Jesuit Pope Francis’s Papal Fraud

Jesuit Pope Francis’s Papal Fraud

Pope Francis, reputed to be the first Jesuit Cardinal to ascend to the Papal throne, is not who you think he is.

There exist two immediate reasons as to why this should be so.

For one, it turns out, “Francis” is a much younger man posed behind the mask of someone appearing much older.

For another, “Pope Francis” is a royal prince, and hails from one of Italy’s most ancient royal families, the genealogical roots of which emanate from before the era of imperial Rome.

As pontiff of the Vatican, in Rome, “Francis” presides over the Roman Empire – ruled from the trident of capitals: Vatican City, in Rome, the Crown Temple in the City of London, and the principality of Washington’s District of Columbia.

Rome’s is an empire which, contrary to the consensus of most academic historians, never died, it merely transitioned.

Like its current Pontiff, Pope Francis, the empire hides behind a carefully crafted veil.

Today, the Roman Empire, over which Pope Francis rules, is better known in its modern iteration as the United Nations, an international governing body which made its debut upon the world’s stage during the post-war era, in 1947.

Continue reading “Jesuit Pope Francis’s Papal Fraud”

US Attorney General Lowers the Bar

US Attorney General Lowers the Bar

Ever feel like you’ve been cheated?

While those whom frequent this site know of the many deceptions the MSM has dished out to the public, there are still those unaware of Post-Modern Reality Simulation; the grand illusion which has formulated and molded mass perceptions and even entire belief systems, whether social, political, or religious.

Once again, yet another famous Hollywood actor – under the guise of US Attorney General William Pelham Barr – has been found lurking behind the fabricated mask of a very public face.

Recently, this award-winning Hollywood actor also portrayed a similar high profile character. However, as with so many other character fabrications examined in the past, the supreme court justice this Hollywood actor portrayed is supposed to be dead.

Additionally, as everyone shall soon discover, this character’s name – William Pelham Barr – harbors great occult significance. Continue reading “US Attorney General Lowers the Bar”

Governor Gretchen & Her Imaginary Militia

Governor Gretchen & Her Imaginary Militia

“This wasn’t a hoax,” said Javid Ali, a former senior director for counter-terrorism at the National Security Council.


Rest assured, when anyone, especially one alleged to be a former government “official”, states, on the record, such a widely promoted news event wasn’t a hoax, the truth always falls in direct contradiction to the consensus MSM narrative.

Unfortunately for Javid Ali, there exists a plethora of empirical evidence that, more than suggests, the recent “kidnapping” attempt upon Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer was another bit of pathetic hocus pocus perpetrated by the MSM.

The alleged “plot,” foiled by the FBI which, like CIA, is a Jesuit arm of the international intelligence octopus, was drawn from an identical playbook of psychological warfare, utilized centuries earlier, with Guy Fawkes and the infamous Gunpowder Plot.

SEE: Jesuit bloodlines behind gunpowder plot hoax

More recently, in 2007, this same Jesuit-derived playbook was utilized, and involved a manufactured terror group dubbed “Liberty City Seven”.

Surely, everyone noticed the number of seven (Kabbalah Zayin, the mind weapon, the hook).

As everyone will soon witness, that particular number – seven – is featured prominently in the “kidnap” fairytale starring Michigan governor, “Gretchen Whitmer”.

In terms of numerological coding, “Gretchen Whitmer” sums to 176 which, in turn, when summed, equals 14 or 77 (Lucifer’s Lightning), a number symbolic of the spiritual or angelic transformation of ideas into the material sphere.

In other words, folks, “Gretchen Whitmer” is a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a host actor, yet another bit player upon the grand stage of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Additionally, there are many similarities between the concocted “kidnap” scenario involving “Gretchen Whitmer” and the story, from back in 2007, of the “Liberty City Seven”.

In the case of “Liberty City Seven”, according to the New York Times – “America’s newspaper of record, the “Old Gray Ledger” – while appearing before a Justice Department hearing, FBI “officials” admitted they provided the seven “terror” suspects with the means, motive, and opportunity to commit what was alleged to have been a planned attack upon the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Therefore – it stands to further reason – why should anyone believe the FBI was not similarly – if not intimately – involved with the execution of the “Wolverine Watchmen” psychological operation, what appears to be a farcically ridiculous “kidnap” plot involving Michigan governor “Gretchen Whitmer”?


Of course, staging psychological operations on behalf of their masters, the Jesuit order and the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, has become standard operating procedure for the FBI.

Yes folks, whenever a Hollywood-styled B-grade boogeyman is needed for an important and widely promoted psychological operation, the bought-and-paid-for agents of the FBI stand ready to dutifully create, direct, and stage manage the action.

Undoubtedly, the FBI was behind the curtain to both direct and stage manage the “militia group” now known to the American public as “Wolverine Watchmen” with, of course, an ulterior purpose in mind: to provide a plausible casus belli for what will appear to be an American Civil conflict.

Assuredly, in future, the appearance of civil conflict – much like the recent “kidnapping” attempt of “Gretchen Whitmer” – will also be the result of a manufactured and preplanned psychological operation.

Throughout history, and on many occasions, the Jesuit order’s time tested methods of setting the stage for civil conflict have been flawlessly executed.

Nevertheless, among a majority of the American public, establishing the legitimacy of a manufactured civil conflict will justify calls for Martial Law in every major American city.

The appearance of an American civil conflict will also facilitate the smooth execution of President Donald J. Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed.”

SEE: The Royal Court’s Supreme Con

Surely, everyone can lucidly visualize, the nature of the psychological warfare which is playing out on a grand stage.

In order for the US corporate government to gain strategic advantage – those among the American people (the targeted enemy) which possess any perceivable capability to mount or organize any semblance of genuine resistance, whether real or imagined – the enemy must, first, be demoralized, demonized and, then, neutralized into compliance.

This is what Donald J. Trump (AKA Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco) meant when, recently, he said, “Stand back and stand by.”

There’s only one problem with the alleged “kidnap” scenario reported by the MSM: not only was the alleged “militia group” manufactured – as alluded to before – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is a fabricated character modification scheme portrayed by a host actor, one who once played a significant role in the Sandy Hook school massacre, back in 2006.

Turns out, folks, upon further examination, “Gretchen Whitmer” is also a European royal in disguise.

Continue reading “Governor Gretchen & Her Imaginary Militia”

Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces

Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces

Once again, the American public has been emotionally manipulated by yet another inconceivable news story.

On its face, the narrative details of the story of “Amy Ford”, the 39 year-old Registered Nurse who, it was recently alleged, gunned down another woman after an argument in Mingo County, West Virginia, appear to stretch the boundaries of the absurd to the breaking point.

Odder still, there don’t seem to exist any eyewitnesses to the alleged “shooting”.

As well, the timing of this story appears tellingly suspicious, given, at present, the precarious state of social and political circumstances in America.

Rest assured, such emotionally jarring news stories are intended as part and parcel of the grand scheme of psychological warfare, of the type which has been executed by the Jesuit order, in Rome, since the dawn of the 20th century and the development of rapid mass media communication.

Upon further investigation, after ripping away the superficial veil of the story of “Amy Ford” – also known, according to investigating police, as Amy Thorn (the occult significance of that name will be explained, a bit later) – it became apparent this was yet another example of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Ford’s story also involves a senior United States Senator, “Joe Machin”, who, upon further investigation, has turned out to be a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a former NFL athlete.

It has also been discovered, “Amy Ford” is the hidden daughter of Manchin’s host actor. While alleged to have died in 2016, Ford’s host actor portrayed the gun toting nurse, “Amy Ford”, who also appeared at the recent Republican National Convention in 2020, to speak about the dangers of the Covid-19 “pandemic” and to promote Senator Manchin’s TeleHealth bill.

Further investigation into both Ford’s and Manchin’s confirmed host actors have, not surprisingly, turned up key connections to Jesuit institutions of higher learning.

Yes folks, those at the highest levels of the Jesuit order, in control of the Vatican, in Rome – in their insufferable arrogance and incorrigible hubris – can never resist leaving behind clues at the scene of the crime. Continue reading “Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces”

Milton’s Free-For-All Fraud

Milton’s Free-For-All Fraud

For decades, Milton Friedman was the rock star of theoretical economics.

Over a period of decades, Friedman’s face became just as recognizable to Americans as those of many Hollywood celebrities.

It could also be said, Friedman’s ubiquitous public appearances while serving up fast food academia to middle America helped to create the concept of television punditry, television personalities which, today, are better known as “experts”.

With numerous television appearances, door stopping publications, and college lectures to his credit, Friedman became the symbolic epitome of free market economics.

But what if, Friedman’s persona was nothing more than a theatrical stage act, a live action cartoon guru backed with nothing more than manufactured academic bona fides to legitimize it?

Recently, a curious piece of footage surfaced, which featured Friedman facing off with a slew of European academics to discuss the validity of his economic theories.

The facial geometry of one those “academics” appeared familiar.

Upon closer scrutiny, this “European academic” turned out to be very familiar indeed.

In fact, the actor portraying the role of this “academic” enjoyed a long career on both British television and on the theatrical stage, before, in the latter stages of his career, moving on to both featured appearances on American television and in award-winning Hollywood cinematic productions.

Of course, upon making this relatively startling discovery, one became suspicious of Friedman as well.

Could it have been possible, as in the case of this “European academic”, Friedman was also a fabricated character scheme?

Not only did “Milton Friedman” turn out to be an award-winning Hollywood actor in disguise, it also turns out, Friedman’s host actor is the hidden father of Marlon Brando (AKA Burt Reynolds). Continue reading “Milton’s Free-For-All Fraud”