NASA scam is taxpayer black hole (Part IX)

NASA scam is taxpayer black hole (Part IX)

Did one enjoy the recent eclipse?

Most likely, no one thought to question why suddenly this event was hyped by the media sorcerers. Neither did most seem to notice, this celestial event differed from those in the past in significant ways. For one, the greater frequency of chemical trails blanketing the skies prior to the event. For another, the sudden exponential explosion of atmospheric testing performed prior to the event at a secret NASA facility in Mississippi. In addition, all of the water evaporation towers running from West to Southeast United States were activated working in conjunction with a NASA WSAC (wet surface air cooler, or cloud making technology) facility hidden in the remote hinterlands of Mississippi. These events, corresponding with the coming eclipse so heralded and hyped by the media sorcerers were not, one believes, a mere coincidence.

Could it be, as usual, the historic space agency had something to hide?

The following empirical evidence seems to indicate this is not surprisingly so. Continue reading “NASA scam is taxpayer black hole (Part IX)”