Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Even the most transparent masquerades can remain effective. But oftentimes – especially when put under greater and even microscopic scrutiny – not for very long. During the course of an ongoing investigation into politician, lawyer, former IMF directing manager and now European Central Bank president Christine LeGarde, one remained suspicious that not only did her French accent indicate a theatrical affectation, but that certain of her habitual mannerisms appeared familiar indeed.

Below: Christine LeGarde, Hollywood and television actress Allison Janney

It also became clear, while observing her perform during various interviews, that LeGarde’s responses were heavily laden with propagandistic buzzwords and scripted talking points, and therefore considered to be substantively deficient, leading one to conclude that something was amiss, and that one was watching an actor in the midst of a theatrical performance, a media-generated personality rather than a highly educated economist and competent executive.

Turns out, the “official” biographies of “Christine LeGarde” are complete fabrications and that she too is a fabricated character scheme placed in highly visible and prominent positions of influence – IMF managing director, presidency of European Central Bank – to promote the transformation of the global economy with the establishment of a central bank digital currency and to spout propaganda relating to the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and its seventeen “sustainability goals”.

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NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

Politics is not only the practiced art of deception, but also merely theater, a staged production cast with actors, each portraying especially tailored roles, trained to regurgitate the ideologically oriented talking points scripted for them. It matters not for which candidate one casts their vote, because “freedom of choice” through the process of voting is merely a sham, an illusion.

Though a majority of US citizens may still lend credence to this illusion through the opportunity to cast votes in legally sanctioned “elections”, the candidates, all of whom, whether “democrat” or “republican”, are carefully vetted then selected by the upper ranks of the masonic brotherhood to represent the interests of the Crown Templar/Swiss/Vatican/banking cartels. The process of voter registration merely entails a citizen’s surrendering of legal consent, a legal forfeiture of individual sovereignty to the tyrannical will of collective corporate governance consisting of those “elected” to perform business as private law merchants. Washington’s District of Columbia (AKA United States/Virginia Company), a private masonic principality governed by Admiralty Law/UCC (Uniform Commercial Code), is a corporate subsidiary of the Crown Temple and its four Courts of Inn – Middle, Inner Temple, Grey’s and Lincoln’s Inn – residing in the City of London (AKA one square mile).

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America (part I)

How Crown Temple rules America (part II)

How Crown Temple rules America (part III)

How Crown Temple Rules America (Part IV)

SEE also: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The fifty states (crown estates) of America which fall under the legal governing jurisdiction of the United States (AKA Washington D.C./Virginia Company), including Alaska and Hawaii outside its contiguous boundaries, exist as commercial markets/banking districts which were created for the commercial exploitation of both human and natural resources. As explained in previous articles, the US constitution and all state (crown estate) constitutions are legal documents couched in the legal terms of private law enumerating citizen privileges which can be amended or even revoked at any time. While the subject of this article concerns the current “elected” governor of New York, “Kathy Hochul”, it is important to point out that all US states (crown estates), are represented by two governors. This duality of governance remains hidden in each state (estate) constitution, written in the terms of legalese as opposed to vernacular.

Kathy_Hochul_official_portrait (1)

There is a hidden governor for the de facto crown corporation – governor of ‘this’ state – and another – governor of ‘the’ state – which remains visible to the public. This duality of governance was codified in 1933 with the War Powers Act (UCC 2107) which is not only still in effect today but entailed that the publicly traded bonds (AKA birth certificates) of the people were henceforth to be put up as collateral against the debt owed to the Federal Reserve, a central banking subsidiary of the City of London’s Crown Temple. According to Title 50 USC (United States Code), 12 stat 319, since 1861, the US corporate government has been legally operating under a state of war. The Middle Temple of City of London’s Crown Temple uses the crown estate of New York as a primary base of operation and New York’s political machine is completely controlled by the York Rite of Freemasonry. Therefore, as “elected” governor of ‘the’ state of New York, the job of “Kathy Hochul” is largely ceremonial. Her designated role is to act as official spokesperson on behalf of the de facto crown corporation.

This is why Hollywood actors fill such positions while contracted to perform under pseudonyms.

After all, as everyone is surely well aware, actors are most accomplished at playing scripted roles, staying in character, and taking direction from an executive producer. Though actors cannot be held legally accountable since, within the context of the arena of politics, they are contracted to perform as private law merchants under false names attached to fabricated character schemes and, from a legal standpoint, technically don’t exist, they can, however, due to unsatisfactory performance, stand to take criticism from the public and then subsequently “voted” out of office. But this is the precise trick which is played upon the public to keep the status quo maintained in favor of the US corporation’s owners. Meanwhile, the legal but unlawful status quo remains intact, and the City of London’s Crown Temple, the US corporate government, and their criminal cartel remains sovereign, inviolable, and untouched.

As shall soon be revealed, the Hollywood actress identified in portrayal of New York governor “Kathy Hochul” is indeed an accomplished professional thespian who, most notably, starred in West Wing, a once popular television series.


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