There is a legend concerning modern freemasonry’s most renowned forefather. It is written, that one day, as the sun rose in the east, Albert Pike discovered the secret to the ‘craft’ while ensconced in a remote log cabin. He then proceeded to place that secret inside a sacred temple, built brick by brick. The perception of reality one derives from mainstream television, the majority of ‘conspiracy’ videos uploaded to You Tube, and even some of the daily blog entries right here on WordPress, in many ways resembles General Pike’s brick by brick erection of a temple, a temple filled with lies, that shall one day, with careful and assiduous investigation, and maybe even personal sacrifice, soon transform into a house of fragile cards.

However, this is a result of humanity’s long night of oppression at the hands of a ruling oligarchy.

The Mandela effect targets a mass population accustomed to absorbing the perception of reality primarily through media, television, internet, popular magazines and periodicals as well popular music, rather than perceiving reality via direct experience derived from one’s own inherent intuitive senses, filtered through logical and rational contemplation.

Most are not accustomed to this, and the ruling elites know it.

This is how, century after century, age after sad age, they have kept the masses divided with competing religious and political ideologies, and maintained strife between sexes, races, creeds and conflicting social and economic status.

The ‘Mandela effect’ is merely the latest brand or product of globally divisive psychological operations.        

The origins of the Mandela effect are obvious to those who have bothered to study the sinister methods of operation utilized by Tavistock, as well CIA and MI6 sub-departments. Their hired trolls and shills are hard at work like Santa’s little elves, but not to spread good cheer. Rather, these cowardly and soulless scoundrels are the minimum wage workers of the new age, a new age of fear, suspicion, and anonymous digital vandalism. Safely ensconced in their Langley cubicles, perched behind computer monitors, true identities hidden with a seemingly endless variety of nondescript aliases, these vermin will dare attack anyone, comfortable in the knowledge the target cannot retaliate. Faced with a fair fight out in the light of day however, and they shall squirm away like maggots exposed by an upturned rock.

This goes for the local gendarmes too, who are nothing more than gang stalking, doughnut scarfing cretins. By virtue of nepotism, these mindless and monomaniacal robots disguised as community protectors, are granted the privilege of donning a blue uniform, and a gun, strutting around one’s neighborhood displaying their poor dress sense and scumbag air of entitlement as if it were indeed a badge of heroic honor. Contrary to popular perception, their oath is not to protect the property of the homeowner, but to protect their proprietary masonic masters, those franchise owners of the local Walmart, Best Buy, and Target. Common to both trolls and masters, however, is the concept of fear, their constant ally. The ‘Mandela effect’, represents the latest Orwellian psychological weapon being utilized to reshape the hearts and minds of the fearful masses.


The Mandela effect, or time wave zero, is the most recent popular meme lately spread by so-called conspiracy researchers. The theory propagated is that the ‘shadow government’ possesses technology capable of resetting a period timeline by triggering deeply traumatic events at the subconscious level. A time wave shift can be spotted through the death of celebrities and public figures believed to have died previously.

This cleverly concocted social experiment exhibits all the classic trademarks of London’s Tavistock Institute.

Contrary to what appears to have become common wisdom among internet conspiracy theorists, the propagation of the Mandela effect consists of a well-coordinated web of shills and disinformation agents attempting to inform the impressionable and suggestible public that specific details of historical events used to be different, telling them they remember of something that in fact never happened in the first place. The main method of operation is in promulgating the established memories of an event may be false.

But, the features of the Mandela effect possess an additional, and perhaps more sinister layer.

Through reverse psychology, these paid trolls attempt to trick the unwitting masses into believing these false memories are realities emanating through other or alternative dimensions.

Two of the most blatantly puerile examples of this are the meme being spread that the world trade center, before the fateful day of September 11, 2001, consisted of three towers rather than two. Or yet, the title of Erich Von Daniken’s (a controlled opposition agent of CIA) vintage best-selling book on the subject of ancient aliens, ‘Chariots of the Gods’, used to have an exclamation, rather than a question mark on the cover.


Not all those disinformation agents and internet shills responsible for the mass promulgation of the Mandela effect are low-level cubicle dwellers of CIA sub-departments, or unemployed and morally challenged, basement dwelling, video game enthusiasts. The grand scale of this psychological operation was made immediately evident upon discovering there are indeed some high-level psychological operation agents charged with the continued popularization of the Mandela effect.


Fiona Fitzgerald Broome, is a necromancer witch, whose favorite environments appear to be cemeteries and alleged haunted places. Broome’s main activities seem to be preoccupied with the dead and the cursed. Renown as one of America’s most notorious necromancers, Broome is a writer of several books on necromancy and Wicca and is a consultant of several Hollywood produced television shows about occultism, including the Science Fiction channel’s Ghost Hunters. Broome is a family relation of Ghost Hunters host Barry Fitzgerald, who is also an enthusiast of necromancy, and author of several books dealing with the metaphysical. A preliminary genealogical investigation reveals that the Fitzgerald name derives from noble Peerage bloodlines originating in Great Britain, Ireland, and Scotland. The Fitzgerald bloodline is connected to not only the Bush family, but also the Vanderbilt’s and the Roosevelt’s.

But, now for perhaps the most pertinent detail.

The headquarters for the Ghost Hunters program is Rockefeller Center, New York, near the immediate vicinity of the UN headquarters. In light of the genealogically derived information, it is not surprising the Yellow Brick Road of the Mandela effect extends straight from the doorstep of such legendary and notorious American banking oligarchs.

That’s right folks, it can now be reported, the same family funded the Feminist movement, the civil rights and hippie counter-culture movements, is now utilizing their billions to fund the Mandela effect psychological operation.

Go ahead, folks, throw your petty hatreds and puerile insults at the messenger, rather than bothering to summon the requisite curiosity and diligence in performing one’s own corroborative research.

Just realize, that someday, when one finally comes to the realization their perception of reality is a colossal lie and their children’s futures have been long sold down the proverbial river, it shall indeed be too late to do anything about it.

The time is now to wake up, folks. Now, what are you going to do?

27 thoughts on “‘Mandela effect’ is intelligence psychological operation

      1. That is an excellent topical suggestion in terms of research for a future installment, or perhaps even a series of installments. Thank you for visiting Newsspell.

  1. Ok super! cool! Maintenant prouve moi ça à l’aide d’un doc de ton institut en question, on va bien se marrer. Tu n’a pas de preuves comme je n’en ai pas plus! Résultat= 1/1

    1. Thank you for your continued interest in Newsspellcom,org. The purpose of the material presented at Newsspell is to stimulate thought and intelligent discussion through educated speculation. It is my hope, after encountering the material presented, one shall feel compelled to begin their own investigation. Perhaps, walking on your own path to discovering the truth, and through exhaustive diligence, one shall procure the empirical documentation one seeks.

  2. Great article. Critical thinking of a curious mind must conquer the blind acceptance that has become commonplace and dangerous.
    They have the means.

  3. This is a great introduction. I am currently looking into the specifics of individual Mandela effects to ascertain the how’s wheres and whyfores. I believe more than 50% of commercial logo or brand name changes could simply be put down to the influx of Asian knock offs who legally (or maybe not so legally) alter brand names by removing a letter or adding something new. Same with logo changes. The one common denominator between 99% of Mandela effect “proofs” is they all revolve around very simplistic one letter or one word changes, which allows for memory games to be played. The same is occurring now amongst Christians and so called Bible changes. You should expand on this topic. Thank you for this post.

  4. Undoubtedly a psy-op. Whomever is responsible would have to have ownership of the products, recordings, books, news footage and films (etc.) or otherwise face an army of litigators. Who owns the Mandela-effected? Can a common aim be discerned among the many companies involved?
    The Tavistock Institute may well be involved but this particular vehicle of chaos is hallmarked, Mossad.

    1. Thanks for your interest in the material published at Newsspell. The ‘Mandela-effected’, those masses of consumers entertained by commercial products – by virtue of the legal/corporate name written on the commercial bond manifest AKA birth certificate issued at birth by the City of London’s Crown Temple – are owned by the Vatican, which is controlled by the Jesuit order. It would seem, the common aim of the so-called Mandela effect is to not only further induce mass confusion and disorientation – a psychological state which causes the masses to become more dependent on governments and stimulates greater profits for the pharmaceutical/psychiatric complex – but, with the exponential stimulation of greater levels of commercial profitability, also benefits the ruling elite, thirteen families. You will discover – through more extensive and thorough research – these thirteen families are the major shareholders and owners of the most well-known corporations responsible for the mass distribution of popular commercial products. Undoubtedly, London’s Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, along with Stanford’s Research Center, is monitoring the effectual scope of this operation with the help of data analyses drawn from smart phones, laptops, and other digital devices. It seems also likely, these reams of behavioral data are compiled with the help of intelligence agencies who, in turn, profitably share the data with corporations. Ultimately, such ‘Big Data’ statistics aid these corporations in better shaping their sales and consumer demographics.

  5. Maybe the psyop goes deeper and further back than you imagine? Take the Black Tom Explosion for example. Now you can look it up and make a clear determination that Pearl Harbor was not in fact the first attack on USA soil by a foreign power as has been suggested since I was in school. I doubt most high school history teachers have heard of it. Could it be that this info was suppressed (on purpose) from history books and schools for over 100 years? If so, could it also be that it was the beginning of the psyop, to be followed later by the movie Snow White where the line “Magic Mirror on the Wall” appears, later to be purposefully misquoted as “Mirror Mirror on the Wall” so that there would be a Mandela Effect 80 years later? Then in the late 50’s, perhaps there was just one episode of “I Love Lucy” where Ricky said “Lucy, you’ve got some ‘splaining’ to do”, which was then set up as a meme, and afterwards they pulled all evidence that such an episode ever existed? I’m just suggesting that there may have been much more proactivity in this psyop than we once thought, and that it may have begun much earlier.

    1. The premise of your assertion is correct, in that the thirteen families have been manipulating mass human perception through the fabricated narratives of “accepted” scholarly history for generations and even centuries. It is only now, in the post-modern age and with the aid of modern technology, they are able to do so with much greater alacrity and with greater efficiency.

  6. A childhood movie that scarred me was the Disney cartoon “Fox and the Hound”. Explain to me why NO ONE other than one other person online remembers that ending resulting in BOTH the fox and hound dying. I was in elementary school in the late 80’s and early 90’s when I watched the cartoon. I had no reference or knowledge that a book existed. From what I understand the book ends with both animals dying at the end as well. From what I know about the ending of the book the fox was shot and the dog was put down by its owner. The cartoon had Hound telling the fox to keep running before he died of exhaustion. The fox kept running and was eventually cornered by the man and shot dead. Was I just a morbid child who had a gruesome imagination? I can’t explain what the “Mandela Effect” is, but I find it funny that the majority of non-effected are quick to claim that the Elite are omnipotent.

    1. The majority stockholders of Disney are genealogical relations of the thirteen families, the very same who also happen to own the US corporation. The “Mandela Effect” continues to be perpetuated with profit-generating motives in mind. As a result, millions are now scouring You Tube, television programs, books, periodicals and other formats of media produced and owned by these very same families, hysteria which, in turn, drives up ad profits and other ancillary revenues. The perpetuation of such a scheme requires no especial omnipotence or congress with the supernatural. All that is required for such a grand psychological operation to be profitably successful is majority control of all forms of media, nothing more.

      1. So Disney spent energy on 2 people for monetary means back in the late 80’s or early 90’s? I guess I should feel honoured that Disney decided to “implant” a vivid memory of the Fox and Hound with both animals dying at the end just like the 1967 book that I never read or heard of until about a year ago. I refused to watch the movie after watching it the first time because the ending was f’ed up. I hated “All Dogs Go to Heaven” for the same reason I hated “The Fox and the Hound”. Death is not a new concept for Disney cartoons.

        I hate to break it to you, but the original “Mandela Effected” Youtube(2015) channels barely break 1000 views on a single video usually. Those that are effected are small in numbers which means that the vast majority are unaffected and are willing to make excuses for this phenomenon by means of the 13 families will. The average American has a reading and comprehension level of 6th grade or lower and completely lacks independent thought by the will of the “psychological warfare 13 families”. Anyone outside the indoctrinated machine of the 13 families is considered a kook or psychologically deranged by the majority of unaffected(woke) and told to SEEK PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP by means of the very families that are manipulating humanity! Irony in its best form. There is no denying that propaganda and psych-warfare have been heavy handed in the lives of the average American since at least 1911, but what happens when you stop falling for the propaganda machine? 13 becomes the unquestionable controller of belief(woke) and anyone that falls outside of that belief is delusional paranoid or simply uneducated because THEY(13) are all powerful and knowing. The greatest propaganda/witchcraft used on the general public to keep them docile and conditioned is by way of numbers and symbols. Numbers and symbols are heavy within movies, advertisement, music, media, etc., and unless you know how to decipher it you are clueless to the game they play over your psyche. The 13 are NOT atheistic by any stretch of the imagination, but yet they want to condition those(woke) who they control that THEY(13) are GODS. The Mandela effect is a sh*t name to create skepticism and degradation of a possible phenomenon. Those experiencing the phenomenon “Mandela Effect” use pop culture to connect on a superficial level, but on a personnel level we witness in silence as it happens in real time right before our eyes. Pop culture Mandela effects are maybe 25% of what people are actually experiencing. Changes in people, personal effects, landmarks, etc., are things that you just can’t tap into conversational wise with people who have no reference point, especially those who are unaffected(woke) and give a blank judgemental stare of confusion when confronted with such ideas. The term ‘misremembering’ or statement ‘human memory is fragile’ are tag lines that those experiencing the phenomenon are presented with on a constant basis by the woke(13) crowd. The woke crowd might as well work for the psychological industry of the 13.

        * As for Disney, it appears that Disney is willing to lose Billions for the woke agenda. I am not sure what profit generating motives they are using when it has to do with the Mandela Effect, but the PC agenda is tanking profit faster than you can say Titanic.

        Fun Fact: The ruling families(13) of today used to be WASP.

      2. Though you’ve attempted a cogent response, you’ve merely succeeded in proving my point. The concept of modern media, under the guise of profit generating “entertainment”, was designed as a psychological and sociological tool to direct the mental intentions of mass consciousness, and to bolster the parameters of the status quo of the thirteen families’; a monolithic hegemony of organized crime which has existed for centuries. Consider this: Isn’t the fact you’ve taken valuable time and energy to pen an elongated response primarily fixated with the details of popular culture proof enough, the mass programming which you’ve been subjected to over a single lifetime has been successful in fully directing and focusing your own mental intentions and consciousness on comparatively trivial matters? According to high-level occultists and Freemasons Dione Fortune and Manly P. Hall, this is the very definition of sorcery. While you’ve focused on the details of Disney movies and popular culture, you’ve foregone the opportunity to learn what is done with your hard-earned state and federal tax dollars which are routinely siphoned to the IRS, an organization controlled by the Jesuit order. Preoccupation with Disney’s “woke” agenda and the “Mandela effect” has succeeded in keeping you unaware that, according to annually published CAFR reports, each citizen’s tax collections are kept in private, high-interest off-shore accounts where they accrue into assets worth trillions. As for financial losses, the hidden majority stockholders of Disney also own the IRS, the US corporation, and the Federal Reserve Crown Temple central banking subsidiary. With ownership of such vast assets, alchemizing losses into profits is a rather elementary matter.

  7. Perfect Response! I would have expected nothing less. It makes me wonder if you aren’t a high level mason?

    1. No Sir, most certainly, I am not. Nor would I ever join such a pernicious organization. But I have, strictly for research purposes, consulted many of their texts from the local library. Many of which, mysteriously, seem to have since been removed. Luckily, I took care to save copious notes.

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