Actors Starring as 2020 Presidential Candidates? Part II

Actors Starring as 2020 Presidential Candidates? Part II

Former US president “George H.W. Bush” is rumored to have once uttered, “If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.”

In fairness, though this quote is often sourced to an alleged interview conducted by former White House press correspondent Sarah McClendon, there appears to be no first- hand account or documentation – a common discovery when sources of such well-repeated historical anecdotes are investigated – which corroborates Bush’s remarks or that such an interview between the former US president and McClendon ever took place.

Nevertheless, remarks of this kind serve to provide ample and dramatic illustration of the sinister methods of subversive operation employed by the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, and are particularly applicable when considering the grand implications of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Unlike the unconfirmed remarks of “George H.W. ‘Poppy’ Bush” however, both the results and the source of the published research that follows are certainly and without question well-substantiated.

The conclusions revealed in this installment will undoubtedly, even to those considered loyal readers and visitors, seem highly controversial and, perhaps, even met with no small measure of incredulous outrage.

So be it! Continue reading “Actors Starring as 2020 Presidential Candidates? Part II”



One of the primary functions of the media sorcerers is to sell you myths. They are constantly satisfied  to sell you on the idea of the need for government security, and further still, selling the concept of representative democracy. It is important to remember too, that the idea of achieving the so-called “American Dream” is itself an illusion. This is created precisely to keep you focused on material acquisition, to keep you believing in the absurd notion that one can “succeed” and come out a winner when the game is hopelessly rigged. And yet, this is the false notion that keeps the debt based economic house of cards from falling right before our very eyes.

From time immemorial, humans have been tricked into believing in the notion they have to be “governed,” that they are not discerning enough, or intelligent enough to manage their own affairs, economic or social, that we must be subject to the whim and caprices of a ruling class filled with psychopathic control freaks, intent on controlling every minute aspect of one’s life while here on earth.

Tens of millions and more, despite evidence to the contrary, continue to believe if they vote for the right candidate, things just might transform somehow in their favor, that somehow they might acquire prospects for a better job, that their mundane lives might somehow become magically transformed. But why work for someone else and be defined by artificial parameters, when if only the masses would start believing in themselves, rather than looking to gods, gurus, or politicians to solve problems, it is only then the world could have a chance at true spiritual transformation.

Indeed, the revolution will not be televised, the transformation of society is not in the form of “electing” yet another puppet of the crown temple bankers, but rather exists in the process of internal introspection. And yet, many continue to keep expecting the voting process and the selected candidates to somehow deliver on hollow democratic promises.


The truth of the matter, for over 200 years or more, this country and other countries have existed as corporations, owned and operated by Crown Temple bankers based in the city of London. The so-called political process viewed on television is pure theatrics, yet another magical spell engineered to bolster the appearance of free and democratic choice.

In truth, politics isn’t free, and you have no choice in the matter! You are only granted the privilege of electing that which the ruling banking cabal has already selected. Whether democrat or republican, the game is rigged, and no matter which you choose, they win and you lose. Once again, mass perceptions and human consciousness have been manipulated in the name of profits, the very essence of the media sorcerers magic spells. While the media sorcerers have the masses arguing and divided as to whether or not Hillary Clinton is evil or Donald Trump is a racist buffoon, the real issue goes unaddressed.

That is, no one bothers to ask if any of this is real or not. It isn’t, for it is merely another scripted movie, starring characters, actors and actresses placed into roles, mythical heroes and loathsome villains. Since the bankers have owned and operated the US corporation for over two centuries, the politicians represent mere salesman proffering a predetermined agenda not to the masses advantage or benefit, laws and policies merely instruments enacted to derive massive profits from tax farmed human resources.


And just who are these bankers of the elite Crown Temple, you may wonder?  They are the owners and operators of the US corporation. By virtue of the fact you were given a fictional name and a social security identity, you are in fact an employee of that corporation, subject to the terms and conditions set down by the Crown Temple. Forget what you’ve heard about global governance arriving some time in the future, for it was long established by the time of this country’s founding. It is only that you have been conditioned by public schooling into believing in the concept of individual nations.

In truth, the masses have been conditioned since the dawn of the 20th century to incrementally accept the idea of global governance as it eventually emerges from behind the veil of “national security.” The Crown Temple, centered within the one square mile of the city of London proper, is at the hub of the globes economic and legal structures, and controls the Federal Reserve system in America, as well as having dominion over the International Bank of Settlements, and IMF. Well, you say, doesn’t the President get to appoint whom he wants to the post of Federal Reserve chairman? Yes, but it is only a mere formality, the choice having been made by the Crown Temple board of directors.

The Crown Temple is divided into four branches; the inner and middle temple, and Grey’s and Lincoln Court. All attorneys called to the bar, both in America and Britain, are sworn to take an oath to the Crown Temple, whether they realize it or not. Both the royal family of Great Britain and Parliament are subject to their edicts. Many think the Queen is merely a figurehead, but this is not quite so. In addition to vast wealth and land holdings, she has power over Parliament itself, through a secret society known as the “Order of the Garter.” Both the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, are merely internal memos of terms and conditions settled between Esquires, or attorneys, subject to the Crown Temple. All presidential candidates are chosen well in advance by members of the Crown Temple, which is connected to the Vatican, or more specifically, the Jesuit order, which secretly controls the selection of each new pope.

In essence, the real architecture of government is not with the public officials you think you’ve ‘elected’, but lies within three city states; The Vatican in Rome, The Crown Temple in London, and finally Washington D.C., which in truth serves as the enforcing military arm of this three pronged trident.


First off, our presidential elections are tantamount to ‘American Idol.” That is, they are merely spectacles put on by the ruling elite to distract the masses away from where the real architecture of governance lies. Have you never wondered why the polling numbers seem to swing wildly day to day, even hour to hour? Well, that is because they are manipulated or outright fabricated. As has been well documented, the media sorcerers so-called exit polls reported the night of the November elections are pure bunk, mere extrapolations taken from small samplings of data in turn taken from an even tinier subset of demographically derived numbers.The effects of this are purely psychological, in that tweaking public perception concerning one candidates poll numbers will make them seem more popular than they are in reality. But then again, the entire process is as far removed from reality as Alice and Wonderland!

What if it were revealed Hillary Clinton isn’t real, that she is in fact, a character played by a host actress whose true identity is well disguised by well crafted digital illusion. In fact, once one recognizes the illusion of the media sorcerers and the creative methods utilized, it is readily observable several actors and actresses may easily slip into one or more public roles without slightest detection. In the case of Hilary Clinton, one can readily observe the same actress cast in the role of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Whenever one views the news sorcerers performing on television, what is being witnessed is a broadcast news production shot exclusively on broadcast pixel cameras. In essence, computer generated models are routinely altered utilizing three dimensional modeling solutions. From a technical standpoint, this is entirely different from a real broadcast production, which is normally shot utilizing a silver pixel frame to frame base. From time to time however, if scrutinized closely, one can witness computer generated glitches in these broadcast productions, both in voice synthesis to hide the host actors identity, and in the visual frame to frame composite, which is primarily performed in post production. In order to hide these glaring glitches, disinformation agents in the growing alternative media, owned by the same elite families, are employed to lead the public away from the truth of the media sorcerers deep deceptions. They would have one believe that what you’re looking at when it comes to these glitches is some sort of supernatural transformation, of humans degenerating into reptilian form. Which of course, is utter nonsense!


How is it this illusion is maintained you might ask? Once again, the media sorcerers have a full satchel of magical tools on hand; three-dimensional computer generated images, voice synthesis, and an array of sophisticated video morphing and editing software, to name just a few. All or some of these tools were applied to create the illusion of 911, which was nothing more than an altered broadcast featuring the controlled demolition of some New York buildings and the Pentagon, sold to the public as some ridiculously conceived international terror plot, engineered by some mythical bogeyman holed up in an Afghan cave. The illusion is not just relegated to television wizardry. When the so-called candidates appear “live,” their true identities are further concealed by Hollywood makeup artists and artificially applied disguises. Conditioned and blinded by Madison Avenue image marketing, the hypnotic trance of the public is maintained and assured, and none are the wiser, until now!

Ever since the advent of photography in the 19th century, the media sorcerers have manipulated history and mass perception at will, creating myths and selling pure fiction as unadulterated fact. The business of selling lies has been profitable in maintaining the hegemony of the privileged few over the clueless and pacified many.

Television is the land of Oz, the manipulation of computer generated block matrices and sub-matrices, a virtual Strawberry Fields of make-believe created through geometric and vector color distributions, where truly nothing is real. Induced into an alpha state, over time one is transformed to a zombie-like automaton, less likely to question the edicts of those that rule over them from the shadows. Even with limited viewing, one is subjecting themselves to psychic and spiritual torture, becoming weak and ultimately vulnerable to the spells of the media sorcerers.

But a population of mindless consumers is collectively much easier to control than one that is truly well informed and well educated to the gross manipulations shaping their lives. But that is a scenario the media sorcerers and their crown temple banking masters fear the most. And so the psychological manipulation and traumatizing mind control matrix stays intact.

It becomes necessary to realize true freedom and genuine independence can never be realized until this illusion is unmasked. Ask yourself if continuing to participate in presidential elections, or any elections for that matter, has yielded anything truly beneficial or induced real and meaningful change? Have you never wondered why every twenty years the crown temple bankers create financial crisis as an excuse to commit massive corporate embezzlement?

As for Donald Trump, he too is nothing more than a host actor deceptively hidden behind computer generated wizardry. The public at large meanwhile, is brainwashed by media sorcerers into believing this is a legitimate political contest, when in fact it is nothing more than vacuous ritual, the outcome scripted and predetermined. Everything you experience through the medium of television is fake, including not just politics, but sporting events as well, the sell-out and soulless participants burgeoned to mythical proportions by the media sorcerers. Bedazzled by such digital wizardry, the public invests both its emotional and financial energy, energy that is then used against public interest to weaken, and perpetually divide between republican and democrat, warring tribes who if united and more importantly awakened, could easily smash the spells of the media sorcerers.


When finished scoffing at any of the aforementioned information, please feel free to investigate for yourself, and remember to maintain an objective, dispassionate, and above all, open mind. Once the spell of the media sorcerers wears off, you too will readily see the blinders melt away, until all that remains, is the truth!