All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part VI)

Are you ready for some football?

While most are enjoying their chips and dips, ice cold six packs, and donning the official jersey of their favorite NFL franchise or star player, here at, one shall continue to pose the one pertinent question most fans never seem to consider:

Is the NFL fixed, or is it legitimate?

Yes, it is that time again in America, when a large percentage of the public becomes fixated on the minute details of every play, every pass, even the dramatic human interest story lines developed to maximize the entertainment quotient of the slate of games offered every Sunday, and Monday, and yes, sometimes even Thursday. Because, professional football has displaced baseball as America’s favorite pastime, and Americans just can’t seem to get enough. But, little does the average NFL fan seem to be aware, the games are scripted spectacles, and not, as the prevailing perception would have it, legitimate sporting contests.

Oh, but one doesn’t think conspiracies exist in the NFL?

Well, think again, folks.

Not only do NFL owners conspire with mainstream television network presidents and Las Vegas gaming interests, but this practice isn’t novel. In fact, conspiracies are just business as usual. Truth is, it would be completely surprising if all of these elements did not conspire with one another to ensure profit margins for their stockholders.

The product inventory marketed by the NFL represents the result of perhaps the tightest quality control of all the professional sports leagues. And, with nearly six billion in annual revenues on the line, the league does anything in its legal control to ensure the highest rated teams and the most popular players make it onto American television screens during prime-time viewing hours.

However, what if one were to discover, the games one watches religiously every Sunday afternoon were scripted like a Hollywood movie, or perhaps even a reality television series? What if some of the head coaches, and most famous, and heralded players, to have ever suited up to play the game of professional football, were merely actors operating under pseudonyms, and were not who one thought they were?

Stay tuned folks, for this installment of, may be just as rough to take as if one were to suit themselves up, and step out on the field, to play what is reputedly the most violent professional sport ever conceived by the mind of man. So, tighten your chin straps, and fasten your shoulder pads, because for the average NFL fan encountering this information for the first time, one offers a word of caution before proceeding; this may be rougher than any good old smash mouth football contest ever played. Continue reading “All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part VI)”