‘Dead’ Man Blooms into Ukraine Hero

‘Dead’ Man Blooms into Ukraine Hero

From one crisis to the next, the public is led like feeble lambs to willing slaughter.

Nevertheless, when it comes to considering the “war” in Ukraine, will a majority of the general public, many of whom are still suffering from psychological trauma due to a deliberately manufactured “pandemic” and the deleterious physical effects derived from “mandated” but genocidal “vaccines” (AKA genetic therapy), never conceive of the idea they’ve been utterly and completely deceived on multiple levels by the sinister machinations of the MSM’s psychological operations?

Though one remains eternally optimistic, admittedly, the eventuality of such a collective epiphany coming to fruition doesn’t seem likely to ever occur.

But just what do these multiple levels of deception consist of?

For one: reams of recycled MSM news footage borrowed from other past news events, and still other footage appearing to have been deliberately manufactured via a clever post-production technique – Generative Adversarial Network – which shall be further elaborated upon and explained in greater detail.

Secondly: the perpetual and insufferable tin-eared propagandizing issued by both the MSM’s and the US corporate government’s legions of soulless but well-paid mouthpieces.

To be certain, at least to anyone willing to apply even the smallest degree of scrutiny, the MSM’s cloying emotionalism coupled in tandem with galleries of transparent lies and memory searing buzzwords – the use of the term(s) “front lines”, for example – sound very familiar, almost as if the psychologically manipulative propaganda which was utilized to sell the Covid-19 “pandemic” for the last two years had suddenly been rebranded with a new color scheme of yellow and blue.

Of course, as those who’ve been frequenting this site from its inception were already keenly aware, the deployment of psychologically emotive color schemes and the strategic placement of NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming) are both time tested tools which have been repeatedly used to augment the effectiveness of the MSM’s propaganda messaging.

Thirdly: the man now well-known to the American public as “Volodymyr Zelensky”, Ukraine’s “freely elected” president, has been identified as yet another fabricated character scheme, one who exists as a well-handled Jesuit-trained intelligence asset, one not only portrayed by a Hollywood actor, but one who appears to have been deliberately placed on the world’s stage to play out his carefully scripted role, a manufactured myth made to order and transformed into flesh and blood, a political upstart and underdog protagonist whose conception was intended to be marketed and trumpeted by the MSM as a wartime heroic “savior”.


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But before this well-known Hollywood actor visited Ukraine in 2016, was named as an official functionary of the UN and was subsequently modified into “Volodymyr Zelensky”, he played the role of a rock star in the Hollywood music industry, one who, according to both the MSM and Wikipedia, was alleged to have “died” in 2017.

Added to these investigative discoveries and more, a distaff member of the Ukraine parliament – “Kira Rudyk” – has also been identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a Hollywood actress, one who, in 2006, co-starred in a film with the host actor (live-action role player) identified in the role of “Volodymyr Zelensky”, a Hollywood production which was but one cinematic episode of what later turned into a popular, award-winning and high-grossing Hollywood film franchise. 

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