Actors Starring as 2020 Presidential Candidates? Part III

Though the stunning revelations found published in the pair of previous installments may have been difficult for most everyone to accept, nevertheless, yet another presidential candidate has proved not only, to be a manufactured persona portrayed by a well-known Hollywood host actor hiding behind a deceptive mask, but an actor who, as it turns out, is no stranger to the oval office at America’s most prestigious address.

Truly, upon further investigation, there appears to be every indication the crop of presidential candidates for 2020 have been collectively cast, to put it most accurately, in a farcically conceived, low-brow reality-television masquerade.

On this occasion, we shall center our investigative efforts upon the presidential candidate known as “Beto O’Rourke”, a name which, surely, represents one of the most ludicrously fabricated pseudonyms that only the most creatively bankrupt Z-grade Hollywood script writers – in cooperation with cubicle dwelling hacks at CIA’s sub-departments in Langley — could ever conceive.

Not only has O’Rourke’s hidden host actor – like that of another current presidential candidate, “Joe Biden” – served in the scripted role of US president before, he also once starred in a highly-rated television show production which claimed to be “about nothing”. Continue reading “Actors Starring as 2020 Presidential Candidates? Part III”