Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

While the MSM’s propaganda has become more transparent it has also grown more absurd.

Though, with the passage of the last two years, the nature of the MSM’s lies have grown with greater magnitude, so, too, with greater proportionality, the risk they will be discovered and subsequently exposed.

Such has turned out to be the case with “Nina Jankowicz”.

Below: Nina Jankowicz

By now, as surely everyone knows, “Nina Jankowicz” recently resigned as chief officer of Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Governance Board”.

As for the DGB itself, without further elaboration, Homeland Security officials have announced it has been “paused”.

Alas, an extensive investigation to discern the genuine identity of “Nina Jankowicz” has not.

Though, too, many are perhaps wondering how she managed to land such a high-profile position with one of the US corporate government’s most prestigious law enforcement organizations, rest assured, it was not due to either accident or coincidence.

It appears, “Nina Jankowicz” obtained her prestigious post due primarily to a high-profile connection – to a former US president and a fake one at that.

Turns out, she also has connections to disgraced Hollywood executive “Harvey Weinstein”, to the “late” celebrity chef “Anthony Bourdain”, and to a popular and award-winning comedian who formerly starred in a television “show about nothing”.

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BC Bonnie Doctor of Deception?

BC Bonnie Doctor of Deception?

To avoid detection, evil must maneuver with utmost deliberation and under the cloak of darkness.

Unfortunately, for the perpetrators of sinister deeds, there are those whose keen sight is capable of piercing the cover of darkness to uncloak them.

Apparently, Wikipedia is somewhat ambiguous about the DOB – “(born 1965 or 1966)”, their official biographical entry claims – for Bonnie J. Fraser Henry, the Provincial Health Minister for British Columbia, Canada.

Below: Bonnie Henry


Even without the benefit of investigative scrutiny, such biographical anomalies always and without fail signal there may exist further clues that something is amiss.

After all, in an age dominated by wondrous digital technologies, with any bit of information regarding virtually anyone now living readily available at the mere flick of a key stroke, how is it that Wikipedia cannot produce and publish the exact year of Henry’s DOB?

What exactly are the CIA/Jesuit trained script writers employed by Wikipedia attempting to hide concerning Canada’s first woman Health Minister?

Could it be they’re trying to hide the fact Bonnie Henry isn’t who she claims to be?

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Penn’s Documentary Sold by MSM as “War”

Penn’s Documentary Sold by MSM as “War”

Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, once said: “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

Speaking of which, Sean Penn, the renowned and award-winning Hollywood actor, recently advocated for fomenting a nuclear exchange with Russia.

An editorial recently published at the Wall Street journal authored by former neo-conservative US corporate government operative Seth Cropsey echoes the Hollywood actor’s dark sentiment.


The cavalier expression of such sentiments, the resurrection of a dormant specter from the crypt of America’s “cold war” with the former Soviet Union, is meant purely to foster the viral spread of collective apprehension in the fragile heart of the population which, over the centuries, has proved to be the Jesuit order’s most effective tool in the execution of psychological warfare, economic and political transformation (AKA order out of chaos), and social behavioral modification.

Turns out, the looming threat of annihilation at the hands of “nuclear weapons” or viral infection due to the Covid-19 “pandemic” are both hoaxes.

Therefore, by mere virtue of his appearance on Fox News (666) with the MSM fabricated character scheme “Sean Hannity” (AKA Hollywood actor George Clooney/Prince Pavlos of Greece/John F. Kennedy Junior/Michael Cohen/Antonin Scalia/Jay Leno/Climate Czar, former US Senator John Kerry), the veracity and authenticity of anything uttered from the compromised mouth of Hollywood actor Sean Penn should be scrutinized with jaundiced eyed suspicion.

In fact, there exists significant evidence to support the thesis that, like Fox News’s “Sean Hannity”, throughout his checkered but legendary career in Hollywood, Sean Penn has been a long-term covert intelligence asset for the Jesuit’s international intelligence octopus, specifically the CIA and FBI.

According to an article published at, Sean Penn, in cooperation with Vice Media Group, “has been filming a documentary with Vice Studios in Ukraine since November 2021, but not even Russia attacking the nation has hindered his dedication to the doc.”


As was first pointed out in a previous article – SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom – NATO began conducting war simulation drills/exercises with the Ukrainian armed forces several months earlier, in April of that same year.


It could be said, Penn’s sense of opportunistic timing is uncanny.

Or did Penn’s intelligence masters place him in Ukraine to sell the American public the perception of a “war”, one which would serve to hide the execution of an ulterior geopolitical agenda? 

Now, however, after what the MSM claims has been savage and relentless siege from a barrage of attacks, lacking further clarification or explanation, the BBC recently reported that Russian forces have largely seen fit to withdraw from the towns and villages surrounding Ukraine’s capital city of Kiev.

In addition, though the MSM still holds the Ukraine “war” rages onward, an article published at has reported that towns surrounding Kiev will now undergo “rebuilding” to become “green” and more environmentally or “eco” friendly.

Build Back Better/BBB=666


More remarkably, cost estimates for rebuilding towns on the environs surrounding Kiev have already been calculated by the World Bank which, in 2021, issued a “Climate Action Plan” document detailing how the Covid-19 psychological operation, working in concert with systematic implementation of “Climate Lockdowns”, is scheduled to persist until 2025.  

What the BBC failed to report is that, to the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, “war” is merely a commercial transaction consisting of controlled demolition and strategic relocation/exploitation of human resources. From these alternative analyses, what is being sold as a “war” in Ukraine is merely the ongoing execution of the seventeen “Sustainability Goals” as stated in the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050. 

In any case, it seems the timing of a withdrawal by Russian forces from the environs of Kiev could not have been more propitious, conveniently timed to coincide with a live performance by washed up pop star Bono Vox of the rock band U2 and a visit from Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie (AKA Madona Ciccone/Jennifer Lopez/Lorena Bobbitt). 

SEE: A Trip Down Memory Lane: Lorena Bobbit

download (1)[5382] 

Turns out, upon further investigation, not only does it seem likely footage from Sean Penn’s filmed documentary has been routinely utilized by the MSM over the last several months, sold to the public and depicted as a “war” in Ukraine, but “Sean Penn” and “Bono Vox” have a lot more in common than previously imagined.

In fact, as shall soon be demonstrated, both “Sean Penn” and “Bono Vox” have even more in common with a famous comedian who the MSM claims is supposed to be “dead”.

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Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

More than two decades later, the Bruce Ivins’ Anthrax Attack of 2001 has mostly receded from America’s collective memory.

Nevertheless, the results culminating from a deeper investigation into this MSM generated hoax serve as a lynchpin connecting the “terrorism” events of September 11, 2001, the Iraq war, and the Covid-19 “pandemic” psychological operation.

According to the “official” narrative as recounted by Wikipedia, “The 2001 anthrax attacks involved the mailing of several letters proclaiming, ‘Death to America’…’Death to Israel’…’Allah is Great’, and contaminated with anthrax, to the offices of U.S. Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, as well to the offices of ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, the New York Post, and the National Enquirer.”

After initially focusing its subsequent investigation on Steven Hatfill, a physician, pathologist, and biological weapons expert as a chief suspect, in 2006, the FBI exonerated Hatfill and began targeting Bruce Edward Ivins, an American microbiologist, vaccinologist, and senior biodefense researcher employed at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, a subdivision of Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research located at Fort Detrick in Maryland near both the headquarters of CIA and NIH (National Institute of Health) which includes the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases associated with Doctor Anthony Fauci (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen).

SEE: Meet the Actor Playing Television Doctor

A Familiar Face with an Unfamiliar Name

Bernie Made Off But Still Alive

In 2008, after two years of suffering investigative harassment at the hands of the FBI, the MSM alleged that Bruce Edward Ivins committed suicide.

However, ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses have demonstrated there’s just one problem with the MSM’s “official” story regarding the “suicide” of the FBI’s chief suspect in the anthrax attacks of 2001: Namely, “Bruce Edward Ivins” is still alive and is now known by another name, that which belongs to a famous retired NASA astronaut – Chris Hadfield.

Below: Bruce Edward Ivins, Chris Hadfield

Hatfill – Hadfield?

Regarding the name “Bruce Edward Ivins”, gematria analyses indicates some predictably telltale results. When respectively calculated in English Ordinal and Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 177 and 78, both of which reduce to the number of 6. When respectively calculated in Reverse Ordinal and Reverse Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 255 and 102, both ciphers of which reduce to 3. When these reduction ciphers are totaled, they equal 3 6’s or 666. More remarkably, in English Ordinal, the surname of “Ivins” sums to 73 or 3 7’s, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code.

Since 1995, Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research at Fort Detrick where “Bruce Edward Ivins” was employed has been operated by SAIC, a private corporation. Later on, SAIC would become Leidos, a biomedical facility which, in addition to merging with Lockheed Martin in 2016, would enter into an official partnership with NIH, the National Institute of Health.

Since its inception in 1969, the entirety of SAIC’s chronicled history is riddled with a bevy of controversies and audacious criminality. In its single-mindedly avaricious pursuit of government contracts worth billions, SAIC (AKA Leidos) not only propagated the lie of “weapons of mass destruction” prior to America’s war in Iraq, it also staged the anthrax attack hoax which starred “Bruce Edward Ivins” (AKA NASA astronaut Chris Hadfield).

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