All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)

All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)

As the title implies, one shall attempt to once again examine the true nature of one of the most effective psychological operations utilized by the ruling elite Jesuit families –  the sports and entertainment complex.

For this installment, one shall briefly transition the focus away from the centrifugal concept explored in the recent past concerning the actor based reality and examine the purpose(s) for which the American sports and entertainment complex was created, how it is maintained, and to identify the psychological factors in maintaining its hegemony over the lives of the masses.

This subject matter happens to coincide with the recent government psychological operation unleashed in Florida, in so far as the identical mass manipulative psychological dynamics utilized to maintain the socio-political effectiveness of such intelligence operations are common to that of the sports and entertainment complex.

Perhaps even for loyal readers, the conclusion(s) presented here shall not be perceived as comfortable notions to contemplate, and as usual, shall no doubt be dismissed out of hand by some. The pursuit of truth often implies one shall be forced to forge their own path through a desolate, lonely and dangerous wilderness.

Nonetheless, one shall proceed – undaunted. Continue reading “All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)”

Should America buy what Elon is selling?(Part III)

In a world drowning in lies the saving grace of truth has been deemed “hate speech.”

There can no longer be any doubt you are living in a fabricated reality created by insecure narcissists and reinforced with the lethal club of psychological warfare repeatedly bludgeoning the masses into submissive docility.

The irony of this scenario is that the so-called ruling elite are more afraid than ever of what the masses may do if ever a great percentage became aware of the true nature of their illusion of power.

In truth, they are weak and pathetic – and they know it. Think about it folks, if those perceived as so-called authorities were telling the truth, would they need armies, police, guns and bombs to enforce it?

And remember, the perceived power of the ruling elite wouldn’t exist if the masses weren’t so willing to give away the power to rule over their own destiny.

Believe it or not folks, the actor based reality is not the only secret harbored by the ruling elite Jesuit families. In fact, the proverbial rabbit hole in this Wonderland of Oz sold to the masses through corporate owned mainstream media outlets as “reality” goes much deeper.

But for now, before one begins to address that dilemma, there is the issue of America’s “next level genius” Elon Musk (Elo=the biblical Elohim found in Genesis/EM=33, most supreme degree bestowed by Scottish Rite Freemasonry).

It is most probable the alleged host actor(s) hidden behind the CGI mask of Elon Musk are one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, and a royal European Prince. As one shall soon observe, the former was closely related to the career development of music industry superstar Lady Gaga, portrayed by Princess Beatrice, the Duchess of York (See: Unholy trinity: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll (Part IV) Continue reading “Should America buy what Elon is selling?(Part III)”

Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part II)

Facebook Banner Stephen Perkins[1781]Should you buy a car from a man named Elon? Turns out, based upon the following information, one should probably reconsider.

Increasingly, there is evidence Tesla Motors may be not only a brass plated Ponzi scheme, but the company’s establishment may have been a kickback quid pro quo in exchange for considerable political contributions to the wealthy and influential Hollywood host actor portraying the manufactured character of ‘next level genius’ Elon Musk.

Not only has Musk’s Tesla Motors failed to meet its production targets for its Model Three, but mechanical difficulties with a number of those models delivered from past production lines have reportedly marred customer confidence going forward.

Not only does significant evidence exist Tesla Motors may be operating on a dubious business model, but its CEO and founder, Elon Musk, turns out to be yet another manufactured mainstream media cartoon character portrayed by a host actor.

Yes, you read that correctly folks, ‘Mr. Next Level Genius’ Elon Musk is a CGI generated cult of personality, and once again America has been thoroughly duped. Guaranteed, after reading the following, one may choose to balk before buying anything – much less an electric powered car – from the man America’s masses have come to know as ‘Elon’.  Continue reading “Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part II)”

Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part 1)

Would you buy a car from a man named Elon?

Admittedly, not even Henry Ford could have envisioned Elon Musk’s latest PR stunt. With the current stock price of Musk’s Tesla company in the midst of yet another embarrassing nosedive, Elon Musk – the 21st century P.T. Barnum – apparently decided the only way he could bolster the plummeting confidence of investors rather than going back to the unforgiving bond market was to pull a stunt of cosmic proportions. With the help of Chroma Key and CGI, Musk and Space X have made it appear as if the Tesla car has been literally launched into outer space.

Not surprisingly, America and the world believes it!

Well, everyone except the discerning and loyal readers of, that is.

Although one has published a series of installments on America’s hallowed space agency, NASA, one has left well enough alone when it comes to its so-called competition: private ‘space exploration’ company Space X and its heralded cult leader Elon Musk. However, with the latest ‘space adventure’ marketed by Musk and Space X, one felt compelled to finally attempt a probing examination.

Whether or not there exist those invariably worshiping at the altar of America’s latest heralded entrepreneur who shall no doubt dismiss the following findings out of hand, one’s preliminary probe into the dubious business model of Elon Musk’s electric powered Tesla automobile enterprise proved to be quite revealing.

Not only does there exist evidence of stock price fixing and market rigging, but also circumstantial and perhaps empirical evidence there may be significant collusion between Musk’s Tesla Motors, and the US government.

After observing the supporting evidence, loyal readers will no doubt wonder why the SEC has turned a blind eye to what appears to be deliberate and felonious criminality. Could it be, the Security and Exchange Commission is in on the game being played with Tesla, and could be colluding with the alleged criminal parties?

The following expose shall attempt to probe what appears to be a criminal syndicate operating in plain public sight, and with the implicit blessing of the US government in speculative collusion with an alleged private company and its heralded guru, Elon Musk. Continue reading “Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part 1)”

US government goes wacko in Waco

US government goes wacko in Waco

With this installment, one shall continue to dismantle the sacred cows of documented American history.  As loyal readers have observed, even sacred cows get slaughtered. The media sorcerers broadcast psychological operations not only to increase ratings, but to also propagate government funded propaganda. Upon further examination, the alleged showdown in Waco, Texas between FBI, David Koresh and his Branch Davidian cult represents yet another documented example of such propaganda.

Considering Waco however, one shall attempt to examine and ascertain the overall purpose of the government’s propaganda. And yet again folks, one has discovered the participation of ruling elite family members portraying starring roles in what amounted to a psychological operation transformed into one of television’s grandest soap opera mini-series. As one shall soon observe, all of the so-called details of this widely broadcast event were delivered to the public in the manner similar to a fiction narrative developed in Hollywood via story board fashion, complete with dramatic character arcs.

Yes, perhaps not surprisingly folks, one has discovered the starring role portrayed by a familiar figure ; a ‘thin white duke’ transformed to bible thumping fundamentalist cult leader. But, one has also discovered the participation of yet another well recognized Hollywood actress, who among other noted cinematic roles to her credit, has worked with Hollywood Kabbalah boys club member George Lucas.   Continue reading “US government goes wacko in Waco”