Who is America’s “Gun Girl” Kaitlyn Bennet?

Who is America’s “Gun Girl” Kaitlyn Bennet?

In an era dominated by the concept of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, things aren’t often what they seem.

Recently, I was made aware of a most amusing character — a gun toting Second Amendment activist — named “Kaitlyn Bennet”.

Not only, it seems, does Kaitlyn have both a penchant, and a talent for getting attention and generating chaos on college campuses across America due to her outrageous behavior but, it turns out, Bennet is also connected with Info Wars and the recently maligned alternative media figure, Alex Jones.

But there is something else, other than a shared connection to the Alternative Media, which connects Jones and Bennet together – they are both European royals in disguise.

Everyone may recall, the published revelation, in an installment from the recent past, that Alex Jones was identified as Prince Gustav of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg.

SEE: His Majesty, the clown prince jester

Bennet’s host actor, on the other hand, possesses royal family ties to the House of Nassau-Wellburg as well as the European royal House of Bourbon-Parma.

Not only is the host actor behind the characterization of “Kaitlyn Bennet” an activist – a Jesuit-trained agent of chaos who represents the global commercial interests of the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families – she is, in fact, a royal princess.

However, before beginning our in-depth examination of “Kaitlyn Bennet”, there is a bit of new information to impart regarding the alleged coronavirus. Continue reading “Who is America’s “Gun Girl” Kaitlyn Bennet?”