Christchurch Host To Crisis X Conference?

One should take this opportunity to once again thank those who have recently decided to become followers here at Newsspell.

For those looking for real alternative news, you’ve truly arrived – as they say – at the right place.

With this installment, one has discovered some remarkably revealing information that simply cannot be denied by even those – often without cause and lacking significant counter argument – who scoff at the concept of crisis actors or cast derision at the concept of the actor based reality as wholly inconceivable.

Despite the pejorative criticisms of knee-jerk detractors overly stricken with the plague of puerile political correctness or either hopeless insipidity, what follows should count as irrefutable proof that the world is being deliberately hoaxed and emotionally manipulated into accepting the global dystopia of the UN’s Agenda 21 or “sustainable development” – or whatever tortured euphemistic moniker the ruling elites decide to call the brand of futuristic tyranny they have planned for the masses of humanity going forward. Remarkably, and with the full knowledge of local officials including the mayor, it has come to one’s attention that the municipality of Christchurch, New Zealand played host to a conference featuring keynote speakers from a public relations and crisis management company called Crisis X.

Apparently, the Crisis X conference was fully attended and consecutively convened on March 4th and the 5th, ten days before the alleged lone gunman attacks on the Al-Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Center on the 15th of March, 2019.

Strap yourselves in folks, this amusement ride promises to become quite bumpy. Continue reading “Christchurch Host To Crisis X Conference?”

The Rockefellers and Their Phony Feminists

The Rockefellers and Their Phony Feminists

With all the divisive and volcanic rhetoric bandied about concerning the issue of gender-identity and gender politics, this installment shall prove especially noteworthy, and as usual, perhaps even controversial.

But as loyal readers have surely come to learn, the sinister concept of political correctness – due to its deceptively Orwellian nature – merely represents a barrier to penetrative analysis and ultimately, free thought.

Any such barriers deserve to be utterly smashed to bits.

What if one was to learn that the radical feminist ideology and its recent offshoot movements currently tearing the West asunder (i.e. #MeToo, Times Up, etc. etc.), were artificially created for ulterior commercial purposes and upon false premises, and that some of the earliest and most staunch proponents of this paradigm changing social movement during the era of the 1970’s were nothing more than artificially created social agitators spewing lines from a script handed to them by a queue of intelligence masters at Langley.

Furthermore, what if a case could be made that renowned feminists Claire Booth Luce, Gloria Steinem and Dame Rebecca West –  the first of which was a figure from Hollywood’s golden era while the latter two were European royalty in disguise – were portrayed by actors and all continue to be an integral part of the maintenance of the post-modern phenomenon known as the actor-based-reality?

Moreover, what if it could be determined beyond shadow of doubt that all were characters and in fact nothing more than straw parties – a trio of theatrical props set up and funded by that ubiquitous and prominent family of merchant bankers, the Rockefellers – designed to carry out the sinister objectives of an agenda clandestinely driven by the ulterior and commercially profitable motivations of the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families?

Stay tuned folks, as we once again dare to tear the veil of illusion aside, and proceed to cast the detritus of imposed popular perceptions into the four winds.

Oh, and there is a Sandy Hook connection!

Continue reading “The Rockefellers and Their Phony Feminists”

Is Christchurch’s “Abdul Aziz” A Familiar “Hero”?

Have you ever observed a familiar face, and though perhaps at first it may have been difficult to accurately place, further examination of the facial geometry proved fruitful?

Such became the case with the identity of the latest “hero” heralded by the MSM – “Abdul Aziz”.

Turns out folks, you’ve seen “Abdul” in action before, and posed in the role of another heroic figure.

Does the following image appear familiar?

That’s right, folks, the image displayed above is from a mass casualty event back on April 15, 2013 (a total of 2,160 days between the event in Christchurch/9/6 occult mirrored reversal/33/high-degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry) that came to be known as the “Boston Bombing”, and the man observed in the foregournd of the image, Carlos Arrendondo – the man donned in the ten gallon cowboy hat – was heralded by the MSM as the “hero” of the day.

Would it surprise one’s loyal readers to learn that “Carlos” AKA “Abdul” was also heralded as the “hero” by the MSM after the latest mass casualty event staged in Christchurch, New Zealand?

What shall soon be revealed is the genuine identity of “Carlos” or “Abdul”, the host actor behind the mask of the character, an actor and entertainer well-known to fans of 1970’s classic rock and pop music the world over. Continue reading “Is Christchurch’s “Abdul Aziz” A Familiar “Hero”?”

Kim Kardashian: Behind The Hollywood Mask

Coming up very soon after this installment, loyal readers will not want to miss the results of the author’s investigation into the most recent mass casualty event in Christchurch, New Zealand (Christchurch/Christ consciousness/CC=33/high-degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry/sums to 138 in English Ordinal gematria/12/21/777/ intelligence joker code).

Guaranteed, that installment shall prove to be filled with shocking revelations left unconsidered by other alternative news researchers, most of whom are insipidly labeling the event as either a “false flag” or have inexplicably decided to invest credulity into some aspects of the “official” narrative spun by the MSM media sorcerers.

As one’s loyal readers have come to learn, many of the biggest stars of stage and screen – both past and present – are not at all who they claim.

In a uniquely post-modern sense, each is a willful participant in a CGI-driven conversion scheme of deliberate identity fraud and, in many cases – due in part through both contractual obligation and genealogical relations – are strategically utilized to not only garner perpetual profit streams for their Templar/Jesuit/Masonic masters, but to bring forth the sinister and often perverse social and political goals of the thirteen ruling elite families who have long monopolized the entertainment industry.

The subject of this installment, while she no doubt still represents a cornerstone of 21st century Western pop culture, is a fraud with links to not only the monolithic mainstay of the corporate industrial/entertainment complex, Disney, but links to Hollywood executive titan, David Geffen, and the royal European House of von Furstenberg. Continue reading “Kim Kardashian: Behind The Hollywood Mask”

Shotgun Willie Goes Down in Flames

Shotgun Willie Goes Down in Flames

Moving forward from the dawn of the early 20th century, the establishment of Hollywood’s illusion factory created what came to be known as the American Dream, a mass distributed display of dazzling images that usurped any attempt made at an objective material perception of the genuine America.

One remains hopeful, however, that while a majority still remain in thrall to Hollywood’s spell-casting visions, that the information discovered here at Newsspell will continue to utterly grind such grand monuments as have been erected upon the foundation of the public’s mind to wind-blown dust.

Country and Western music star Willie Nelson has always been known as an “outlaw”, the celebrated culmination of a stellar but unorthodox entertainment career, a man who brawled his way to fame and fortune and, in the mythical vein of Frank Sinatra, did it his way.

The following information provided in this installment however, shall surely dispel any such mythical notions, demonstrating that Nelson’s reputation as an “outlaw” is yet another Hollywood concocted superficiality designed to generate profits rather than reflect any genuine iconoclasm. Continue reading “Shotgun Willie Goes Down in Flames”

“Justice” Sandra Day’s Supreme Con Job

“Justice” Sandra Day’s Supreme Con Job

This installment shall prove, once and for all, the three branches of the US corporate government established by its constitution are holographic structures designed to perform nothing more than theatrical gestures.

Though American history texts herald the US constitution as a living testament to America’s “freedom”, in truth, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which did not make provisions for a central banking concern, and resulted from legal negotiations between sworn Esquires of the Crown Temple – who were also holders of allodial land titles in the American colonies – and King George III who, while acting under the guise of first American president “George Washington”, was an agent of London’s Crown Temple.

The following information shall not only serve to expose yet another renowned and award-winning Hollywood actor in the role of a Supreme Court Justice, but further explain what specific government agencies, in cooperation with London’s Crown Temple and the Vatican, are really in control of the US corporation, rendering the three branches of government you may have learned about in public school’s civics class superfluous.

Indeed, Sandra Day O’Connor’s presence on the land’s highest court was merely a symbolic gesture, and as shall be demonstrated, those legal decisions that become reported as landmark templates of the American judicial system are not truly decided by the Justices sitting on the bench in Washington D.C., but in New York, which is licensed to be the prime legal franchise for the Inner Temple of the Crown in London, where all of the legal principals, judges, et al., are legal representatives called to the Bar of the Crown’s Middle Temple.

As for “Justice” Sandra Day O’Connor, she was yet another fabricated historical character portrayed by an esteemed Hollywood host actor – a name with which loyal readers are likely already familiar.  Continue reading ““Justice” Sandra Day’s Supreme Con Job”

Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s Magnum Loaded Illusion

Many still refuse to believe that politics in the West is just as fraudulent and scripted as the spectacle of professional wrestling. Perhaps the empirical evidence presented in this installment shall persuade those among the throngs of doubters and naysayers to at last reconsider.

Considering the growing majority of those in the West and in America, and to those who perhaps for the first time, are growing increasingly aware of those methodologies utilized by the mainstream media to manipulate the opinions, behavior and perceptions of the general public, hope, as they say, is beginning to spring eternal.

Given there seems to be a growing awareness of the actor based reality, would you now believe that one of professional wrestling’s most high-profile performers was also a noted and well-respected politician, and that prior to his career as “Hollywood Hulk Hogan”, this actor starred in the lead role of a very popular television network crime-drama series during the era of the 1980’s?

Subsequent to all of these varied careers, the host actor of such high-profile celebrity characters also assumed the role of Bernard Kerik, the police commissioner of New York City during the era of September 11, 2001, who later of course, fell under scrutiny and –  in a show of legal theatricality – was thoroughly disgraced.
Continue reading “Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s Magnum Loaded Illusion”