Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

The slaughtering of sacred cows is never popular. But so be it. For the last two decades, “Doctor James Fetzer” has been one of the most influential and premiere figures in the “alternative” media.

Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, while appearing to be professionally well-credentialed as a published academic, Fetzer came to the public’s attention as an authoritative figure, unabashedly armed with perspectives and opinions which sharply contrasted to the MSM’s “official” narratives.

To this day, Fetzer’s iconic status in the “alternative media”, despite most recently being embroiled in the Sandy Hook controversy, has remained virtually untouched, his sterling reputation largely unsullied. But as many may have no doubt already surmised, that is about to quickly change. In the case of the esteemed “Doctor James Fetzer” – like “Alex Jones”, “Max Igan” – glittering appearances can prove to be most deceiving.

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Behind Fetzer’s carefully crafted mask – a customized mask modified from yet another high-profile character, a popular U.S. senator, which was portrayed by Fetzer’s host actor – lurks a vastly experienced intelligence trained operator, Hollywood actor with connections to the U.S. military/industrial complex, and to both BNY Mellon bank and Carnegie Foundation headquartered in New York City. Indeed, Fetzer’s career as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation has spanned several decades.

Not only that, but “Gary King”, the side kick with whom Fetzer is often seen working during his podcasts, was a former Hollywood music industry teen idol and television star who faked his death.

In fact, “Gary King” is the hidden son of Fetzer’s Hollywood live-action role player, the long-time spouse of the Hollywood actress who portrays “Hillary Clinton”. Upon further investigation, this Hollywood actress was also known as “Barbara Olson”, the conservative talk show hostess who was alleged to have perished on the ill-fated flight of American Airlines 77 which reportedly “crashed” into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Continue reading “Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception”

9/11 “victim” Barbara Olson still Alive?

9/11 “victim” Barbara Olson still Alive?

Funny thing about the truth: it never has to remember, it is simply and transparently self-evident.

Lies, on the other hand – among other sinister elements – are opaque veils which require a near-photographic sense of memory to keep quilted together, an ability which most do not possess, including those employed by the MSM.

Rather than delivering news and information, the true business of the MSM is the formulation of perception management. Their job, primarily through repetition, is to make the public believe in stories which, when put under the glare of objective scrutiny, often prove to be massive deceptions.

Time and again, the MSM are prone to the retelling and even refashioning of their deceptions, and they will stick to the task at hand, no matter how absurd those particular deceptions happen to appear. Oftentimes, those charged with the responsibility of retelling deceptive stories are caught in blatant contradictions, contradictions which cannot be undone by any amount of media spin.

Such proves to be the case, when put under greater scrutiny, with the grand story of Barbara Olson – alleged to have occurred on that fateful day of September 11, 2001. Continue reading “9/11 “victim” Barbara Olson still Alive?”