Ted Kaczynski: Terrorist or Hollywood Actor?

Ted Kaczynski: Terrorist or Hollywood Actor?

With our continued study and analysis of the phenomenon we’ve come to know as Post-Modern Reality Simulation, one’s loyal readers shall discover this installment features yet another example of Hollywood actors conspiring with government agencies and the MSM to execute the widely promoted narrative of a scripted psychological operation.

By now, the very name of Ted Kaczynski AKA “the Unabomber” – as all such memes created by grandly conceived psychological operations are designed to do – conjures images of the stereotypical radical luddite, one who epitomizes that dreaded social classification dreamed up, long ago, by those dutifully toiling in their basement cubicles at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia: “conspiracy theorist”.

Nevertheless, as we’ve observed while examining history on so many occasions before, the historical classifications of history’s most vividly drawn characterizations should never be allowed to escape from closer scrutiny.

Indeed, the story of “Ted Kaczynski” represents a prime case study in exactly the sort of mind drumming psychological operations the thirteen, ruling elite families are fond of subjecting the masses to, time and again.

Additionally, when it comes to examining the particulars of Kaczynski’s – by now – well-known narrative, the fingerprints of the true perpetrators of the psychological operation and those responsible for his character’s creation become conspicuously visible.

It also becomes quite evident, “Ted Kaczynski” was a fabricated television role, tailor-made and broadcasted to the masses, to implant a subconscious message as to exactly what type of global techno-feudalist society the ruling elites were psychologically preparing the masses for and – both then and still today – actively working to construct and, ultimately, implement.

Yes folks, the roles of “Ted Kaczynski” and “Janet Reno” were portrayed by well-known Hollywood host actors, actors connected not only to the Hollywood entertainment complex, but in the case of the latter character, the host actor was chosen – before going on to a successful career in Hollywood as an actor, producer, and director –  to portray the scripted role of the first woman to have ever been appointed to the position of Attorney General at the US Justice Department.

During her tenure as US Attorney General, Reno presided over the FBI’s controversial raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. (SEE: US government goes wacko in Waco).

Uncoincidentally enough, the host actor behind the masked portrayal of Janet Reno was slated to play out his role in the “Kaczynski” psychological operation just before he starred in his Hollywood debut, in the award-winning and critically acclaimed movie Good Will Hunting with Matt Damon.

More intriguingly, the emanation of the Kaczynski narrative stretches back to the creation of the OSS (the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency) and to the first director of the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan.

Considering the curiously worded “manifesto” – entitled, Industrial Society and its Future – that emerged in the wake of Kaczynski’s high-profile arrest, there exists a connection to a group of academics, who, at the behest of the fledgling CIA, arrived on America’s shores from Western Europe during the post-war era of the mid-20th century, and immediately began instituting a grand-scale program of psychological operations, operations which were underpinned by the Marxist/Luciferian doctrine of order out of chaos.

Thereafter, these gaggle of so-called academics – adherents to Hegelian dialectical and Existential philosophical tenets  – came to be known as the “Frankfurt School”. Continue reading “Ted Kaczynski: Terrorist or Hollywood Actor?”