Tavistock: pop culture mind war masters (Part III)

Don’t believe mind control exists?

Perhaps, one should rethink that perspective.

The weapons of mind war are not kept in some remote laboratory, nor do they exist in the black netherworld of some James Bond 007 derived fantasy. No, the weapons of 21st century mind war one would discover in closer proximity. For decades, the ruling elites, through the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, have been funding research in to the development and ultimate commercial marketing of technologies that could first predict, and then control mass behavior, through electromagnetic mapping and ultimate control of the human mind.

And to what sort of technologies is one referring?

Why, the portable digital technology clutched firmly into the palm of one’s hand, the cell or smart phone, of course. This digital technology is yet another weapon in the arsenal of the ruling elites.

Believe it or not folks, your cell and smart phone, though cleverly and ostensibly marketed to facilitate one’s personal convenience and entertaining amusements, is in truth, a tool of Tavistock’s technocratic sorcery.  Continue reading “Tavistock: pop culture mind war masters (Part III)”