US government goes wacko in Waco

US government goes wacko in Waco

With this installment, one shall continue to dismantle the sacred cows of documented American history.  As loyal readers have observed, even sacred cows get slaughtered. The media sorcerers broadcast psychological operations not only to increase ratings, but to also propagate government funded propaganda. Upon further examination, the alleged showdown in Waco, Texas between FBI, David Koresh and his Branch Davidian cult represents yet another documented example of such propaganda.

Considering Waco however, one shall attempt to examine and ascertain the overall purpose of the government’s propaganda. And yet again folks, one has discovered the participation of ruling elite family members portraying starring roles in what amounted to a psychological operation transformed into one of television’s grandest soap opera mini-series. As one shall soon observe, all of the so-called details of this widely broadcast event were delivered to the public in the manner similar to a fiction narrative developed in Hollywood via story board fashion, complete with dramatic character arcs.

Yes, perhaps not surprisingly folks, one has discovered the starring role portrayed by a familiar figure ; a ‘thin white duke’ transformed to bible thumping fundamentalist cult leader. But, one has also discovered the participation of yet another well recognized Hollywood actress, who among other noted cinematic roles to her credit, has worked with Hollywood Kabbalah boys club member George Lucas.   Continue reading “US government goes wacko in Waco”