‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

The MSM’s report of the collapse of the Fern Hollow bridge in Pittsburgh, PA, on January 28, 2022, featured a very interesting ‘eyewitness’, Jane Dudley, one who appeared as well as sounded all-too familiar.

Below: Jane Dudley

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In the video clip displayed immediately below, Jane Dudley, alleged to be a Pittsburgh resident, volunteers an eyewitness testimony which not only suspiciously sounds like a well-rehearsed script delivered by an experienced actress, but as shall be thoroughly explained later on, the details of Dudley’s testimony do not appear to be remotely credible. In fact, when put under even the least bit of scrutiny and measured against the official timeline reported by the MSM, her testimony falls completely apart.

Indeed, after repeated listening, Dudley’s voice sounds very similar to that of the award-winning actress Annette Bening, observed in the following video clip, who, as most will recall, was identified as the live-action role player behind the masks of the fabricated character schemes known as former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren.

SEE: SOE Confirms: America Under Siege Warfare

Further investigation has revealed, according to her professional profile at linkedin.com, “Jane Dudley” is an “Assistant Creative Director” at Pittsburgh University’s Office of Communications and Marketing. That dubious title appears to be an ill-conceived intelligence cover, part of a custom-tailored legend or backstory designed to legitimize the professional bona fides of an intelligence operator. More intriguingly still, even further investigation has revealed, Hollywood actress Annette Bening has an older sister – wait for it, folks – named Jane.

Below: L to R, Annette and Jane Bening


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‘Circling Back’ to the Brat Pack

‘Circling Back’ to the Brat Pack

One supposes – since the “inauguration” of the present American presidential administration – everyone has witnessed some of the recent performances of White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki.

From the outset of her tenure as White House Press Secretary, Psaki has become infamous – as everyone can observe in the video excerpt displayed immediately below – for what has become her standard response to questions about the Biden administration’s policies: “I’ll have to circle back”.

Many who frequent this site may have already surmised Psaki’s well-used response has occult and masonic significance and, as well, relates to the practice of sacred geometry.

You would be correct.

Whether intentional or not, Psaki’s “circle back” is a reference to the Ouroboros, or the snake eating its own tale, the cycle of death and rebirth.



Though recently, Psaki has received considerable criticism for her seeming unwillingness to comprehensively respond to direct questions posed by members of the gathered press, one had not, until only recently, viewed – as it were – Psaki in action.

When I finally did, one’s intuitive senses were immediately pricked with a sense of overwhelming familiarity.

Yes, I had, with certainty, seen her before, but long ago, long before she was known as “Jenn Psaki”.

The tone, timbre, and unique cadence of her voice, along with her curious penchant for certain distinct physical mannerisms (frequent, expressive, and often excessive hand fluttering/hair flipping), struck chords of distant memories, of an era of time during the 1980’s, when a group of young Hollywood actors, dubbed the “Brat Pack”, were seen quite frequently on the silver screen and, with great frequency, enjoyed lavish attention, both from the press and public alike.

In fact, the actress identified as Psaki’s host actor starred in one of the most popular and memorable ‘teen’ movies of the entire 1980’s era: The Breakfast Club. Continue reading “‘Circling Back’ to the Brat Pack”