True End-Game of Covid-19

True End-Game of Covid-19

As a wise man once uttered, there are lies, and then there are damned lies.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 psychological operation, early in 2020, both the MSM and a slew of controlled-opposition agents, belonging to the so-called alternative media, began advancing distractive stories – or in intelligence parlance, ‘hot washes’ – designed to keep the public fearful that a lethal and dangerous air borne virus existed.

Both the MSM and certain “alternative” media personalities went so far as to advance that, one of the Covid-19 psychological operation’s most conspicuous promoters, “Doctor Anthony Fauci” (AKA Hollywood music executive David Geffen), was involved in a plot with the Chinese government to unleash the “coronavirus” from a lab in Wuhan.

SEE: Meet the Actor Playing Television Doctor

Nevertheless, anyone equipped with a full compliment of brain cells knows such a story – as well others which proved similarly absurd – has proved to be manufactured bunk.

As we’ve learned, Covid-19 is a Trojan horse, a psychological operation designed to act as a colossal smoke screen, hiding a considerably larger agenda: the economic and social transformation of the West and of the world.

As alluded to in the previous article, the Covid-19 vaccinations are not meant to target or bolster the human immune system against the onslaught of a dangerous virus, but to 1.) significantly reduce the global human population, the remainder of which – per UN Agenda 2030 – will be herded into designated “smart cities” and, 2.) to alter human DNA and RNA, and to forever change, under Admiralty Law, the legal status of persons (corporations) into digital “things”, the behaviors of which will, by the year 2050, become systematically controlled by ubiquitous surveillance, nanotechnologies, and AI algorithms.

Furthermore, though repetitive claims have been made – by medical “experts”, Hollywood celebrities, politicians (puppets of the Jesuit order) –  that vaccines are “safe”, nevertheless, the corporate vaccine manufacturers have maneuvered to protect themselves with legal immunity from law suits due to subsequent injuries or deaths.

At the same time, these corporate pharmaceutical giants have prepared – according to – for the eventuality of massive numbers of ADR’s (adverse drug reactions) as a result of the widespread distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines manufactured by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and others, in cooperation with the tacit consent of the US corporate government.

Regarding the level of ADR’s which are expected, the latter document – the link to which has been displayed immediately below – states the following: “The MHRA seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR’s) and ensure that no details from the ADR’s reaction text are missed.”

If, as the MSM claims, the Covid-19 vaccinations are “safe”, why would the corporate governments of both the US and the United Kingdom be so urgently needing the assistance of an AI software tool to track what is expected to be a massive number of ADR’s?

Regarding the Covid-19 vaccinations, could it be, there is an ulterior agenda which the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families wish – at all costs – to keep hidden from the prying eyes of the general public?


SEE also:

The  cheerleaders whom populate the MSM – monopolized by the same thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families whom represent the majority stockholders of the vaccine manufacturers slated for participation in the US corporate government’s “Operation Warp Speed” – won’t dare to acknowledge any of these facts, despite existence of voluminous evidence left remarkably in plain view.

Of course, the US military/industrial complex has always been closely tied to the arena of entertainment.

Therefore, to help promote “Operation Warp Speed” and to discourage what has been euphemistically termed “vaccine hesitancy”, the US corporate government has hired the services of a degenerate, foul-mouthed and washed-up comedian, who now poses in the guise of You Tube personality, “Vic Dibitetto”.

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