DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The covert goal of government is to ultimately control the human mind.

Still today, among a majority, the concept of subliminal advertising is considered to be a myth.

However, the following example, from decades ago, proves that not only did the US corporate government conspire with the Jesuit-controlled CIA to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the American public with subliminal messaging, but the identity of the covert perpetrators, as well as their true and sinister intentions, is actually hidden within the subliminal messaging.

In addition, the unsettling content of the following video excerpt more than implies and clearly demonstrates, while the perpetrators remained well aware the modern communications medium known as television programming was designed as a psychological warfare weapon possessing the capability to effectively induce the public into a collective “alpha” hypnotic state, this particular example of the deliberate deployment of subliminally suggestive psychologically coercive mind subversion was not an isolated example.

In fact, in the coming decades, this sinister practice would only grow to become more widely utilized and sophisticatedly subversive.

As the video’s narrator attempts to explain, a series of subliminal messages were covertly hidden within the words – the emotionally stirring lyrics of the American national anthem – as they progressively scrolled across America’s late night and early morning television screens.

The subliminally embedded message of “Buy Naomi” is particularly ominous.

According to the researcher featured in the following video excerpt, Project MK Naomi was a CIA biological weapons/population control project facilitated and executed by the Jesuit controlled CIA. Though the agency claimed this special project was defunct by the time of the Church Committee hearings of the mid-1970’s which ostensibly convened to examine the dark underbelly of CIA’s covert black projects, as shall be demonstrated, Project MK Naomi continued into the 21st century under the guise of the Covid-19 “pandemic” psychological operation.

Over the decades from the time of its inception, Project MK Naomi has been promoted and administratively guided by members of the von Furstenberg family posing as high-level figures in the arena of US politics and US corporate government sponsored medical research.

When Project MK Naomi began during the era of the 1950’s shortly after the post-war inception of the CIA, it was with the blessing of the presidential administration of “Dwight D. Eisenhower” who, as most who frequent this site will recall, was identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by Hollywood and Coca-Cola executive Barry Diller (AKA Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg Hohenlohe/Alfred Hitchcock/Oliver Stone/Mike Nichols/Cary Grant/Robert Shapiro/John Avery/John Ramsey/Bill O’Reilly), the very same who participated in the OJ Simpson (AKA Hollywood actor Danny Glover) trial simulation/hoax as attorney “Robert Shapiro” and again as attorney “John Avery” in the Port Aurthur, Australia “massacre” posing as the defense for the alleged shooter “Martin Bryant”, a fabricated character scheme portrayed by small-time Hollywood actor Matt Lattanzi (AKA California governor Gavin Newsome/Burke Ramsey/Rob Lowe/Jean Claude Van Dame) who also, not coincidentally, played a key role in the OJ Simpson murder hoax, starring as “Ronald Goldman”.

SEE: Dead Man Governing Golden State?

Below: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry Diller, Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg


But even further and more extensive investigation into the true identity of Florida governor “Ron DeSantis” (AKA Joe Rogan) – SEE: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor – has revealed a family connection both to Diller and, by genealogical extension, to American president “Franklin Delano Roosevelt” (AKA Prince Tassilo von Furstenberg/Fred Astaire/Walt Disney/Jimmy Stewart/Glen Miller/Harry Truman/Henry Fonda/Al Jolson).

Below: Ron DeSantis, Joe Rogan, Prince Alexander von Furstenberg

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SEE: FDR: America’s Royal Hollywood Fraud

Honesty Not Harry S. Truman’s Best Policy

As shall soon be revealed, “Ron DeSantis” also has genealogical connections to not only Diller, but to Hollywood executive David Geffen, the man behind the well-crafted public persona known as “Doctor Anthony Fauci”, an image modification related to yet another of Geffen’s fabricated character schemes, TMZ television executive “Harvey Levin”.

This really isn’t surprising, given, as everyone who frequents this site has learned, David Geffen has been identified as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, having portrayed a slew of fabricated character schemes in the arenas of entertainment and in politics. David Geffen is also the host actor (live-action role player) behind the mask of “Henry Kissinger”, a member of the eugenicist Club of Rome, who went on record as having stated, “Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over. We thin out the herd and the herd pay us for providing extermination services.”

Turns out, the perpetrators of Post-Modern Reality Simulation belong to a tightly knit group of actors connected to the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families, including that of the von Furstenberg, the Dukes of Swabia, an ancient noble and royal family of German origin with deep historical connections to the Holy Roman Empire and to the Vatican.

Below: Doctor Anthony Fauci, Harvey Levin, David Geffen


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