His Majesty, the clown prince jester

His Majesty, the clown prince jester

It may come as no surprise to loyal readers that Alex Jones, the vaunted king of alternative media is an absolute fraud. However, many still do not know that the moniker, Alex Jones, is yet another pseudonym hiding a royal lineage.

Quite frankly, after all one has learned regarding who actually owns the US corporation, of the major shareholders of the American mainstream media, and the nepotistic, royal entanglements regarding Hollywood and mainstream entertainment, one finds this discovery still somewhat shocking.

For, long ago, when one began their sinuous sojourn on the dangerous path towards truth, one found Mr. “Jones” to be a most helpful, even enlightening guide.

But, one has also learned that life, such as it is, can often be found fraught with betrayal.

One finds, it bears repeating: the existence of the so-called alternative media is tantamount to a cruel hoax, a manufactured sham, designed to lead astray those small percentages of the multitudes harboring notions something may indeed be amiss with everything they’ve taken for granted as their perception of reality.

And – Alex Jones has been found to be perhaps the most conspicuous sham artist of them all.

But now, this latter-day P.T. Barnum and his parlor game of grand deception is over, and one shall soon discover – like seemingly everyone else either in the mainstream or the so-called alternative media – Alex Jones is merely a trained thespian, a scripted, carnival barking character portrayed by not just any host actor, but a royal prince belonging to a most ancient and prestigious royal European bloodline.

Stay tuned, folks – for with this installment you shall witness the slaughter of one very large sacred cow. Continue reading “His Majesty, the clown prince jester”