More Secrets Unearthed from History’s ‘Bunker’

More Secrets Unearthed from History’s ‘Bunker’

Some time ago, while performing research into a famous Hollywood celebrity posing as a high-level American politician – one who played a key role in the execution of the Sandy Hook “massacre” psychological operation – I came upon the following video clip.

It is an excerpt from “All in the Family”, a popular television production of the 1970’s, featuring “Carrol O’Connor” and “Rob Reiner”.

Recently, this particular video excerpt became useful, for purposes of investigative reexamination.

Turns out, it yielded a stunning revelation.

Everyone will notice – in the still frame taken from the video excerpt, displayed immediately below – Reiner has positioned his hands in the formulation of the masonic pyramid, or the iron cross, the identical symbol utilized by the German National Socialists, a political philosophy which was created by the Jesuit order, whom, for centuries, have been in control of the Vatican and the international pseudo-religious cult –  Scottish Rite/York Rite brotherhood/sisterhood of the Eastern Star –  known as the Freemasons.


All in the Family (1975)

Of course, as has been proved by facial recognition, ear biometric, image comparison, and voice print analyses, “Rob Reiner” – who went on from “All in the Family” to become one of Hollywood’s most renowned and award-winning cinema directors – also starred as “Doctor Wayne Carver”, the Connecticut state medical examiner, in 2012.

Ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses also confirm Hollywood director Rob Reiner as the host actor (live-action role player) behind the fabricated character schemes known to the public as former Connecticut chief medical examiner “Doctor Wayne Carver” and former US vice president “Al Gore”.





“Carrol O’Connor”, on the other hand, during one of the final interviews he gave before his death, left behind several clues concerning another of the fabricated character schemes his host actor – Leopold III of Belgium (AKA Bing Crosby/Adolf Hitler) – portrayed throughout the course of his long Hollywood career. 

SEE: The Man Who Sold the World

In addition to the other biographical similarities – between “Bing Crosby” and “Carrol O’Connor” – yet another clue exists in plain site: the surname of the famous television character from the era of the 1970’s – “Archie Bunker”. That fictional surname exists as a mockery to the general public and to the television viewing audience, whom remained unaware that a key clue was being divulged concerning the infamous wartime villain, “Adolf Hitler”, a fabricated character scheme once portrayed by Leopold III of Belgium.

In particular, this fictional surname refers to the “official” historical record, which informs “Adolf Hitler”, the defeated and disgraced leader of the German National Socialists, was suicided while alone in a deep underground “bunker” at the close of WWII.  Continue reading “More Secrets Unearthed from History’s ‘Bunker’”

The Man Who Sold the World

The Man Who Sold the World

What follows is a story about a man – an abdicated European royal and also one of Hollywood’s biggest stars during the era of the 20th century – who sold out the world to a terrifying future.

For several decades, while this man danced and sang on Hollywood’s silver screen, charming his way into America’s hearts and minds, those same admirers remained blissfully unaware of his hidden identity, the clues to which are subtly hidden in the biographical details of the various fabricated character schemes he famously portrayed.

One of the most blatant clues of this famous Hollywood entertainer’s hidden identity as a European royal stares us in the face from the frames of the following pair of images.

Leopold III of Belgium:

Bing Crosby:

While everyone is performing their ocular comparisons between the previous sets of images and, perhaps, begins to wholly perceive the obvious similarities of facial geometry and the identical epidermal contours of the ears, consider also the lyrical content of a once popular song – ‘The Man Who Sold the World” – from the 1970’s, one which was both recorded and performed by one of Leopold III’s (AKA Bing Crosby) most famous relatives – David Bowie AKA Grand Duke (the thin white duke) Henri of Luxembourg.

The Man Who Sold the World:

We passed upon the stair

We spoke of was and when

He said I was his friend

Which came as a surprise

I spoke into his eyes

I thought you died alone

A long long time ago

Oh no, not me

We never lost control

You’re face to face

With the man who sold the world!

Though, upon first glance, those set of song lyrics may seem rather cryptic, nevertheless, if one knows what to look for, a key word contained within the song’s very first line – ‘stair’ – gives away the identity of yet another famous character scheme portrayed by one of Leopold’s royal relatives, Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma (AKA Fred Astaire/Walt Disney/Al Jolson).

Both the royal host actors identified in portrayal of the Hollywood fabricated character schemes known as “Bing Crosby” and “Fred Astaire” (AKA Walt Disney/Al Jolson), it turns out, are genealogically related to the singer, David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg), of this particular song, ‘The Man Who Sold the World’.

SEE: Doc Kildare Promotes Kill Shot Propaganda

SEE also: US government goes wacko in Waco

Prince Louis of Bourbon Parma:



Walt Disney


Fred Astaire:

Walt Disney 

Al Jolson:


Moreover, the line, “I thought you died alone”, when considered within an “official” biographical and historical context, serves as a particularly telling clue about one of the 20th century’s most infamous fabricated character schemes – Adolf Hitler – whom, as confirmed by facial recognition, ear biometric, and image comparison analysis, was portrayed by Bing Crosby (AKA Leopold III of Belgium).

Consider also, the implication of the reply given by the “Man Who Sold the World”: “Oh no, not me, WE NEVER LOST CONTROL!”

The performer of this song, David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg), a royal relation of both Leopold III (AKA Bing Crosby/Adolf Hitler) and Fred Astaire (AKA Prince Louis of Bourbon Parma/Walt Disney/Al Jolson) is allowing you, the listener, to become privy to a conversation which subtly reveals the hidden identities of two of his royal family relations.

David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri) is also attempting to relate a historical truth which contradicts the “official” documented record regarding the alleged ill-fate of Adolf Hitler (AKA Leopold III/”Bing Crosby”).

In essence, the singer is relating that, though his royal family relation – Leopold III (AKA Bing Crosby/Adolf Hitler) – was historically rumored, at the close of WWII, to have died alone in a bunker after suicided by a poison cyanide pill, he, in fact, lived on to sing about a ‘White Christmas’, a traditional seasonal standard with which everyone is undoubtedly still familiar.


Not only that, the singer is imparting a trenchant message, addressed to both his enquirer and to the audience: Our royal family – numbered among the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families and majority owners of the global military/industrial/media/entertainment complex – are still in complete control of the entire world and, in fact, own all of the world’s human and natural resources, a control which we shall never relinquish.

As everyone will soon observe, there are subtle but distinct synchronicities and parallels concerning the comparative details which are contained in the “official” biographical narratives of each fabricated character scheme – “Bing Crosby”, “Adolf Hitler” – relating to the European royal identified as their live-action role player, Leopold the III of Belgium.

But, when one knows what to comparatively look for, each of these narrative details, when held up to comparative and objective scrutiny, suddenly transform into surefire giveaway clues; signposts and billboards on the road to the truth.

Continue reading “The Man Who Sold the World”

Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part III

Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part III

The heavily promoted ‘climate change’ agenda represents a grand veil, hiding a well oiled conspiratorial mechanism working to bring forth global economic, political, and social transition, a plan which, through the course of the coming decade(s), shall see its final culmination here in the West.

Ultimately, however, the sobering veracity of this analysis will be denied and even scorned by the majority, those who have chosen to embrace the emotively-driven ideological rhetoric of the climate change narrative.

The Climate Change agenda – though it may seem like a recent development – is nothing new.

This is an agenda which has been long in the making.

Its origins emanate from decades ago, from the covert meetings of the Club of Rome in the 1950’s and 60’s, to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency during the political tenure of the Nixon administration in the early 1970’s here in the US, and to the international Climate Accords consolidated in the early 1990’s.

In retrospect, amid many of history’s significant social and political movements (Bolshevik revolution, German National Socialism’s Beer Hall Putsch, America’s 1st wave of feminism, Counter-Culture, and Civil Rights movements), there has always emerged a centrifugal and sometimes charismatic figure, a cult of personality which arrived fully formed to take their place upon the world stage. Such historical figures often appear to possess an inherent sense of moral superiority and, even in some cases, divinely inspired powers of persuasion and galvanizing leadership.

The latest “Christ-like” figure which has been placed before the general public to help promote the “climate change” agenda, “Greta Thunberg”, is but one of many such figures which have appeared throughout history.

But like all such heavily promoted personality archetypes, she is an actor, engineered to perpetuate the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Thunberg has also been identified as the successor to the throne of a prominent European royal family while playing her scripted role under a pseudonym.

As it turns out, “Greta Thunberg” is not the only pseudonym employed by the Belgian Princess, Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant. But on this occasion, the genuine source of the character’s pseudonym – “Greta Thunberg – will be revealed.

The name’s origins emanate from a 20th century Nobel Prize winning scientist, the first ever, in fact, to theorize a connection between human CO2 emissions and what came to be known –  in the context of the modern climate change movement –  as the “Greenhouse effect”.

Stay tuned, folks.       Continue reading “Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part III”