Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Even the most transparent masquerades can remain effective. But oftentimes – especially when put under greater and even microscopic scrutiny – not for very long. During the course of an ongoing investigation into politician, lawyer, former IMF directing manager and now European Central Bank president Christine LeGarde, one remained suspicious that not only did her French accent indicate a theatrical affectation, but that certain of her habitual mannerisms appeared familiar indeed.

Below: Christine LeGarde, Hollywood and television actress Allison Janney

It also became clear, while observing her perform during various interviews, that LeGarde’s responses were heavily laden with propagandistic buzzwords and scripted talking points, and therefore considered to be substantively deficient, leading one to conclude that something was amiss, and that one was watching an actor in the midst of a theatrical performance, a media-generated personality rather than a highly educated economist and competent executive.

Turns out, the “official” biographies of “Christine LeGarde” are complete fabrications and that she too is a fabricated character scheme placed in highly visible and prominent positions of influence – IMF managing director, presidency of European Central Bank – to promote the transformation of the global economy with the establishment of a central bank digital currency and to spout propaganda relating to the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and its seventeen “sustainability goals”.

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NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

Politics is not only the practiced art of deception, but also merely theater, a staged production cast with actors, each portraying especially tailored roles, trained to regurgitate the ideologically oriented talking points scripted for them. It matters not for which candidate one casts their vote, because “freedom of choice” through the process of voting is merely a sham, an illusion.

Though a majority of US citizens may still lend credence to this illusion through the opportunity to cast votes in legally sanctioned “elections”, the candidates, all of whom, whether “democrat” or “republican”, are carefully vetted then selected by the upper ranks of the masonic brotherhood to represent the interests of the Crown Templar/Swiss/Vatican/banking cartels. The process of voter registration merely entails a citizen’s surrendering of legal consent, a legal forfeiture of individual sovereignty to the tyrannical will of collective corporate governance consisting of those “elected” to perform business as private law merchants. Washington’s District of Columbia (AKA United States/Virginia Company), a private masonic principality governed by Admiralty Law/UCC (Uniform Commercial Code), is a corporate subsidiary of the Crown Temple and its four Courts of Inn – Middle, Inner Temple, Grey’s and Lincoln’s Inn – residing in the City of London (AKA one square mile).

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America (part I)

How Crown Temple rules America (part II)

How Crown Temple rules America (part III)

How Crown Temple Rules America (Part IV)

SEE also: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The fifty states (crown estates) of America which fall under the legal governing jurisdiction of the United States (AKA Washington D.C./Virginia Company), including Alaska and Hawaii outside its contiguous boundaries, exist as commercial markets/banking districts which were created for the commercial exploitation of both human and natural resources. As explained in previous articles, the US constitution and all state (crown estate) constitutions are legal documents couched in the legal terms of private law enumerating citizen privileges which can be amended or even revoked at any time. While the subject of this article concerns the current “elected” governor of New York, “Kathy Hochul”, it is important to point out that all US states (crown estates), are represented by two governors. This duality of governance remains hidden in each state (estate) constitution, written in the terms of legalese as opposed to vernacular.

Kathy_Hochul_official_portrait (1)

There is a hidden governor for the de facto crown corporation – governor of ‘this’ state – and another – governor of ‘the’ state – which remains visible to the public. This duality of governance was codified in 1933 with the War Powers Act (UCC 2107) which is not only still in effect today but entailed that the publicly traded bonds (AKA birth certificates) of the people were henceforth to be put up as collateral against the debt owed to the Federal Reserve, a central banking subsidiary of the City of London’s Crown Temple. According to Title 50 USC (United States Code), 12 stat 319, since 1861, the US corporate government has been legally operating under a state of war. The Middle Temple of City of London’s Crown Temple uses the crown estate of New York as a primary base of operation and New York’s political machine is completely controlled by the York Rite of Freemasonry. Therefore, as “elected” governor of ‘the’ state of New York, the job of “Kathy Hochul” is largely ceremonial. Her designated role is to act as official spokesperson on behalf of the de facto crown corporation.

This is why Hollywood actors fill such positions while contracted to perform under pseudonyms.

After all, as everyone is surely well aware, actors are most accomplished at playing scripted roles, staying in character, and taking direction from an executive producer. Though actors cannot be held legally accountable since, within the context of the arena of politics, they are contracted to perform as private law merchants under false names attached to fabricated character schemes and, from a legal standpoint, technically don’t exist, they can, however, due to unsatisfactory performance, stand to take criticism from the public and then subsequently “voted” out of office. But this is the precise trick which is played upon the public to keep the status quo maintained in favor of the US corporation’s owners. Meanwhile, the legal but unlawful status quo remains intact, and the City of London’s Crown Temple, the US corporate government, and their criminal cartel remains sovereign, inviolable, and untouched.

As shall soon be revealed, the Hollywood actress identified in portrayal of New York governor “Kathy Hochul” is indeed an accomplished professional thespian who, most notably, starred in West Wing, a once popular television series.


Continue reading “NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum”

Hollywood Peter Ustinov’s Marxist Charade

Hollywood Peter Ustinov’s Marxist Charade

Oftentimes, when it comes to understanding the larger significance of recent MSM news events – the HSEEP (Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Exercise) “gun control” simulation drill staged at MSU, the staged Chinese spy balloon incident, the deliberately perpetrated train derailment and alleged “chemical contamination” near Palestine, Ohio covertly executed by the EPA, and even the ongoing “war” simulation exercise in Ukraine, for example – it is important to remain mindful never to get emotionally bogged down or distracted by minutiae.

SEE: Ukraine War Scenario Hollywood Production

Ukraine Film Studios, Hollywood & MSM Connections?

Dead Man Blooms into Ukraine Hero

Penn’s Documentary Sold by MSM as War

Though a plausible hypothesis as to the prime but covert objective regarding the “incident” which occurred on February 3rd in Palestine, Ohio will be elaborated upon shortly, these most recent MSM-promoted news events which have distracted the American general public and, for the time being at least, held them captive are merely symptomatic of a much larger and grander scenario: the incremental economic and social destruction of the West and the forced global implementation of the UN’s genocidal Agenda 2030/2050’s seventeen “Sustainability Goals”.

In view of this, sometimes, in order to better and more fully acquire a comprehensive understanding of the larger global scenario at play, one must revisit significant events of the past and the genuine identities and ideological nature of the sinister perpetrators involved.

This particular expose will examine one such prime perpetrator – Peter Ustinov – a Marxist/Jesuit trained socio-political activist/ intelligence asset with genealogical connections to Russian/European aristocracy and connections to MI5 British intelligence.

Below: Peter Ustinov

An accomplished actor, both on the British stage and on Hollywood’s silver screen, Ustinov is perhaps best-known for his role in Spartacus, an epic sword and sandal Hollywood production in which he co-starred with Kirk Douglas (AKA NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin) and Sir Lawrence Olivier (AKA Jonathon Harris).

SEE: NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

Post-Modern Reality Simulation Gets Lost in Space

As evidenced by most of his amusing appearances on both the American and British talk show circuits towards the end of his Hollywood career, Ustinov was renowned as an expert comedic mimic and a highly skilled and multi-lingual voice actor. During his acting career in Hollywood, Ustinov became an Academy-Award winner. Popular with the British royal family – the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (AKA Windsor/Hanover/Rothschild/Rockefeller) – Ustinov was awarded The Most Excellent Order of the British (AKA Roman) Empire. But as shall be revealed with further detail later on, there is a very good reason Ustinov was favored by the British royals – he too descended from European aristocracy.

However, unknown to virtually everyone, Ustinov’s most famous role wasn’t played out on the British stage or on Hollywood’s silver screen, but on the world’s stage as an intelligence created fabricated character scheme, one which was posed as a major geopolitical figure.

Below: Boris Yeltsin


Not surprisingly, as pointed out in several previously published articles, his predecessor – a CIA/Jesuit controlled intelligence asset and fabricated character scheme – was one of Ustinov’s Hollywood colleagues and contemporaries.


Below: Rod Steiger, Mikhail Gorbachev


But first, before delving into Hollywood actor Peter Ustinov and the role he covertly assumed on the world’s stage, one’s investigation has managed to uncover what may have been the ulterior motivation behind the recent news event reported by the MSM near Palestine, Ohio involving the EPA. The prepared statements made by state and federal officials from the EPA who were present at the recent press conference which took place in Palestine, Ohio was revelatory, in so far as they managed to give away the EPA’s genuine objectives. When the conference is watched in its entirety, it becomes apparent there were degrees of criminal collusion between the EPA, the U.S. corporate government, Norfolk Southern, and local officials.

Continue reading “Hollywood Peter Ustinov’s Marxist Charade”

WH Press Secretary Saved by the Bell?

WH Press Secretary Saved by the Bell?

The creation of dramatic tension has always been profitable for premium paying prime-time television advertisers. But both advertisers and television executives alike, have always known and understood, manufactured dramas are largely successful at keeping the public’s attention drawn to their television and computer screens, just long enough to sell them products they don’t need but have nonetheless been psychologically conditioned to believe they must covet and desire for the sake of superficial appearances.

Since the advent of the television medium, both Hollywood executives and Madison Avenue’s corporate advertisers have always been aware that stimulating the public’s covetous desires for unlimited material acquisition while at the same time promoting the illusion known as the “American Dream” can be immeasurably profitable.

After all, the job of corporate salesmen is to separate a majority of fools from what little money they possess.

This could also have something to do with the fact “Karine Jean-Pierre”, the current White House press secretary, has been instructed to maintain her absurd insistence – despite overwhelming empirical evidence to the contrary – the US economy is not in freefall recession while speedily plunging headlong into abysmal depression.

Nevertheless, superficial appearances matter, too, when it comes to considering the deceptive realm of politics.

Which is why the current presidential administration headed by “Joe Biden” (AKA Brian Williams/Prince Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco) installed at Pennsylvania Avenue chose Karine Jean-Pierre as its press secretary.

In a way, despite her demonstrated shortcomings, “Karine Jean-Pierre” – purported to be the first ‘woman of color’ and openly LGBTQ person to be appointed White House press secretary – represents the perfect facade the current presidential administration required to insulate themselves from public criticism of their policies.

Regarding “Joe Biden”, the MSM is still laboriously promoting a misleading narrative, that he may be mentally unfit to continue in office, that he is too old and decrepit to withstand another campaign bid for the US presidency.

Rest assured, this is pure bunk, designed to blatantly manipulate and control the perceptions of the American public.

“Joe Biden” (AKA Brian Williams/Prince Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco) is an accomplished actor following a scripted plan to implement the UN’s genocidal Agenda 2030/2050, a plan engineered decades ago.

Agenda 2030/2050’s global implementation is dictated from the top down by Crown Temple bankers/esquires in the City of London, Swiss banking consortium principals, and the Superior General of the Jesuit order at Vatican City in Rome.

The ultimate purpose of this ongoing MSM narrative, of course, is to promote the perception that national sovereign governments – as in this case, the US corporate government – aren’t sufficiently equipped to address much less solve manufactured “crises” such as “climate change” or the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

While openly promoting the prevailing narrative “Joe Biden” appears feeble and mentally unfit, the MSM’s ulterior motive is to covertly help solidify the perception that only global governing structures such as the United Nations can step in to solve “global” crises in lieu of sovereign corporate governments.

SEE: The Resurrection of a Chameleon Prince

FDR: America’s Royal Hollywood Fraud

Below: Karine Jean-Pierre

After taking the podium in the White House press room to recite scripted responses written for her in a notebook binder, a rather entertaining, amusing, and ongoing drama between “Karine Jean-Pierre” – touted as the first ‘woman of color’ and the first openly LGBTQ person to be named White House press secretary – and the FOX (666) News White House correspondent known as “Peter Doocy” soon developed.

Below: Peter Doocy

But some Americans – at least those with memories still functioning at nominal levels – have observed these pair of actors, one of which has an acting resume with connections to Disney, playing out scripted roles in similarly manufactured television dramas before.

Continue reading “WH Press Secretary Saved by the Bell?”

His Highness Hollywood Fraud “Zelensky”

His Highness Hollywood Fraud “Zelensky”

Upon further examination and more complete investigation, the truth behind the Horatio Alger story of Ukraine “President” “Volodymyr Zelensky” goes much deeper.

“Volodymyr Zelensky” exists only as a Hollywood produced persona, brought to life by a young European prince better known to the American public as a Hollywood actor/rock music industry star.

Below: Volodymyr Zelensky

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Turns out, not only is the fabricated character scheme known to the public as “Volodymyr Zelensky” portrayed by a British/Hollywood actor (Orlando Bloom), one who was also once modified into a “dead” rock star (Chester Bennington) but “Zelensky” is also connected to European royalty, specifically, a duke, a royal title subservient only to that of a sitting monarch or king.

Below from L to R: Orlando Bloom, Chester Bennington, Volodymyr Zelensky

As if that weren’t incredible or inconceivable enough, Zelensky’s spouse – “Olena Zelensky” – is also a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a European princess better known to the American public by another name, that of a popular Hollywood music industry star.

As previously detailed, a Hollywood actress operating under a slew of pseudonyms and connected by Hollywood production to Zelensky’s live-action role player – Orlando Bloom (AKA Chester Bennington) – has also starred as “Kira Rudyk” (AKA Kierra Knightley/Natalie Portman/Alexandra Kushynova), a fabricated character scheme cast in the role of a Ukrainian parliamentarian while helping her Jesuit intelligence masters to execute the Ukraine “war” psychological operation/exercise simulation/Hollywood  production.

SEE: Ukraine Film Studios, Hollywood MSM Connections?

As most who frequent this site may readily recall, the Hollywood actress known as “Natalie Portman”, who is no stranger to the sinister concept of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, previously starred as “Kiri Jewel” in the Branch Davidian Cult/FBI/ATF psychological operation which took place back in 1993.

That MSM-generated event also starred faux cult leader “David Koresh” (AKA David Bowie/Howard Stern/William Clinton/Perry King/Richard Carpenter/Jack Wagoner/Henri, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg).

SEE: US government goes wacko in Waco

Doc Kildare Promotes Kill Shot Propaganda

Below: Kira Rudyk, Kierra Knightley, Natalie Portman


SEE: Dead Man Blooms into Ukraine Hero

In addition, research indicates, this European prince’s royal ancestry has genealogical connections to the royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (AKA Windsor/Hanover/Rockefeller/Rothschild), the royal house of the late British Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Hollywood television legend/comedienne Lucille Ball – Lucy=Lucifer/Ball=Baal/Moloch/JFK “assassination” “eyewitness” Jean Hill).

Below: Queen Elizabeth II, JFK “assassination” “eyewitness” Jean Hill, Lucille Ball

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The hit Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, sung by “John Lennon” (AKA Buddy Holly/the “late” Mike Nesmith/Robert Plant/Rod Stewart/Steve Perry/Peter Sellers), the hidden sibling of “Jack Nicholson” (AKA Neil Young/Sir David Attenborough/Jack Ruby/Robert F. Kennedy/Prince Henrik of Denmark) and Gordon Sumner/”Sting” (AKA James Taylor) was coded (diamonds=33, highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry/Jesuit red lodge/Lucy/Lucifer) as a high tribute to the masonic/Jesuit order, the military styled global cult disguised with ecclesiastical garb in firm control of the international intelligence octopus – CIA/FBI/NSA/MI5/MI6/MI7 (AKA BBC)/KGB/Mossad/Stasi/Falon Gong – and Hollywood, as well as Hollywood’s popular music industry and the military/industrial complex of the United States (AKA Washington DC).

In fact, “Neil Young” (AKA Jack Nicholson/Prince Henrik of Denmark), while performing under the music industry pseudonym of “Rick Neilsen”, still actively plays in a band – appropriately monikered Cheap Trick – with “Robin Zander” (AKA John Lennon).

But details of that scenario will be further expounded upon in a future article.

As shall be much further detailed in another upcoming article, entitled Anatomy of a Hollywood Death Hoax II, the JFK “assassination”, in which the late Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Lucille Ball/Jean Hill) participated as a “witness” from what the MSM termed the “grassy knoll”, was not only a publicly performed masonic/Hollywood styled simulation/psychological operation – as depicted in the thoroughly post-production manipulated “Zapruder film” – but was overseen, stage managed, and executed by principals connected to Serco (AKA RCA), a British based multi-national behemoth corporation in control of the US patent office and connected to Prince George, Duke of Kent (AKA Winston Churchill/Alistair Crowley/Hollywood actor/comedian Bob Hope/Jack Benny) of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Final analysis indicates, the JFK “assassination” simulation/masonic ritual was meant as a stern message sent by the Crown Temple/Swiss Templar/Vatican City bankers to all high-level principals conspiring to bring forth the global agenda(s) of the thirteen Jesuit families, a vast conspiratorial agenda which, decades later, would come to be known as Agenda 2030/2050, a none-too-subtle fatal warning intended to fearfully threaten or signal what could or would happen if sworn oaths in loyalty to the global masonic/Jesuit brotherhood were ever breached or broken.

Continue reading “His Highness Hollywood Fraud “Zelensky””

Blinken State Department’s Man in Black

Blinken State Department’s Man in Black

Names, faces, and personas can be modified but the actors behind the disguises seem to never change.

Then again, most high-level US corporate government officials, as well as those in other countries, have proved to be actors following scripts.

The following video clip represents a dramatic illustration. Everyone will immediately recognize the content of the speeches given by both the Canadian and British politicians appear identical and to have been derived from a centralized source.

However, most of these actors are rarely privy to the nuances of the policymaking process. Nor, despite appearances to the contrary, do most of them possess the intellectual capacity to explain in detail the intricate nuances of the government policies they have been charged with selling to the public.

Assuredly, if and when pressured to go beyond the limitations of their individual scripts, most would fumble and proceed to embarrassingly fold like a cheap suit.

Why should this be so?

Because even though some of the most trusted and even talented intelligence trained assets who often appear on television may be counted among the exclusive membership of the Council on Foreign Relations and other Jesuit-controlled think tanks, policymaking groups, Senate and Congressional committees, the actor’s knowledge is often highly compartmentalized.

More often than not, the actor only knows what they need to know to perform the functions of the job they’ve been tasked with.

Through the force of their fabricated personas while regurgitating assigned “talking points” and staying “on message”, the actor’s chief objective is to effectively sell government policies to the general public. The emanations of government policy derive, not from the minds of public figures, but from Jesuit-controlled Vatican City, the Crown Temple located in the City of London, and from the Swiss banking consortium which includes the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank.

Then, through consensus, public private partnerships cemented by mutual self-interests – between NGO’s (Non-Government Organizations), Fortune 500 corporations, non-profit organizations and private foundations, and the US corporate government – conspire to execute centrally controlled global policies (ideas), molding them into solid material reality.

Though the public has been conditioned to perceive otherwise, the aforementioned elements do indeed conspire together. Contrary to the opinion of many, there exists no supernatural influence guiding this intricate process. Time and again, analyses based on extensive research demonstrates, those belonging to the thirteen ruling Jesuit bloodlines worship but one God – the hegemonic expansion of global power.

In-depth investigation has also shown, a majority of US presidents, both past and present, possessed genealogical connections to European and British royalty. As well, actors and intelligence-trained assets permeating the three branches of the US corporate government routinely perform under pseudonyms to conceal their genealogical connections either to royalty or to European aristocracy and nobility.

SEE: Royal Duchess Meghan Completely Unmasked

Below: Secretary of State Antony Blinken

The current US Secretary of State – “Antony Blinken” – has proved to be no exception.

The highly skilled actor/entertainer portraying “Antony Blinken” is not only a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, but he is also the hidden son of “Madeleine Albright” who served as Secretary of the US Department of State which, for all intents and purposes, is nothing more than a public relations firm to promote and market the covert interests of US corporate government foreign policy.

But as has been illustrated before, the modified actors behind the masks cannot help but give away clues as to their genuine identities and, in the process, also can’t resist mocking the naivete of the general public.

According to Wikipedia, “Anthony Blinken” plays in a band dubbed A Blinken, a play on the name of former US president Abe Lincoln.

The video clip posted below features Antony Blinken’s appearance on the Stephen Colbert late-night talk fest. During the course of the interview, Blinken’s hammy regurgitation of well-rehearsed talking points proves par for the course. As everyone will observe though, at the very end of the clip, “Antony Blinken” performs on guitar, giving us a clue as to the actor/entertainer’s regular line of work.

Continue reading “Blinken State Department’s Man in Black”

Steve Bannon’s Transparent Political Theater

Steve Bannon’s Transparent Political Theater

The primary job of the MSM is to help maintain the global hegemony of their masters – the thirteen Jesuit families – over the proletariat or the great unwashed masses.

Routinely, the success of the MSM’s psychological operations relies on two primary elements: strategically targeted mob coercion and psychological manipulation at the hands of fabricated but influential cults of personality.

In terms of the latter, cults of personality don’t get much more influential among the demographic they’re targeted towards or, for that matter, more animatedly colorful than Stephen Bannon.

After all, the degree of public influence exerted by such fabricated character schemes is often directly proportional to the skill of the actor portraying them.

Turns out, in the case of “Steve Bannon”, deeper investigation reveals the man behind the mask of his public characterization is portrayed by a highly skilled and veteran Hollywood actor, a hidden intelligence asset of the Jesuit controlled CIA and one well-familiar to the American general public.

How do we know for certain “Steve Bannon” is an intelligence asset and psychological operations specialist?

Because, for one, the CIA/Jesuit-trained cubicle ridden desk jockeys composing the “official” biographies which appear at Wikipedia have admitted as much.

In fact, not only does Wikipedia admit “Steve Bannon” once sat on the board of directors at Cambridge Analytica, a company which used psychological profile targeting – “the practice of extracting people’s psychological profiles from their digital footprints (e.g. their Facebook Likes, Tweets or credit card records) in order to influence their attitudes, emotions or behaviors through psychologically informed interventions at scale,” informs Wikipedia – to influence and ultimately control the direction of public discourse and political perception and opinion, but, Wikipedia also informs, the Hollywood actor identified as his host actor (live-action role player) is “a member of the Council on Foreign Relations”, a Jesuit-controlled think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations.

SEE: The real purpose of social media

Continue reading “Steve Bannon’s Transparent Political Theater”

Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

After a two-year hiatus, the infamous Bilderberg Group recently reconvened in Washington D. C. between the 2nd and 5th of June. According to Bilderberg’s official web page, King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson/Sir Richard Branson/Chris Hansen), Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, and perhaps not surprisingly, Henry Kissinger (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen/Doctor Anthony Fauci) was in attendance.

Not unexpectedly, given the controversy surrounding their penchant for covert behavior, Bilderberg’s home page at couches the nature of their annual meetings in the most general if not ambiguous terms: “Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, the annual Bilderberg Meeting has been a forum for informal discussions to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.”

Over the years, despite such similarly bland reassurances, Bilderberg’s dark shroud of secrecy and its insistence upon garrisons of heavily armed guards has only served to invite greater suspicion regarding their hidden agenda.

The MSM, which until recently and only in passing admitted with reluctance such an annual meeting even exists, predictably preferred to remain mum about this year’s stellar gathering of global luminaries right in the very backyard of America’s capital.

Apparently, instead, the sycophantic MSM decided to fawn over the jubilee celebration of Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Lucille Ball), thinking that was more paramount.

While there is more to be reported about US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, his connections to infamous Wall Street trader Larry Fink, to SES (Senior Executive Services) and British based contractor Serco, to a digital algorithmic platform dubbed Aladdin, and, as well, about “Henry Kissinger” (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen), King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson, billionaire philanthropist Sir Richard Branson, MSM news presenter Chris Hansen) the hidden brother of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) and how all of these influential and powerful public figures fit into the larger scenario concerning the global implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and the “Internet of Things”, deeper investigation has also revealed that, like “Justin Trudeau” (AKA Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey), Canada’s former finance minister and current Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland is not who she claims to be.

Below: Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland

SEE: Behind the Curtain of Boris’s Big Top

Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk

Kissinger: Master of Geopolitical Disaster

But would it also surprise everyone to discover there is something amiss concerning “Big Jim Tucker”, the late and legendary independent investigator associated with Info Wars’ “Alex Jones” (AKA Prince Gustav of Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleberg) who, decades ago during the era of the mid-1970’s while employed by independently published Spotlight Magazine, was solely credited with breaking the news of the existence of the Bilderberg Meetings to the world-at-large?

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Turns out, there is a good reason as to why “Big Jim Tucker” would have been privy to the secret location of Bilderberg’s annual meetings and about the nefarious nature of their secret but far-reaching agendas.

Upon further investigation, “Big Jim Tucker” was a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a Hollywood actor who was once cast in the role of US president.

Below from L to R: ‘Big’ Jim Tucker and former US president Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Continue reading “Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’”

Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

While the MSM’s propaganda has become more transparent it has also grown more absurd.

Though, with the passage of the last two years, the nature of the MSM’s lies have grown with greater magnitude, so, too, with greater proportionality, the risk they will be discovered and subsequently exposed.

Such has turned out to be the case with “Nina Jankowicz”.

Below: Nina Jankowicz

By now, as surely everyone knows, “Nina Jankowicz” recently resigned as chief officer of Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Governance Board”.

As for the DGB itself, without further elaboration, Homeland Security officials have announced it has been “paused”.

Alas, an extensive investigation to discern the genuine identity of “Nina Jankowicz” has not.

Though, too, many are perhaps wondering how she managed to land such a high-profile position with one of the US corporate government’s most prestigious law enforcement organizations, rest assured, it was not due to either accident or coincidence.

It appears, “Nina Jankowicz” obtained her prestigious post due primarily to a high-profile connection – to a former US president and a fake one at that.

Turns out, she also has connections to disgraced Hollywood executive “Harvey Weinstein”, to the “late” celebrity chef “Anthony Bourdain”, and to a popular and award-winning comedian who formerly starred in a television “show about nothing”.

Continue reading “Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show”