Fox News Network’s Hollywood Hannity

Fox News Network’s Hollywood Hannity

Everyone in America readily recognizes Sean Hannity as a Fox News anchor/talk show personality.

What those among Fox News’s audience demographic haven’t recognized, is that they’ve seen their favorite news anchor perform under the guise of other famous names while starring in high-profile entertainment mediums as a late-night talk show host, an award-winning Hollywood actor and, as well, acting under manufactured pseudonyms while serving in official US corporate government capacities, both as a US senator and a US supreme court judiciary.

That is – until now.

Turns out, “Sean Hannity” is also genealogically related to an ancient European royal bloodline. He is also related to a man, a former European monarch, who has not only portrayed a popular MSM news anchor, an infamous global financier, a banker belonging to the villainous Rothschild family, but a slew of other roles featured on the world’s stage including, most recently, a US presidential candidate.

At this moment, however, at the behest of his Jesuit masters, “Sean Hannity” is attempting to sell a “war” to the Fox News audience demographic. Over the course of his career behind the MSM anchor desk, as is standard practice for any anchor employed by Fox News (666) and other MSM networks, “Sean Hannity” has helped to promote the devious divisive scheme of the false left/right political paradigm.

But as everyone shall observe, the current war propaganda promoted by “Sean Hannity” from the Fox News anchor desk is consistent with the particular behaviors adopted by the other fabricated character schemes into which his host actor (live action role player) – a royal prince of Greece and Denmark who is better known as an award-winning Hollywood actor – has been incrementally modified over a period of decades.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Blitz Pictures/Shutterstock (9732621e)
Crown Prince Pavlos
Prince Pavlos at Loulou’s, London, UK – 19 Jun 2018

In fact, the specific biographical but manufactured characteristics adopted by each fabricated character scheme portrayed by the European prince disguised as an award-winning Hollywood actor behind the mask of the famous Fox News anchor represent puzzle pieces which, when assembled and then objectively analyzed, provide a much clearer and panoramic glimpse of the global end game of the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families and their conspirators at Crown Temple in the City of London and at the Vatican in Rome.

Not only that, but, as shall be demonstrated with video evidence, there is a particularly conspicuous and identifying physical mannerism employed by many of the fabricated character schemes to which Fox News talk show host personality “Sean Hannity” is directly related.

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Ukraine ‘War’ Scenario Hollywood Production

Ukraine ‘War’ Scenario Hollywood Production

Recently, in response to what was perceived as the dubious content of an official briefing given by State Department spokesman Ned Price, Matt Lee of the Associated Press said, “This is like crisis actors – really? This is like Alex Jones territory you’re getting into now.”

From there – as everyone shall observe in the following video clip – the exchanges between Lee and Price proceeded to degenerate into what can only be described as comic hilarity.

What Price wouldn’t dare tell or admit to either Matt Lee or to the American general public, on pain of immediate dismissal from his cushy job and career ending public disgrace, is that the execution of such psychological operations/Post-Modern Reality Simulation (AKA false flags or hoaxes) – as they relate to establishing a reason to prosecute a war – is nothing new in the annals of American history.

The truth is, the sinking of the Maine in 1898 to begin the Spanish-American war, the “assassination” of Archduke Ferdinand which caused US military intervention overseas in WWI, the Japanese “attack” on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 which precipitated the US’s involvement in WWII, the Gulf of Tonkin “incident” in 1965 which escalated US military incursions in Southeast Asia, and the controlled demolition of New York’s twin world trade centers and building #7 on September 11, 2001 which led to the US invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan, to name but just a few instances, all were deliberately staged psychological operations which were utilized as justifications for war.

In addition to the fact State Department spokesman Ned Price was trained at Georgetown University, a Jesuit founded military fortress, according to his official biography published at Wikipedia, Price has also worked at the CIA, yet another Jesuit controlled arm of the international intelligence octopus.

In essence, Price is merely the latest in a long line of Jesuit trained prevaricators and spin masters employed by the US corporate government in service to the interests of the Jesuit Superior Genral at the Vatican.

Here’s something else Ned Price is sure to never relate to the American public either: Russian Premiere “Vladimir Putin” is a fabricated character scheme portrayed by an award-winning Hollywood actor.

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