FDA Lies & Loses its Religion

FDA Lies & Loses its Religion

Sometimes, the ‘powers that be’ make it all-too-easy.

If observed closely, with certainty, everyone shall notice that, the face of Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, “Doctor Steven Hahn”, appears very familiar.

Though Hahn is alleged to be a licensed “oncologist”, he, like his colleagues-in-crime Doctors Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci, is nothing more than a thespian following an assigned script, an actor who has willfully agreed to play his role in the Jesuit’s grand theatrical charade.  

Turns out that, yes, folks, Hahn’s face is very familiar, indeed.

Once upon a time, several decades ago, “Hahn” was better known, to an adoring, hypnotized, and celebrity-obsessed American public, by a famous name, a name which will seem even more familiar to those still susceptible to pangs of nostalgia for the MTV era of the late 20th century.

Nevertheless, the following conclusion, as to the genuine identity of Doctor Steven Hahn’s host actor, should come as no surprise to one’s loyal readers.

Time and again, in-depth investigations of this sort have uncovered celebrities —  those working in the Hollywood entertainment industries and even those who’ve reached legendary status — cleverly hidden behind the masks of fabricated character identities.

Assuredly, the case of “Doctor Steven Hahn” proves to be without exception.   

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