“Robert Malone”: Another Hollywood “Doctor”

“Robert Malone”: Another Hollywood “Doctor”

Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated, folded, spindled, and mutilated?

The MSM’s CIA-controlled mockingbird spin machine never sleeps, after all.

Somehow, though, when one recognizes the manufactured chicanery routinely churned out by the MSM, the sinister methodologies of its psychological warfare machine seem all-too transparent and, well, quite frankly, more than a bit comical, perhaps even a bit pathetic.

But amid the perpetual onslaught of the MSM’s psychological warfare, yet another “doctor” has emerged on the world’s stage to “courageously” reveal what many Americans appear to have devoured as the wholesale “truth”.

Nevertheless, rest assured, “Doctor Robert Malone”, who recently made headlines for his “controversial” appearance on the Joe Rogan show and for his subsequent banning from the popular social media platform Twitter, is no doctor, he just plays one on television.

Below: Doctor Robert Malone

In fact, everyone who frequents this site may have observed “Doctor Robert Malone” before but cast in another role.

Surely, there are those who remember “Richard Martinez”, from Santa Barbara, California, and his theatrical histrionics while scathingly lobbying for “gun control”?

Surely, too, everyone has observed the host actor (live-action role player) identified in portrayal of “Doctor Robert Malone” as well, cast in an iconic role and in one of Hollywood’s most classic and highest grossing films – Star Wars.

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The Joker Still Laughs at You

The Joker Still Laughs at You

This the story of a European prince, one who is alleged to be “dead”.

Nevertheless, decades ago, during the early years of the 1960’s, this Danish prince was cast, perhaps ironically, in the annals of American history as a lowly but mafia-connected night club owner and an “assassin”.

Not more than one-half decade later, however, this Danish prince would go on to play the role of a US presidential candidate who was also “assassinated”.

Considering the concept of karma, one supposes, what goes around comes around.

Turns out, when describing the true nature of Danish Prince Henrik’s family – the royal House of Glucksberg (a royal house originating in Northern Germany) – the former description – ‘mafia-connected’ – is certainly more than appropriate.

Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA “Jack Nicholson”/”Jack Ruby”/”Robert F. Kennedy”) is, in fact, connected to a mafia, the organized crime families we’ve come to know as the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families whom, since the ancient era of imperial Rome, have controlled the destiny of humanity and, as well, controlled – through the monopolization and weaponization of the MSM – what the public has been psychologically conditioned to perceive as recorded “history” and, therefore, “reality” (Post-Modern Reality Simulation).

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