectacle, the MSM fails to report the involvement of Carl Colby, son of former CIA director William Colby. Further investigation has confirmed that Carl Colby lived in Brentwood, Los Angeles, in proximity to “Nicole Brown Simpson”. In addition to this, more shall be shortly revealed about some of the other major participating principals in Simpson’s ‘trial’, regarding Los Angeles County prosecuting counsel “Marcia Clark”, Simpson’s defense attorney Robert Shapiro, Time/Warner and Henry Luce, all of whom, along with “OJ Simpson”, were contract assets utilized by the CIA in the execution of an antagonistically divisive, population destabilizing psychological operation.

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