“Entebbe raid” made in Hollywood, USA

One apologizes to those loyal visitors perhaps anticipating the third and final installment concerning the LA riots. Don’t despair, that is coming very soon, but in the meantime another topic of interest happened to suddenly capture one’s attentions.

The studio executive puppets in control of Hollywood on behalf of the ruling Jesuit royal families recently decided to memorialize and sear into the public’s memory yet another mythical tale – that of the alleged Israeli hostage crisis on the Ugandan coastal city of Entebbe during the mid 1970’s.

Though younger readers may certainly not be familiar with this event or its alleged details, the so-called ‘raid on Entebbe’ represented a bit of Tavistock composed psychological branding that helped introduce the terrorist meme to America and the world at large.

One must always be cognizant of the fact what is sold to the masses as “reality” is nothing more than a reflection of geometrically constructed illusions of sight, sound, colors, numerology, and neural linguistic programming.

As masters of these tools, the spell casting sorcerers of both the Hollywood cinema and television medium are the purveyors of grand illusions. Productions such as 2018’s “7 days in Entebbe” represent but one foundational brick applied to bolster and reinforce the pyramid of illusion perceived as reality in the callow and pliable minds of future generations now coming of age.

And judging from the results, a majority of the masses still choose to emotionally invest in whatever is sold to them – whether through Hollywood cinema or the television medium. Continue reading ““Entebbe raid” made in Hollywood, USA”