All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)

All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)

As the title implies, one shall attempt to once again examine the true nature of one of the most effective psychological operations utilized by the ruling elite Jesuit families –  the sports and entertainment complex.

For this installment, one shall briefly transition the focus away from the centrifugal concept explored in the recent past concerning the actor based reality and examine the purpose(s) for which the American sports and entertainment complex was created, how it is maintained, and to identify the psychological factors in maintaining its hegemony over the lives of the masses.

This subject matter happens to coincide with the recent government psychological operation unleashed in Florida, in so far as the identical mass manipulative psychological dynamics utilized to maintain the socio-political effectiveness of such intelligence operations are common to that of the sports and entertainment complex.

Perhaps even for loyal readers, the conclusion(s) presented here shall not be perceived as comfortable notions to contemplate, and as usual, shall no doubt be dismissed out of hand by some. The pursuit of truth often implies one shall be forced to forge their own path through a desolate, lonely and dangerous wilderness.

Nonetheless, one shall proceed – undaunted. Continue reading “All in the game: NFL fixed or legit? (Part IX)”