Hollywood’s Made-for-Television ‘Terrorist’

Hollywood’s Made-for-Television ‘Terrorist’

In the hands of those who govern, a comprehensive understanding of the human mind, how it perceives, interprets experiences can become a most useful tool. In the hands of a tyrannical government with totalitarian designs, such knowledge, when used strategically, can be utilized as a weapon far more powerful, effective, and perhaps even more destructive than any gun, bomb, or missile. During the Roman imperial era, the ruling Caesars realized that, over the long term, a meticulously well-planned psychological warfare campaign was more effective and less costly in maintaining control over populations than having to rely upon the loyalties of occupying legions of armies.

In our modern era, this same sort of knowledge is still highly valued by those inhabiting the halls of governance.

When it comes to successfully executing psychological warfare upon population groups, those who govern today have distinct advantages over Roman emperors of old: exclusive access to the MSM (mainstream media) while social media platforms, acting as augmenting propaganda organs, are programmed to influence, manufacture public, political consensus.

Properly weaponized with a combination of verbal priming, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional, dramatic emphasis, and when exposure is broadened to maximum saturation levels while reinforced by repetition, the MSM’s prevailing ‘news’ narratives have the capability to not only capture and to hold the attentions of intended audiences, but to destabilize, immobilize, and to reshape, mold hearts and minds among the general public into any desired formulation.

Seized, galvanized by emotional hysteria, ridden with psychological demoralization, the public’s powers of rational discernment are compromised, disabled. Rendered psychologically, emotionally vulnerable, the public is left unequipped to comprehend that its thoughts, subsequently adopted behaviors have been sufficiently altered, transformed towards embracing the ulterior objectives of the MSM’s propagandists.

Lately, of course, the American public’s malleable attentions have been held captive, dominated by the ongoing ‘war’ in Gaza, Palestine, and with the accompanying ‘protests’ which have appeared to spring up on college campuses.

As was pointed out in a previously published article – Middle East’s War Simulation Spectacle – the ‘war’ alleged to be taking place in Gaza, Palestine is nothing more than a stage-managed, televised simulation, a psychological operation replete with actors and Hollywood-styled props, a grandly conceived smokescreen contrived to hide ulterior objectives which are, namely, the ongoing global implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and its seventeen ‘sustainability goals’ – goals which run counter to the specific economic interests of American citizens among the working and middle classes and to the interests of humanity in general. Added to more information which supports these findings, later, the true identity of a prime perpetrator in Gaza’s war charade shall be revealed.

Turns out, an alleged former leader of Mossad-created Palestinian ‘terror’ group Hamas – “Khaled Mashal” – is a renowned Hollywood actor in disguise.

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CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

To those grown comfortable living with lies, deception, acknowledging the truth is to risk suffering a fatality perhaps worse than death. To discover the truth, one must first dare to cross the Rubicon of fear. But most dare not because once navigated, the very thought, realization of being unable to return, marooned and left to survive alone in an unfamiliar wilderness, remains inconceivable, too much to bear. It seems that for the unfortunate majority, letting down one’s defenses – ego, vanity – and sacrificing unquestioned faith in improbable beliefs, to stand apart, isolated from the madding crowd to accept absolute, unfettered truth appears too high of a price to pay.

Speaking of death, as undoubtedly most are aware, it was recently announced that, former legendary NFL star, journeyman Hollywood actor, Orenthal James Simpson has shuffled off this mortal coil, reportedly having succumbed to a long-term battle with cancer.

Buffalo Bills
1975: O.J. Simpson #32 of the Buffalo Bills looks on during an NFL game circa 1975. (Photo by Robert Riger/Getty Images)

But there’s much more the MSM left out concerning OJ Simpson which, shortly, in due course, will be further elaborated upon.

One couldn’t help but notice, while eulogizing the “Juice”, conveniently enough, undoubtedly by deliberate omission, the MSM failed to report that not only did Simpson become a professional actor even before he was drafted into the NFL, but that he was also employed as a covert CIA asset.

Furthermore, regarding Simpson’s most infamous acting performance during his staged trial simulation spectacle, the MSM fails to report the involvement of Carl Colby, son of former CIA director William Colby. Further investigation has confirmed that Carl Colby lived in Brentwood, Los Angeles, in proximity to “Nicole Brown Simpson”. In addition to this, more shall be shortly revealed about some of the other major participating principals in Simpson’s ‘trial’, regarding Los Angeles County prosecuting counsel “Marcia Clark”, Simpson’s defense attorney Robert Shapiro, Time/Warner and Henry Luce, all of whom, along with “OJ Simpson”, were contract assets utilized by the CIA in the execution of an antagonistically divisive, population destabilizing psychological operation.

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Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Beyond creating, promoting emotionally provocative narratives, the MSM also specializes in the popularization of myths. Typically, such classically inspired tales – of both heroism and tragedy – acquire Shakesperean dimensions.

The media-generated tragedy of Chappaquiddick, which forever dashed the seemingly bright political future of one Ted Edward Kennedy, at once transforming a shining presidential hopeful into a pathetic Hamlet-like figure with no hope of redemption, still echoes into posterity.

As the decade of the 1960’s waned, plunged into a war’s quagmire far abroad, dangerously atomized with chaotic civil strife at home, the subsequent effect of Chappaquiddick’s sorrowful narrative seemed poised to further demoralize an already downtrodden America.

Nevertheless, with the help of a rabid MSM eager to capitalize on the tragedy for the sake of skyrocketed television ratings, sensational front-page headlines, Chappaquiddick unfolded into a compelling drama, a thrilling distraction served up to a nation deeply mired in despondency.

In Chappaquiddick’s morbid wake, the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and the deferred political dreams of the last-living Kennedy brother were subsequently spun into epic drama, a made-for-television spectacle through which a gaping mob of American spectators could vicariously live.

Turns out though, upon further investigation, there’s more truth in the latter characterization than perhaps many could ever possibly conceive.

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Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

The making of media myths oftentimes consists of a specific brand of storytelling.

Generally, the brand of narratives in which the MSM specializes – especially those meant for maximum exposure, saturation – have oftentimes been found to be modernized retellings of ancient Greek or Roman myths. In particular, such was found to be the case with the Titan submarine disaster alleged to have occurred back in June of 2023.

As most may recall, one’s investigation into the alleged demise of the Titan submersible and its five crew members demonstrated that the story presented to the public by the MSM not only possessed masonic symbolism, a human interest narrative element recycled from the Titanic hoax, and plot holes larger than a jet airline hangar, but that one of the alleged “victims” – Suleman Dawood – was a photo shopped/raked image of a young Hollywood actor – Jack Champion – associated with esteemed Hollywood director James Cameron who, it also turns out, is the live-action role player behind the portrayal of NASA JPL “rock and roll rocket scientist” Adam Steltzner.

SEE: MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

What better way could exist, therefore, to further solidify a modern retelling of an ancient occult myth in the collective consciousness of the general public, than to also cast one of Hollywood’s most iconic actors – one who was once known as the “late” Michael C. Rockefeller – in a starring role as one of the heroic “victims”?

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CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

Within an investigative context, minute details are akin to clues hidden along jungled pathways culminating into ultimate revelation.

After studying the performance of the actor featured in the following video excerpt – alleged to be  “Phillip Mudd”, American media commentator and former counterterrorism official at both CIA and FBI – everyone will begin to surely notice similarities, in both tone and nuance(s) of voice as well as physical mannerisms, in common with a Hollywood/television actor who rose to stardom during the era of the 1980’s, one who is perhaps most famous for having been cast in the lead role of the Hollywood science fiction blockbuster ‘Back to the Future’.



During his interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “Mudd” – a surname which, gematria calculation informs, equals 21, 3 7’s, or 777 in English Ordinal Reverse Reduction, Alistair Crowley’s joker intelligence code – attempts to elaborately spin a ridiculous yarn concerning a car bombing which was alleged to have been carried out by a terrorist, a terrorist he claims to have later spoken with. This narrative represents a gross prevarication undoubtedly created by CIA’s intelligence handlers then delivered by “Mudd” while on air with a theatrical flourish of intense but feigned emotional hysteria. Furthermore, this dubious tale detailing an act of alleged “terrorism” was likely thoroughly concocted to not only bolster in the minds of the targeted audience demographics the utility and continued necessity for CIA and FBI’s domestic and global surveillance efforts to combat “terrorism” and to keep the general public “safe” from “terrorists”, but to justify further tax expenditures beneficial to annual budgetary expansions. Upon viewing the video posted immediately above several more times, it also becomes apparent through detailed ocular analysis that certain portions of the facial geometry belonging to “Phil Mudd” have been strategically modified with CGI layering/animation during CNN’s post-production phase.

What “Mudd” fails to reveal, however, is that the American general public are the genuine target of these alphabet lettered agency’s vast surveillance dragnet and are therefore regarded as potential “terrorists”.

As shall be further detailed later on, the confirmed identity of the Hollywood actor in portrayal of CIA/FBI counterterrorism official “Phillip Mudd” confirms several salient points.

One – that high profile Hollywood actors/celebrities are also well-trained intelligence assets and agents who are regularly contracted to perform under pseudonyms in the guise of high government officials to influence public opinion and perception and, through the effectiveness of their scripted public performances to elicit desired emotional responses in their targeted audiences, to justify greater tax expenditures allocated towards alphabet lettered US corporate government agencies acting under the aegis of and in concert with the Jesuit-controlled US military/industrial/Hollywood entertainment complex.

Two – in the case of former counterterrorism CIA/FBI official and MSM commentator “Phillip Mudd”, it becomes apparent his positive identification as a media-generated fabricated character scheme, portrayed by a strategically modified Hollywood actor, Michael J. Fox (666), legitimizes the premise that both CIA and FBI have historically utilized such modified character schemes for the purposes of plausible deniability regarding their various taxpayer funded psychological operations and, three, by virtue of placing such modified characters acting under pseudonyms who cannot be legally prosecuted in any court operating under Admiralty (AKA Roman/Maritime) Law before the public’s eye as “official” spokespersons, they are provided with an impenetrable shield against the possibility of legal scrutiny or worse, criminal prosecution.

But, given that “Alejandro Mayorkas”, the current chief of US Homeland Security, has also been identified as a fabricated character scheme, portrayed by another famous Hollywood actor – more on this will be revealed in another article, coming soon – there arrives an additional, and perhaps even more sinister, hypothetical premise to consider.

Namely, that the office of Homeland Security exists merely as a brass plated front or proxy for Jesuit-controlled CIA, created as a US corporate government funded bank depository from which CIA can clandestinely but legally funnel, in the way of double dipping, more tax dollars into its already bulging coffers both to sufficiently fund and to dramatically expand its domestic and globally connected surveillance and psychological operations.

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Middle East’s War Simulation Spectacle

Middle East’s War Simulation Spectacle

Emotional hysteria is never conducive to dispassionate objectivity, which is necessary for capable, penetrative analysis of world events. While broadcasting images of what appears to be a war-ravaged Gaza and delivering ham-fisted propaganda disguised as “news”, the MSM knows this all-too-well. Held in the grip of television’s beguiling spell, blinded by ideological extremes, a majority of the targeted population becomes incapable of observing they’ve been thoroughly manipulated into warring with each other. But such skillful con artists have always repetitively utilized the power of suggestion, accompanied by neural linguistic programming, stage managed images, and scripted messaging broadcasted through electronic mediums, to peddle outrageous lies as absolute truth.

For the past several decades, since the post-WWII period, such blatant but nevertheless skillful con artists have managed to persuade Western audiences, specifically American ones, selling them on the idea there is a bloody and protracted war ongoing in the Middle East.

More recently, social media outlets – specifically, that digitally platformed abomination known as TikTok, targeted at demographics consisting of the cerebrally stunted, the emotionally juvenile, and those prone to gullibility – have developed into the MSM con artist’s invaluable primary weapons of psychological warfare, trusty handmaidens with which to market their egregious war propaganda.

Repeatedly, both Americans and the world-at-large, have been told the State of Israel and the State of Palestine are opposing factions involved in bloody armed conflict.

But what if both sides were discovered to be in on the ruse, covertly cooperating in the execution of a grand confidence game which, for decades, overseen, managed by the United Nations, has been theatrically staged for ulterior motives?

In fact, upon further investigation, a former leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization – “Yassar Arafat” – has been identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by one of popular music’s most legendary and iconic personalities.

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Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Oftentimes, what is readily visible to the human eye can also remain elusive, clandestine. When it comes to discerning the nature of reality, as presented to the public through television, computer/phone screens, it is this mingling of the seen and the unseen which remains an unsettling, even sinister, if not fascinating paradox.

However, when details of the myriad number of images, purported to be accurate portrayals of reality, flashed onscreen are scrutinized with a keen, coldly objective eye, the monochromatic truth concealed behind the facade of colorful lies can no longer remain obscured. It then becomes apparent that the deceitful nature of these well-designed images has been utilized to program, manufacture a preferred perception of simulated reality, created to serve ulterior agendas against the interests of their targeted audience, and which aim to manipulate then reshape both thought and behavior on a massive scale.

Since their inception, Hollywood and the MSM have remained the undisputed masters at maintaining this cruel deception. On this occasion, we shall primarily concern ourselves with the popular image which, for several years now, has been sold to the public as American presidential first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”.

Before becoming known as “Doctor Jill”, however, the result of extensive investigation indicates, she was an actress who began her public career in television and was known by another name. A name synonymous with ‘hit’ television shows such as the cowboy/western themed “Big Valley” during the 1960’s and, still later, during the 1980’s, with a starring role in “Dynasty”.

In the following video clip, this veteran television/Hollywood actress can be observed performing in the role of “Audra Barkley” in an episode of “Big Valley”, shot and aired in 1965.

Indeed, as shall be more fully revealed, American first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”, alleged to have been awarded an academic Ed.D., exists as a wholly created fabrication. But when the deceptive layers are peeled away, the actress who portrays her is revealed to be a doctor of deception, a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

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MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

Mainstream news stories aren’t meant to inform the public. Rather, they are a psychologically penetrative form of oftentimes insidious, sometimes even sinister deception. While appearing to be benignly informative, the genuine but concealed intention is to ruinously propagandize its intended, targeted audience.

When efficiently performed on a mass scale, the effects of propaganda can be all encompassing, seizing the general public in the grip of auto hypnosis, an unrelenting, even strangulating grasp from which they aren’t meant to escape. That is, until the MSM decides to broadcast yet another irresistibly melodramatic human-interest narrative intended to redirect the malleable public’s collective and abbreviated attention span.

The recent Ocean Gate/Titan submarine disaster in which five persons were alleged to have perished presents an instructive metaphor, demonstrating that if one is not aware of propaganda’s manipulations to which they are subjected, they are certain to be submerged beneath the waves, deluged under all manner of psychological manipulations, coercions, then immersed, drowned in the murky depths of deception’s vast ocean.

And yet, with the emergence of this particular news story, into the deepest abyss is precisely where the MSM’s faltering credibility has plummeted.

Somehow, quite predictably, when highly esteemed Hollywood director/executive producer James Cameron soon entered the frame in the wake of the Titan submarine’s “disaster”, it was then one became quite certain the MSM harbored an ulterior agenda. First, to execute an occult/masonic ritual and, secondarily, to create a perverse justification to cynically hoist Cameron into the public’s eye because a sequel to Avatar, the Way of Water is slated to be released later this year in time enough for what Hollywood’s executives surely anticipate being a most profitable Christmas season.

Turns out, not only is James Cameron one of Hollywood’s most accomplished and creatively brilliant film directors, but, with connections to NASA, he is also a master of deception, and, as everyone shall soon observe, no stranger to the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation. Continue reading “MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep”

Another Fake ‘Phil’ Talk Show Host

Another Fake ‘Phil’ Talk Show Host

Though many who frequent this site may have read about the results of the investigation into “Doctor Phil McGraw” who was identified as a fabricated character scheme, he wasn’t the only talk show host named ‘Phil’ with a hidden identity.

SEE: Del’s Big Tree Bears Rotten Fruit

Before the vivid persona of Oprah Winfrey became the predominant figure on the daytime television talk show circuit, there was another with whom Oprah credits the possibility for her meteoric success – “Phil Donahue”.

From the beginning of his television career, the popular television persona who became known to the American public as “Phil Donahue” carved out a rather sizable and dominant niche on what was up until then, during the era of the 1980’s, an almost barren daytime television landscape populated by mindless game shows and melodramatic soap operas.


Even after his emergence on the American television airwaves, the format of Donahue’s talk show contrasted sharply with that of his would-be competitors. Instead of founding a platform for inane discussions concerning crass popular culture or a shallow promotional showcase for Hollywood celebrities, “Phil Donahue” showed a penchant for tackling issues which appeared to be of social or political import. Issues which sometimes were considered controversial or even taboo by targeted audiences and network executives alike.

As shown in the video clip at the link posted below, in 1985, decades before the Covid-19 “pandemic”, “Phil Donahue” invited Doctor Robert S. Mendelsohn – who at the time was considered to be a most controversial figure among his colleagues in the medical profession – onto his show to discuss the clear and present dangers to the public’s health posed by vaccinations.


Though today, mainstream talk show hosts wouldn’t dare allow such contrarian views to be aired, at least in this regard, “Phil Donahue” proved to be well ahead of his time and his would-be competitors. But did this penchant for exploring controversial topics emanate from a deeply held conviction? Or was “Phil Donahue” merely playing out the role he was scripted to portray?

Upon further investigation, the latter turned out to be the case.

“Phil Donahue” was a fabricated character scheme. A carefully tailored image designed to titillate and entertain a particular targeted audience of daytime television consumers. After all, as any television executive knows, controversy is a marketable commodity, profitable to not only the network’s bottom line, but to the network’s advertisers. But there is much more to the story of “Phil Donahue” which won’t be found in “official biographies”.

Before becoming daytime television’s premiere talk show host, “Phil Donahue” played the role of a villain in one of American history’s most tragic narratives – the “assassination” of an American president. Not only that, but the Hollywood actor knighted by the British royal family who has been identified as his host actor (live-action role player) has been known by a slew of famous pseudonyms.

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