Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces

Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces

Once again, the American public has been emotionally manipulated by yet another inconceivable news story.

On its face, the narrative details of the story of “Amy Ford”, the 39 year-old Registered Nurse who, it was recently alleged, gunned down another woman after an argument in Mingo County, West Virginia, appear to stretch the boundaries of the absurd to the breaking point.

Odder still, there don’t seem to exist any eyewitnesses to the alleged “shooting”.

As well, the timing of this story appears tellingly suspicious, given, at present, the precarious state of social and political circumstances in America.

Rest assured, such emotionally jarring news stories are intended as part and parcel of the grand scheme of psychological warfare, of the type which has been executed by the Jesuit order, in Rome, since the dawn of the 20th century and the development of rapid mass media communication.

Upon further investigation, after ripping away the superficial veil of the story of “Amy Ford” – also known, according to investigating police, as Amy Thorn (the occult significance of that name will be explained, a bit later) – it became apparent this was yet another example of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Ford’s story also involves a senior United States Senator, “Joe Machin”, who, upon further investigation, has turned out to be a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a former NFL athlete.

It has also been discovered, “Amy Ford” is the hidden daughter of Manchin’s host actor. While alleged to have died in 2016, Ford’s host actor portrayed the gun toting nurse, “Amy Ford”, who also appeared at the recent Republican National Convention in 2020, to speak about the dangers of the Covid-19 “pandemic” and to promote Senator Manchin’s TeleHealth bill.

Further investigation into both Ford’s and Manchin’s confirmed host actors have, not surprisingly, turned up key connections to Jesuit institutions of higher learning.

Yes folks, those at the highest levels of the Jesuit order, in control of the Vatican, in Rome – in their insufferable arrogance and incorrigible hubris – can never resist leaving behind clues at the scene of the crime. Continue reading “Gun Toting Nurse Story Shot to Pieces”