Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Certain individuals have a knack for remaining clandestine while simultaneously keeping a somewhat conspicuous public profile. A paradoxical scenario to be sure. To those among the general public, however, someone with the capability to execute such a deceptive trick would be considered tantamount to a magician. And yet again, such a feat may not too difficult for one in possession of great wealth, enough to gain some modicum of influential or even controlling interest in the MSM.

In addition, when one’s son is the ubiquitous cult of personality known as “Elon Musk”, chief executive of both Tesla, Space X and chief proprietor of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, it may be that much easier, after faking one’s death, for a “dead” man to conceal one’s genuine identity with an appropriated pseudonym attached to an alternate persona. If successful at employing such deceptive tactics, one could conceivably hide among the public arena while operating in plain view.


But why make the hypothesis that the man pictured in the image posted above may be “dead”?

Because it turns out that, upon more extensive investigation, “Errol Musk”, alleged to be the father of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) is a British royal in disguise, one who was recently alleged to have “died”. Though there isn’t much biographical information available on “Errol”, enough information remains extant to provide possible clues as to his true identity.

1.) Online biographies reveal that Errol’s mother was British, 2.) There exists a rather well-circulated, but dubious MSM promoted narrative which appears derived from a discarded B grade Hollywood action/thriller script treatment, the reported details of which allege “Errol Musk” fended off an attack from a gang of gun toting home invaders at his plush residence in South Africa.

Suspiciously, this particular widely circulated story is not only ridden with gematria coding, but the veracity of its narrative details – like most if not all such stories promoted by the MSM – crumble to utter dust under the weight of even the slightest scrutiny.

For example, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, this MSM promoted story claims that not only did “Errol” heroically emerge intact and alive, but he managed to gun down three of the seven alleged home invaders.

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NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

The historical veracity attached to the “official” story of “Yuri Gagarin” – uniformly alleged by the MSM and published historical accounts to have been the first human in space – crumbles under greater scrutiny.

Reportedly, before the historic launch of NASA’s Apollo 11, Gagarin died under what can only be described as mysterious circumstances.

There was a very good reason, however, as to why the pioneering Russian cosmonaut’s “death” was kept shrouded in such mystery and intrigue by the MSM.

Turns out, upon further investigation – as confirmed via extensive ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses – “Yuri Gagarin”, pronounced as tragically “dead” before Apollo’s maiden but mythical voyage, was resurrected in 1969 as one of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts”, and became the first human alleged to have stepped on the surface of the moon.

Below L to R: Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong

As to the genuine identity of the other pair of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts” alleged to have been launched into space in 1969, further investigation confirms, “Buzz Aldrin” and “Michael Collins” were both fabricated character schemes portrayed by Hollywood actors.

The Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of the former – “Buzz Aldrin” – had previously worked with Stanley Kubrick, one of Hollywood’s most highly touted cinema directors.

While acting under different but renowned pseudonyms, the Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of arguably the least heralded of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts” – “Michael Collins” – went on to star with Dennis Hopper (AKA JFK) in Easy Rider and to star with Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/television doctor Phil McGraw/television actor Dabney Coleman/Vladimir Putin) in Deliverance.

As was pointed out in a previously published article, “Doctor Phil McGraw” is also the hidden father of popular internet personality/podcaster Del Bigtree (AKA Quentin Anderson Reynolds/John Wayne Bobbitt/Doctor Drew Pinsky/Kevin Spacey/Jeff Bezos).

SEE: Del’s Big Tree Bears Rotten Fruit

Below from L to R: Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins

As everyone shall soon learn, “Buzz Aldrin” and his NASA colleague “Michael Collins” never left earth in 1969. Their interplanetary communications, which the MSM alleges were sent from the Apollo space craft on the moon to NASA’s mission control, including the famous words spoken by “Neil Armstrong” in a solemn tone of overwrought melodrama – “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” – were prerecorded for what was essentially a prime-time television production, the equivalent of 21st century “reality” television.

Though still unknown to a majority of the American public, NASA operates under the umbrella of the US Department of Defense and is nothing more than a Hollywood-styled movie/television production studio disguised as an organization dedicated to astronomical study and scientific discovery.

Since the time of its inception and for its entire duration, Hollywood has covertly operated as a purveying agent of US corporate government propaganda, and has always worked in proximity with the US military/industrial complex and performed at the dictatorial behest of Jesuit controlled CIA.

Therefore, the genuine nature of NASA is synonymous with that of Hollywood, with both operating as propaganda arms and subsidiary divisions of the US Department of Defense.

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