The Girl That Didn’t Like Mondays

The Girl That Didn’t Like Mondays

The Cleveland Elementary school shooting of 1979 has by now long faded into the mists of public memory. Nevertheless, this widely reported media event at the close of the 1970’s undoubtedly served as a blueprint for similar psychological operations to follow.

Not only did even the most cursory examination of this particular event reveal the usual numerological markers, the starring roles also proved to have featured a then emerging young female Hollywood celebrity with genealogical connections to the ruling elite families as well a then well-known late- night talk show host.

Many may also fail to recall, this event was further immortalized by a popular song recorded by an Irish rock band, The Boomtown Rats, led by Bob Geldof of Live Aid fame. The lyrics of this popular song, released during the emergence of the MTV era of the early 1980’s, are quite revealing and, also appear to foretell of the ruling elite’s microchip and mass surveillance agenda.

Not surprisingly, Geldof has been connected with the OTO, the occult/masonic secret society which at one time was attended upon and led by the late MI5 agent and  culturally influential rogue occultist, Alistair Crowley. Continue reading “The Girl That Didn’t Like Mondays”

Marlon Brando: Godfather of Hollywood chameleons?

Marlon Brando: Godfather of Hollywood chameleons?

Why do so many so desperately wish to be entertained?

What grand appeal is there for those content to live and die vicariously through celluloid heroes while like children, they sit sheltered in the dark from the dangers of the outside world, in utter thrall before the imaginary, but comforting world of the silver screen?

Could it be, the darkness of the theater serves as a welcomed reprieve, perhaps even a psychological womb for those anonymously huddled together in desperate escape, while collectively hoping the light shed upon them from the mammoth silver screen will bring order to the world they’ve been conditioned to perceive as cold, unforgiving, and unpredictably chaotic?

The celebrity icons featured upon the silver screen – whether cast in the roles of heroes or villains – become worshipful, iconic vessels, mirror-like images upon which the masses project generalized idealizations, consisting of their fearful insecurities or perceivable virtues.

Marlon Brando represented one such icon who, for decades, generations of movie critics and audiences held in the highest esteem. Nevertheless, is it possible the name Marlon Brando was yet another pseudonym created to mask Hollywood’s rampant nepotism?

This installment shall connect this Hollywood legend with another actor and television star alleged to have recently died and with the current Russian Premiere, Vladimir Putin.

Stay tuned, folks. Continue reading “Marlon Brando: Godfather of Hollywood chameleons?”

History’s story of “Honest Abe” fiction? (part II)

Rewriting history may seem like a rather quixotic notion.

After all, one doesn’t lack understanding as to why creating such blatant contradictions to that body of historical knowledge in which generations of American public school students have been psychologically conditioned to unquestioningly believe, would largely be perceived as foolhardy, perhaps even absurd.

Or – does applying critical thought and analysis in questioning the bedrock tenets of American history seem absurd only because its veracity has largely been held on purely faith alone?

Is it that the myth of America’s sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, seems so seductively indelible only because – rather than reflecting a truthful and verifiable historical account –  the historical narrative associated with that particular historical figure was designed to reflect and even exalt those higher virtues the American nation would like to believe it inherently embodies?

The obvious question remains: how can such mythical historical narratives, based wholly upon lies, withstand truth’s penetrating probe of critical analysis?

The answer: they can’t and they won’t.

That is why critical thought and analysis regarding America’s historical narratives are eschewed and even scorned by the social conditioning and indoctrination methods that have been assiduously utilized on generations of American public school students.

Therefore, as loyal readers shall soon discover, when put to any modicum of critical analysis, the alleged assassination of Abraham Lincoln represents a fraudulent historical narrative that was designed to create the indelible image of a mythical and heroic martyr, rather than an accurate, verifiable and chronological portrayal of an historical event capable of withstanding analytical scrutiny. Continue reading “History’s story of “Honest Abe” fiction? (part II)”

Is it live or is it Milli Vanilli?

Is it live or is it Milli Vanilli?

Are you a music fan?

If so, have you ever paid top dollar to attend a live performance from your favorite artist, only to later discover that live performance may not have been well, live?

Did you become angry, or like most, were you merely happy to have been entertained?

What if, to confound matters, you were to learn your favorite popular music recording artist wasn’t who they claimed to be?

While your contemplating, how does this play into the larger question of the simulated nature of the actor based reality and, are there larger implications at play – is humanity being conditioned to accept, and even prefer the presence of a simulated reality in lieu of what is perceived to be organic?

To many throughout the generations, pop culture and pop music have come to represent insatiable opiates. Though many would no doubt dismiss the very notion, pop music stars and pop culture icons have also come to represent sacred images, similar to the high esteem once held toward cherished religious relics of ages past.

Indeed, it remains difficult for many to find fault with any of their chosen pop culture icons, even when they are confronted with the awful truth while their majestic emperors stand before them, unceremoniously disrobed.

This psychological phenomenon deliberately exploits the primal urge to imagine that one can become part of something larger than oneself, even if that primal connection exists as a simulated substitute for genuine human intimacy.

However, further and more penetrating analysis of that phenomenon one fears, at least for now, would be venturing too far afield and perhaps beyond the intended scope of this installment.

Nevertheless, loyal readers shall soon learn, the phenomenon of lip syncing associated with the world of pop and even rock music has become virtually all-pervasive.

No folks, lip syncing isn’t just for the likes of Milli Vanilli or Madonna anymore.

However, don’t be dismayed, for loyal readers should be content to learn this installment does not intend to primarily concern itself with merely an analysis of this music industry phenomenon.

The fact is, folks, the phenomenon of performance miming or as it is more popularly known, lip syncing, has existed for decades, long before Milli Vanilli, Madonna, and hosts of other popular artists had been cited as guilty practitioners.

In fact, after briefly dispensing with the lip syncing phenomenon and why it continues to be so prevalent, one shall proceed to definitively identify a pair of popular music recording artists who have successfully portrayed multiple pop music icons over a period of decades.

One of these is a well-respected guitarist and former member of a high-profile pop act who, as it turns out, also has a connection with the Charles Manson simulated serial murder hoax of the 1960’s.

Continue reading “Is it live or is it Milli Vanilli?”

History’s story of “Honest Abe” fiction? (Part I)

This blog is fast becoming a historical killing field, filled with the slaughtered carcasses of American history’s sacred cows. And now, one shall usher perhaps the most sacred of them all into the paddock – Abraham Lincoln – the “Illinois rail-splitter”, masonic puppet, actor, and yes folks, a total fiction.

The official, mainstream history of America one encounters in public school and university texts is indeed a blatant fiction, designed to exalt the truthful virtues of dramatic accounts and mythical characters, all of which have been entirely fabricated to induce the masses’ psychological and emotional investment into believing – so it seems in the case of Abraham Lincoln – completely and utterly fictitious absurdities.

For the span of almost two centuries now, the mythical story of Abraham Lincoln has echoed down to the present time as an almost sacred, gospel-like tradition and, anyone daring to question its historical veracity has been summarily labeled a heretic or even worse, branded with the all-purpose, ad hominem pejorative: “conspiracy theorist.”

Thus, the unorthodox perspectives, opinions, and discussions discovered here at Newsspell must be considered quite heretical indeed. Surely, anyone thinking of  subscribing to such heretical musings deserves the most ghastly, painful persecution while tortuously hoisted upon burning stakes.

Well then, so be it.

By way of comparison, the comically anomalous nature of the alleged Lincoln assassination story makes the JFK assassination tale, concocted nearly a century later, appear to be a rather rational chronological documentation of plausible events.

This comparison to the JFK assassination simulated crisis is particularly apt, because it appears that once again, Rockefeller family members had collectively participated in perpetrating yet another grand historical hoax. Continue reading “History’s story of “Honest Abe” fiction? (Part I)”

NASA scam is taxpayer black hole (Part XI)

This installment is directed at those still holding on to the childish notion that NASA’s alleged space missions are legitimate. On this occasion, one shall also demonstrate connections between NASA, the United Nations’ globally mandated Agenda 21 program, Hollywood and the NFL.

Yes folks, you have indeed read that correctly – a connection between NASA and the NFL.

Although these organizations may appear to have been created for different purposes, both are in fact tied together as collective gears in the colossal, spinning wheel of the globally consolidated commercial system of the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families.

Though each organization may appear to be different, loyal readers shall soon discover that each plays a specialized, but no less significant role in conditioning the masses to keep them working, buying, consuming and, held permanently and obediently in line with the effective utilization of Hollywood-styled, mass targeted psychological warfare.
Continue reading “NASA scam is taxpayer black hole (Part XI)”

Voting gives ruling elites license to steal

The headline of this particular installment would appear to be deliberately contrarian in nature. Though assuredly it is not, what follows shall be undoubtedly considered unpopular.

But one is not wholly uncomfortable with notions of unpopularity.

After all, Samuel Clemens once said it best: when one finds their opinion in line with that of the majority, perhaps it is time to reconsider.

With all of the hoopla one has so often recently encountered on social media platforms about “sacred franchises” and “civic duty”, one is reminded that those who so willingly parrot such clichés probably have considered very little as to their genuine essence or actual meaning.

More troubling still, are the brutal methods of banal repetition with which those catch phrases are bandied about, repetition that only serves to reinforce the empty ritual of social pantomime, conjuring ghastly images of zombified automatons punching ballots.  Though such voting participants may be victims of their own willful self-deception, they nonetheless remain legally culpable in endorsing the hegemony of organized criminals masquerading as political candidates.

That is the very nature of politics and the legal voting process that facilitates its perpetuation; a holographic, theatrical overlay disguised in the ideological garb of a sacred franchise, designed for no other purpose than to ultimately pirate billions from the public tax coffers, while the antagonistic campaign rhetoric of puppet political candidates promoted by the freemasonic brotherhood network stir up widespread divisive chaos.

And, as has been pointed out many times here at Newsspell, the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families are well aware that the deliberate instigation of widespread chaos is the most effective method of reinforcing their preferred order of affairs. Continue reading “Voting gives ruling elites license to steal”

Honesty Not Harry S. Truman’s Best Policy

Honesty Not Harry S. Truman’s Best Policy

Turns out folks, 33rd US president Harry S. Truman was likely someone other than what American history texts claim. In fact, it also turns out, Ronald Reagan was not the first Hollywood actor to serve as US president. But, as loyal readers also know, Ronny Ray Gun wasn’t exactly who or what he claimed to be either (Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part XI). 

In fact, regarding the former small-time haberdashery proprietor who was transformed into history’s most unlikely epic figure, merely observing the number 33 in the opening sentence of this installment likely signals to those among the most astute of one’s loyal readers there may be something truly amiss about the late Harry Truman.

They would be correct.

On this occasion, not only did the trail of one’s research wind back to our old friend, Hollywood mogul Barry Diller, but lead straight to Mister Diller’s father, Michael.

The first clue that Harry S. Truman was not who history claims, existed with an inherent problem with his middle initial, which according to established, mainstream biographies apparently stands for – wait for it folks – absolutely nothing of any significance whatsoever.

From there, one began to reason that yet another actor in history’s grand stage play had been identified, and that the entire moniker of Harry S. Truman may be a manufactured pseudonym.

Join with me now folks, on what is certain to be considered one of the more memorable journey’s into the hall of mirrors known as the actor based reality. Continue reading “Honesty Not Harry S. Truman’s Best Policy”

What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald? (Part III)

What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald? (Part III)

Though the revelations included in the first pair of installments concerning the JFK assassination may have seemed shocking enough, there exists more to be revealed.

On this occasion, we shall endeavor to examine the alleged romantic entanglement between the late JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and his surviving Soviet defector, Marina Oswald.

Turns out, “Marina Oswald” is not at all who you thought she was. Continue reading “What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald? (Part III)”