Dead Man Playing in the NFL?

Dead Man Playing in the NFL?

Organized religion – it has often been said – is the opiate of the masses.

Here, in America, the predominant religion of the masses has become professional sports entertainment or, as it was known during the era of imperial Rome, “Bread and Circuses.”

As is well-known, every religious cult has an underlying governing philosophy, dogma, or doctrine.

Such centralizing doctrines are administered to the congregation of cult members by pastors or high-priests. Or, in the case of the church of sports entertainment, by television analysts and commentators, most of whom were formerly professional athletes. “Howard Cosell” – the obstreperous and opinionated sports television commentator of decades past – once derided this specialized class of sports “journalists” as the “Jockocracy”.

As most of this site’s regular visitors may recall, “Howard Cosell”, the former host of ABC’s Monday Night Football, was identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by Hollywood actor Rod Steiger.

SEE: Comrade Gorbachev was once a Hollywood ‘contender’? PART III

But no religious doctrine would be completely solidified without a unifying or centrifugal charismatic figure.

In the religion of Christian fundamentalism, there is the figure of Jesus Christ.

In the universalist religion of the Catholic church – controlled by the Jesuit order or Society of Jesus – there are venerated figures elevated to sainthood such as Mother Mary, the exoteric version of the esoteric or occult figure known as Isis or Sophia.

The religious cult known as sports entertainment has its own “saints” or charismatic figures – star athletes – who are fawned over and virtually worshipped by those known as “fans”.   

These cult worshippers known as sports “fans” are a relatively modern-day sociological phenomenon.

This commonly expressed vernacular – ‘fan’ – exists as an abbreviated form of the term fanatic or fanaticism.

According to Webster’s dictionary, a ‘fanatic’ is defined as follows, 1.) disapproving: a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter (as in religion or politics), “a religious fanatic (=extremist), the fanatics are convinced they are serving a righteous cause and that all means are justified…”

How many of your friends, family members, or co-workers – whether relating to politics, religion, or sports – would the above definition – as so expressed – appropriately apply?

Turns out, it is just this sort of uncritically devoted fanaticism which has blinded America’s legions of sports fans to its fabricated and utterly scripted theatricality.

Remarkably, this overt fanaticism has also blinded a majority of those congregated among America’s cult of sports entertainment worshippers from noticing an alleged “dead” man is now playing in the NFL.

Also, fans of the cult of sports entertainment have yet to realize one of the NBA’s major stars – Lebron James – was formerly known by another name which, not so long ago, became superlatively renowned in the world of professional sports.

Those who own and collectively control the profitable business of sports entertainment (the Society of Jesus or the Jesuit order) have informed its fanatical legions – in the form of a legal disclaimer printed on ticket stubs and in the form of an official judgement issued by a US Circuit Court of Appeals Judge – of the true nature of professional sports and, specifically, that of the NFL.

In the case of the NFL, the league is only legally required to present their “fans” with a license (i.e. ticket) to observe an entertainment spectacle, but it is not legally required to officially sanction or provide its ‘fans’ with a legitimate sporting contest.


Apparently, in view of this fact, the NFL reserves the right to draft or contract “athletes” (actors) who, allegedly, have been reported as officially “dead”, and to also recycle athletes under the guise of pseudonyms to satisfy profitable motives.

Myles Garret

Does the NFL athlete observed in the image above appear eerily familiar to everyone?

Perhaps, everyone has seen this particular athlete don another professional league’s uniform, one which might be more familiar?

Indeed, he should appear familiar.

As shall be shortly revealed, “Myles Garret” – a 2017 draftee of the NFL’s Cleveland Browns franchise – is not who he claims to be. Continue reading “Dead Man Playing in the NFL?”

Laker Legend’s dinner with a Dead Man?

Laker Legend’s dinner with a Dead Man?

There is some new information regarding the coronavirus’s psychological operation which has recently availed itself.

While perusing medical journals at the local library, I discovered an entry in the AMA (American Medical Association) Encyclopedia. On page 1051, of the 1989 edition, it clearly states that the symptoms which the MSM has associated with the coronavirus are synonymous with nothing more than the common cold.

Unfortunately, there is no corresponding online link to be found, at either Google books or elsewhere, and all such links to the specific encyclopedic edition, previously cited, have either been scrubbed or flooded out with “official” information designed to directly contradict the published findings of the AMA.

There is also an article from the UK’s Daily Mail, which reports that US health officials, associated with John Hopkins University, prior to the outbreak in Wuhan, China, met to participate in what was described as a “tabletop exercise simulation” (dubbed 201 i.e. Agenda 21), for the purpose of testing and monitoring the responses of governments, in cooperation with multi-national corporations, and the reactions of the general public to a hypothetical pandemic.


Nevertheless, on to the subject-at-hand.

Sometimes, however briefly, the curtain of Post-Modern Reality Simulation is pulled away.

For those of you who may have considered the coverage of the Kobe Bryant event in the last installment to have been all-too-brief, what follows shall more than whet your appetites.

Admittedly, even to those who’ve become familiarized with the strange and occulted concepts discussed here, the following mainstream news story will seem even stranger, perhaps, even bizarre.

The story in question involves Rob Pelinka, the general manager of the “late” NBA legend Kobe Bryant’s former team, the Los Angeles Lakers, and his revelation of what appears to have been a dubious, and even bizarre narrative.

Everyone shall also learn of the stunning results of an investigation into the testimonies of each of the so-called witnesses of the alleged crash of Bryant’s Sikorsky aircraft. The alleged witnesses are two men who claimed to have heard the low hovering vehicle carrying NBA legend Kobe Bryant just before it reportedly crashed.

Regarding the Laker’s general manager, Pelinka is reported to have revealed personal knowledge of a dinner meeting between Laker’s star Kobe Bryant and Hollywood actor Heath Ledger to a captive audience.

Turns out, there’s only one problem with Pelinka’s account: Ledger was alleged to have tragically died, six months prior, from a drug overdose. Continue reading “Laker Legend’s dinner with a Dead Man?”

Wuhan psychological operation has everyone in check?

Wuhan psychological operation has everyone in check?

The MSM, while acting on behalf of the thirteen families, remain the masters of mass distraction.

Although the alleged death of legendary NBA star Kobe Bryant seems to have recently and all-too-successfully directed mass attentions away from the event(s) unfolding in Wuhan, the capital city of the Chinese province of Hubei, there remain several pertinent facts left unreported by the MSM.

These unreported facts remain pertinent, in so far as their relation to a complete understanding of the global economic transition – the distribution of economic and industrial supremacy from the West to the East – which has been underway for some decades now.

This global economic transition is being incrementally implemented under the guise of several concurrent psychological operations which, by now, have become well-known to the general public, in both America and the West: LGBTQ/gender equality, 3rd wave feminism/women’s empowerment, white nationalism/supremacy, racial equality/division and, of course, “climate change”.

The narrative details of the alleged crisis event reportedly taking place in the Chinese city of Wuhan have collectively culminated in the execution of a carefully orchestrated psychological operation and emergency crisis simulation, one which has been systematically and deliberately aimed at a Western audience.

While paying close attention to a bevy of news reports regarding the unfolding event in Wuhan, the face of one particular “journalist” during an interview with the CBC – the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – happened to have emerged and caught one’s undivided attention.

Turns out folks, the journalist in question, “Jaime Santirso”, is a well-known and award-wining actor/comedian. Continue reading “Wuhan psychological operation has everyone in check?”