Vegas shooting hoax: The real story

Vegas shooting hoax: The real story

When considering stories promoted by mainstream media outlets, whether online, magazine, periodical, newspaper, or television, the real story is always concealed behind the headlined facade. As is the case with all simulated crisis drills, there is usually an ulterior agenda. And, that agenda, usually has to do with monetary profiteering.

Of course, the looming question for any prospective investigator is, who ultimately benefits? The thorough investigator, however, will take it a step further once that initial question has been satisfied, and then ask, exactly how?

In the case of the staged crisis shooting drill in Vegas, the obvious answer to the first question as to who ultimately benefits is, of course, the elite ruling families holding the monopoly umbrella under which all major revenue generating corporations are placed. For the independent investigator, finding out the true end game can prove a bit more difficult. But, after more than a bit of perseverance, patience, and exhaustive research, one thinks they just may have the answer. Continue reading “Vegas shooting hoax: The real story”