The UN’s “Champion of the Earth”

The UN’s “Champion of the Earth”

A plethora of high-profile awards are parceled out annually, but none are so grandly entitled as “Champion of the Earth”.

On April 21st, the UN environmental Programme (UNEP) bestowed upon Sir David Attenborough, a veteran BBC television broadcaster, with the Champions of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award.

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According to, “Sir David Attenborough” was recently awarded for “his dedication, and advocacy for the protection of nature and its restoration. In addition, his advocacy to preserve and restore biodiversity, transition to renewable energy, mitigate climate change and promote plant-rich diets contribute to the realization of many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).”

The UN’s official announcement was remiss in informing that “Sir David Attenborough” also favors the Malthusian concept of human depopulation. In essence, though he may have been dubbed “Champion of the Earth”, confirmed by his recent comments quoted in an article published at, “Sir David Attenborough” certainly does not qualify as a champion of humanity’s continued survival.

Nevertheless, among those self-initiated into the pseudo-religious global “climate change” cult, “Sir David Attenborough” is considered to be a hero, perhaps even a demigod.

But when expedient, history’s “heroes” have always been provided to the masses whom, from birth, have been psychologically conditioned to rely upon the miraculous appearances of fabricated saviors.

Circa 1870, regarding the concept of decorated heroes such as Sir David Attenborough, legendary masonic Grand Master Albert Pike was quoted, “We always give the public their heroes. We give the heroes to every faction, and then people once they hear this person say all the right things, we give releases to them because he or she speaks for ‘me’. We say go there go do that and they do it. We give our power to the authorized heroes.”

Though among most Britons, he’s also considered to be a national treasure, given the cult of personality which surrounds him, “Sir David Attenborough” certainly qualifies as a classic example of one of Albert Pike’s “authorized heroes”. And yet, upon further investigation, “Sir David Attenborough” has proved to be another fabricated character scheme, charged with playing out his scripted role on the world’s stage.

Neither should it be any coincidence to discover that not only has “Sir David Attenborough” received a bevy of other distinguished awards throughout the long tenure of his BBC television career, a career spanning back to the 1950’s and the dawn of commercial British television, but, as confirmed by extensive ear-biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses, the host actor (live-action role player) identified in portrayal of his fabricated character scheme is a European royal, one who, according to the MSM and to the CIA/Jesuit controlled Wikipedia, is claimed to be “dead”.

Below from L to R: Sir David Attenborough, Prince Henrik of Denmark

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Though the MSM claims he’s “officially” shuffled off this mortal coil, over the course of his life while posed on the world’s stage by his Jesuit/masonic masters, it turns out, Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA Sir David Attenborough) has also portrayed a number of other legendary roles, in Hollywood, in the Hollywood music industry, and in the theater of American politics. Roles which, in each case and without exception, have helped the thirteen ruling Jesuit families to advance their global political/social agendas.

SEE: The Joker Still Laughs at You

During his youth, Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA Sir David Attenborough) endeavored to become a frequent perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation. Strategically donned with a custom-fitted hairpiece, he assumed the role of “Robert F. Kennedy”, former US Attorney General and “assassinated” US presidential candidate.

Below from L to R: Prince Henrik of Denmark, Sir David Attenborough, Robert F. Kennedy

In the early 1960’s, Prince Henrik (AKA Sir David Attenborough/Robert F. Kennedy) consort to Queen Margarethe of Denmark also portrayed the Hollywood actor known as “Jack Nicholson”, a made for Hollywood media-driven fabricated character scheme who was modified into mafia connected Dallas nightclub owner “Jack Ruby”.

Below from L to R & in descending order: Prince Henrik of Denmark, Sir David Attenborough, Jack Nicholson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jack Ruby

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Still later, Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA Sir David Attenborough/Robert F. Kennedy/Jack Nicholson/Jack Ruby) was also modified into the Hollywood actor known to the public as “Jon Voigt”. 

Below from L to R: Jack Nicholson, Jon Voigt, Prince Henrik of Denmark

A classically trained pianist, Prince Henrik of Denmark (AKA Sir David Attenborough/Jack Nicholson) was also strategically modified with both chin and facial prosthetics to portray the role of legendary rock/pop star “Neil Young”. 

Below: Prince Henrik of Denmark, Sir David Attenborough, Jack Nicholson, Neil Young 

As shall also be proved beyond shadow of doubt, despite being named by the UN as “Champion of the Earth”, “Sir David Attenborough” (AKA Prince Henrik of Denmark/Robert F. Kennedy/Jack Nicholson/Jack Ruby/Jon Voigt/Neil Young) has gone on record as having characterized the humanity inhabiting the Earth he is alleged to “champion” as a “plague”.   

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