American “King of All Media” European Royal?

American “King of All Media” European Royal?

Emotionalism is rendered meaningless in the face of objective analysis.

For the substance of any analysis which is underscored by empirical, historical, and even forensic evidence to be considered fully, one must be willing and even determined, like any disposable detritus, to cast the impediments of one’s emotional attachments aside.

Nevertheless, for the majority – time and again – feelings and emotional connections ultimately contain greater consideration; especially, it would seem, when it comes to an in-depth analysis that, most likely, could be construed as an overt and even personal criticism of their favorite Hollywood or mass media celebrities.

Blind adoration is often the result of such childish attachments to celebrity idols.

For a time, at least, there was no bigger media celebrity – or so he proclaimed – than the ‘King of All Media’, Howard Stern.

The celebrity known as Howard Stern is merely another media character operating under a pseudonym.

It turns out, “Howard Stern” is a pseudonym for a prominent European royal, someone who – in the past – has shown himself to be more than familiar with the concept of post-modern reality simulation. Continue reading “American “King of All Media” European Royal?”