What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald?

What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald?

Most would think the answer to the question posed in this installment’s headline would be obvious.

“Well like duh, Mr. Newsspell,” one can hear skeptics collectively howl, “everyone in America saw Oswald get shot on TV by that Ruby feller from the nightclub!”

And indeed, so you may have thought that was the case.

But Jack Ruby’s brutal murder of Oswald, as one shall soon attempt to explain, was a masonic ritual, performed no less, on live television, symbolically signifying the metaphorical process of death and rebirth. And, as loyal readers are well-cognizant, those characters participating in the phenomenon known as the actor based reality have a penchant for such seemingly miraculous transformations.

Indeed, the whole of recorded history consists of such magical transformations, of host actors portraying the roles of historical characters who, though they may die, are resurrected to live out another life under yet another fabricated pseudonym.

If anything has resulted from one’s research, it is this: history is merely a grand stage play, transforming the illusion of the magical into the mass consciousness of material reality.

The story of the historical character known as Lee Harvey Oswald is instructive if not, in its own way, begrudgingly enchanting. For it seems only in America could a man, cast as the lone gunman and accused of assassinating a president, proceed to become a celebrated host of perhaps the most popular prime time television show of its era! Continue reading “What really happened to JFK assassin Oswald?”