America sniped by DC Beltway “killers”

America sniped by DC Beltway “killers”

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Oftentimes, when analyzing a prominent news event from the perspective of hindsight, it strikes one as truly remarkable the absolute dross the mainstream media has shoveled upon the public.

The case of the DC or Beltway “snipers” is no exception.

As one shall soon observe, this psychological operation was clearly engineered to begin placing the “gun control” issue firmly into the forefront of public consciousness. And unfortunately, it seemed to have performed this role in quite spectacular fashion. However, when one looks beneath the surface of the story’s details promulgated by mainstream media sources, the glaring anomalies become readily apparent.

Firstly, the logistics of how the attacks were carried out by the alleged snipers simply falls apart under the slightest scrutiny, and secondarily, one has discovered the performance of a famous Hollywood host actor from the superstar ranks of the music industry scripted into the role of none other than the police chief heading the so-called investigation.

No doubt, this famous music producer was cajoled by his puppeteering overlords into being contracted for the role in exchange for being hoisted to such a prominent position on the mantel of fame and fortune.  Continue reading “America sniped by DC Beltway “killers””