Michael J. is sly like the Fox

In this installment, one shall travel back to the 1980’s to examine a very intriguing if not prime example of the actor based reality as it applies to politics, television, music, and the entertainment industries.

Yet again, another popular entertainer has been caught portraying several roles under various pseudonyms – some of them more renowned than others. Nevertheless, for a spate of years spanning the 1980’s, this actor was seen by millions, and not only on television, but the silver screen, starring in what was perhaps the most iconic film series of the decade. Apparently, however, the fame and adulation derived from television and Hollywood wasn’t enough, for this actor went on to star in a role directly related to the notorious character of K Street Lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, who was examined in a previous installment.

Guaranteed, folks, after experiencing what follows, one may firmly arrive at the conclusion that Michael J. was indeed, slyer than a fox. Continue reading “Michael J. is sly like the Fox”