Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Beyond creating, promoting emotionally provocative narratives, the MSM also specializes in the popularization of myths. Typically, such classically inspired tales – of both heroism and tragedy – acquire Shakesperean dimensions.

The media-generated tragedy of Chappaquiddick, which forever dashed the seemingly bright political future of one Ted Edward Kennedy, at once transforming a shining presidential hopeful into a pathetic Hamlet-like figure with no hope of redemption, still echoes into posterity.

As the decade of the 1960’s waned, plunged into a war’s quagmire far abroad, dangerously atomized with chaotic civil strife at home, the subsequent effect of Chappaquiddick’s sorrowful narrative seemed poised to further demoralize an already downtrodden America.

Nevertheless, with the help of a rabid MSM eager to capitalize on the tragedy for the sake of skyrocketed television ratings, sensational front-page headlines, Chappaquiddick unfolded into a compelling drama, a thrilling distraction served up to a nation deeply mired in despondency.

In Chappaquiddick’s morbid wake, the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and the deferred political dreams of the last-living Kennedy brother were subsequently spun into epic drama, a made-for-television spectacle through which a gaping mob of American spectators could vicariously live.

Turns out though, upon further investigation, there’s more truth in the latter characterization than perhaps many could ever possibly conceive.

Continue reading “Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies”

Misses Buhler’s Day Off In Jail

Misses Buhler’s Day Off In Jail

News stories designed with hyper-emotionally driven narratives produce the highest ratings and the greatest profits for corporate advertisers and shareholders alike.

Emotionally manipulative MSM stories, such as the one we are about to examine, keep those numbered among the general public clicking the You Tube and social media news feed buttons on their home computers and cell phones and, as well, keep them glued to their HD television screens.

Yes folks, long ago, those who own the MSM – the thirteen Jesuit families – learned that the deliberate manufacture of emotional furor among the general public equals ballooning profits and soaring stock margins.

But, symbolically, financial profit represents a weapon, while politics – the maintenance of power through deception – represents the will to pull the trigger.

Everyone, by now, at least, is more than well-familiar with the detailed narrative of the recent news story we are about to examine.

Less well-known, however, are the true identities of the perpetrators and those that serve them – such as Victoria, Australia’s current Premiere, Daniel Andrews.

This particular investigation shall be more preoccupied with the identities of the perpetrators than those of the participating actor(s), particularly, the story’s heavily promoted protagonist, “Zoe-Lee Buhler”.

The protagonist’s surname, it should be noted, offered a paramount clue as to the genuine identity behind the media mask of Premiere Daniel Andrews, a key perpetrator.

Andrews, of course, has recently come under fire.

Lately, Andrews has been beleaguered with accusations of political overreach and, even, gross incompetence.

The latter charge represents a deliberate misdirection. After all, Daniel Andrews, like all such “elected” officials, is a puppet controlled by puppet masters, ensconced at the Vatican, in Rome.

Andrews’s masters, as shall soon be demonstrated, are those connected to the highest levels of the Jesuit order and to the Jesuit’s Council of Thirteen, which consists of prime emissaries – usually, the sitting crowned monarch – from each of the royal thirteen Jesuit families.

As everyone has learned, the Jesuits – executional masters of psychological operations and the long-term planning of grand geopolitical schemes – have never been in the habit of allowing for compromising blunders.

Everyone may be stunned to discover, Andrews – like US president “Donald J. Trump” (AKA Brian Williams/Prince Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco) is a fabricated character scheme and, on this occasion, one discovered to be portrayed by a once famous Hollywood actor.

SEE: The Resurrection of a Chameleon Prince

In fact, Andrews’s host actor, it has been confirmed, is more renowned for the famous role he played in a seminally popular Hollywood produced cinema blockbuster during the era of the 1980’s.

Continue reading “Misses Buhler’s Day Off In Jail”

Things You Didn’t Know About the CDC

Things You Didn’t Know About the CDC

While the American general public finds itself adhering to the “recommendations” of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) —– an organization it perceives to be an agency of the federal government —- they remain unaware of its well-shielded business practices.

With the information provided in this installment, it is hoped those well-entrenched misperceptions held by the American general public —- regarding the CDC —-  can be reshaped into a more balanced and informed perspective.

While many Americans are well-aware of the CDC and the vital functions it purports to serve, they remain unaware of the CDC Foundation, a non-profit organization, through which it receives most of its funding.

A deeper investigation into the sources of the CDC’s funding has revealed what may be perceived, by many, to be most surprising.

It turns out, the CDC’s sources of funding come from private corporations, many of which also happen to be vaccine manufacturers.

But more than this, a familiar host actor —- one who formerly starred as a US vice president, a famous climate change activist, and a Sandy Hook coroner —– has recently been discovered posing as the CDC’ s director, “Robert Redfield”. Continue reading “Things You Didn’t Know About the CDC”

Nothing OK about OKC Bombing

Nothing OK about OKC Bombing

Some of you may be wondering, why, I seemed to have left this pivotal event in American history – the alleged bombing of OKC’s Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building –  completely untouched.

Truthfully, considering the hectic passage of recent events, during the last half-decade alone, details of the OKC bombing’s mainstream narrative and the recollection of its alleged pair of perpetrators – Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols – had temporarily escaped one’s memory.

Now that the requisite time frame has been made available to thoroughly examine the narrative’s details and those of its alleged perpetrators, this (simulated) event – like so many others of its kind recorded as official American history – appears to have been suspiciously concocted to advance the incremental goals of a long-term political agenda.

Regarding the Oklahoma City bombing, not only were the usual anomalies discovered to have been associated with the official mainstream narrative, but after revisiting the OKC bombing, and upon further examination of the event’s official images distributed to the public – including those of the alleged pair of perpetrators, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols – one was able to subsequently arrive at some rather unexpected and, admittedly, startling conclusions.

Yes, both men were fictional characters portrayed by a pair of actors.

Added to this, a thorough examination of the alleged deaths resulting from the OKC bombing attack – according to the SSDI (Social Security Death Index) – indicated many of the alleged victims were, in fact, simulations, and not actual.

Unsurprisingly, the same was discovered to have been the case with Timothy McVeigh, the “domestic terrorist” alleged to have been sentenced to capital punishment via lethal injection.

More remarkably, it turns out, the host actor discovered to have portrayed the role of Timothy McVeigh is a most familiar character, and the son of a British royal of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

McVeigh’s OKC bombing co-conspirator, Terry Nichols – allegedly imprisoned – was discovered to have been portrayed by a well-known royal family relation of McVeigh’s host actor.

Believe it or not, the alleged older brother of Terry Nichols, James, has also been identified as another disguised British royal, and one who has been featured here before.

Like 9/11, the OKC bombing was a controlled demolition but sold to the public as an act of terrorism. Continue reading “Nothing OK about OKC Bombing”

“Lord” Milo Yiannopoulos Caught in the Act

“Lord” Milo Yiannopoulos Caught in the Act

As regular visitors to Newsspell have routinely learned, the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation remains the norm rather than the exception.

With this installment, we will be examining the bizarre career of controversial “alt-right” political commentator, polemicist, and public speaker Milo Yiannopoulos.

No folks, Milo is not what he seems.

Banned on American college campuses, as well as routinely excoriated by hosts of keyboard wielding social media/”justice warriors”, Milo (pen named Milo Andreas Wagner) is about to be exposed for what he is: a hidden British royal and an actor playing dress up. Continue reading ““Lord” Milo Yiannopoulos Caught in the Act”

Lady Gaga is a Royal Princess

Lady Gaga is a Royal Princess

Is there a royal lady hidden behind the poker face?

Believe it or not folks, one is sometimes just as susceptible to the psychological trap of emotional investment as anyone. One must confess, exposing the host actor hidden behind the public facade of this particular pop princess was somewhat painful – in that one actually enjoys some of her more infectious pop music selections. Nonetheless, one must dare to venture wherever the path of truth may happen to lead, and on this occasion, one shall examine the career of the pop star known to millions of fans as ‘Lady Gaga’.

Once again folks, the biography of this pop music star claims she was ‘discovered’ by music industry titan LA Reid. And how did Reid come upon this future jewel of pop music glory? Well, one account (Reid has changed his story many times over the passage of years, most recently on the Ellen Degeneres show) claims Stephanie Germanotta – as she was alleged to have been known then – was working as a secretary in Reid’s office, when he happened to hear this obscure industry employee warbling along with some ditty or other on the office radio.

Oh, how the public continues to truly relish these sort of romantic Cinderella stories, no?

Before too long, Reid felt compelled to offer the young Stefani a recording contract and America appeared to finally possess an heir apparent to the pop music throne long occupied by the likes of Madonna and Britney Spears. But, there soon developed a problem for Reid, in that after allegedly hearing Germanotta’s demonstration tape, he decided to forego exercising the option on the contract. Reid now claims – in retrospect – he regrets having done so. And, as one shall soon observe, the dubious biography of one ‘Stefani Germanotta’ (that pseudonym represents a huge clue as to the identity of Gaga’s host actor) is a complete and utter hoax.  Continue reading “Lady Gaga is a Royal Princess”