Behind the disguise of David de Rothschild

Behind the disguise of David de Rothschild

Considering the recent rash of “school shootings” and the plethora of fabricated mainstream news narratives created to drive greater public attention towards a pathetic slew of manufactured presidential candidates, one fact becomes painfully clear.

That gaggle of royal clowns – we’ve come to know as the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families – remains dedicated in their continued efforts to mercilessly conduct a surreal three-ringed mainstream media circus of psychological gaslighting before its hypnotized audience, the American general public.

As we’ve learned – like the clowns one finds entertaining at the circus – the family members of the ruling elite’s remain hidden behind garish masks, celebrity personas, the well-constructed images of popular music industry legends, and Hollywood’s award-winning entertainment glitterati.

On this occasion, we will examine the persona of activist David Mayer de Rothschild who, as you would probably expect to discover, is yet another media-created clown, an actor whose genuine identity remains concealed behind a mask’s well-conceived disguise.

The Rothschild family – ever since the commercial proliferation of digital technologies in the 21st century’s retail marketplace – have seemingly become the ubiquitous bugbear of those counted among the so-called alternative news research community.

But many of these researchers have fallen prey to disinformation; bottomless rabbit holes which have been designed as distractive and even destructive traps.

Nevertheless, as it turns out folks, the universally despised family of Rothschilds – like the one alleged to be named David – are not who they appear to be either. Continue reading “Behind the disguise of David de Rothschild”