Middle East’s War Simulation Spectacle

Middle East’s War Simulation Spectacle

Emotional hysteria is never conducive to dispassionate objectivity, which is necessary for capable, penetrative analysis of world events. While broadcasting images of what appears to be a war-ravaged Gaza and delivering ham-fisted propaganda disguised as “news”, the MSM knows this all-too-well. Held in the grip of television’s beguiling spell, blinded by ideological extremes, a majority of the targeted population becomes incapable of observing they’ve been thoroughly manipulated into warring with each other. But such skillful con artists have always repetitively utilized the power of suggestion, accompanied by neural linguistic programming, stage managed images, and scripted messaging broadcasted through electronic mediums, to peddle outrageous lies as absolute truth.

For the past several decades, since the post-WWII period, such blatant but nevertheless skillful con artists have managed to persuade Western audiences, specifically American ones, selling them on the idea there is a bloody and protracted war ongoing in the Middle East.

More recently, social media outlets – specifically, that digitally platformed abomination known as TikTok, targeted at demographics consisting of the cerebrally stunted, the emotionally juvenile, and those prone to gullibility – have developed into the MSM con artist’s invaluable primary weapons of psychological warfare, trusty handmaidens with which to market their egregious war propaganda.

Repeatedly, both Americans and the world-at-large, have been told the State of Israel and the State of Palestine are opposing factions involved in bloody armed conflict.

But what if both sides were discovered to be in on the ruse, covertly cooperating in the execution of a grand confidence game which, for decades, overseen, managed by the United Nations, has been theatrically staged for ulterior motives?

In fact, upon further investigation, a former leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization – “Yassar Arafat” – has been identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by one of popular music’s most legendary and iconic personalities.

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A Hollywood Goodfella’s Final Role

A Hollywood Goodfella’s Final Role

The essence of a magician’s craft is making illusions appear possible, materially tangible.

The same could be said regarding the essential craft of acting which, for all intents and purposes, exists as yet another form of magic.

If the actor, through the means of palpable transcendence, can suitably and successfully stimulate an audience’s imagination, causing them to collectively suspend their sense of disbelief, allowing for the collective conception of the impossible as possible, he has successfully mastered the esoteric rudiments of his craft.

It could be said the career of Hollywood legend Ray Liotta, perhaps best known for his role in the gangland extravaganza Goodfellas, was a prime example of one who had mastered the craft of acting.

Unknown to the public, however, before his “death” on May 26th at age 67, Ray Liotta starred in one last production, a role which helped most of the American public to imagine an inconceivable idea as tragic possibility.

Further investigation into the recent “event” alleged to have occurred on May 24th, in the rural town of Uvalde, Texas, has exposed Ray Liotta as a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Deeper investigation has also uncovered that a local television reporter from ABC affiliate WFAA, an actress formerly employed by Disney – Andriana de Alba – posed as “Eva Mireles”, one of a pair of Robb Elementary teachers the MSM alleges to have been slain, and that one of the other alleged child “victims” – ten-year-old “Amerie Jo Garza” – appears to be a complete fabrication with no existing birth or death records.

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‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

The MSM’s report of the collapse of the Fern Hollow bridge in Pittsburgh, PA, on January 28, 2022, featured a very interesting ‘eyewitness’, Jane Dudley, one who appeared as well as sounded all-too familiar.

Below: Jane Dudley

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In the video clip displayed immediately below, Jane Dudley, alleged to be a Pittsburgh resident, volunteers an eyewitness testimony which not only suspiciously sounds like a well-rehearsed script delivered by an experienced actress, but as shall be thoroughly explained later on, the details of Dudley’s testimony do not appear to be remotely credible. In fact, when put under even the least bit of scrutiny and measured against the official timeline reported by the MSM, her testimony falls completely apart.

Indeed, after repeated listening, Dudley’s voice sounds very similar to that of the award-winning actress Annette Bening, observed in the following video clip, who, as most will recall, was identified as the live-action role player behind the masks of the fabricated character schemes known as former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren.

SEE: SOE Confirms: America Under Siege Warfare

Further investigation has revealed, according to her professional profile at linkedin.com, “Jane Dudley” is an “Assistant Creative Director” at Pittsburgh University’s Office of Communications and Marketing. That dubious title appears to be an ill-conceived intelligence cover, part of a custom-tailored legend or backstory designed to legitimize the professional bona fides of an intelligence operator. More intriguingly still, even further investigation has revealed, Hollywood actress Annette Bening has an older sister – wait for it, folks – named Jane.

Below: L to R, Annette and Jane Bening


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Nashville Narrative ‘Thicke’ as a Brick

Nashville Narrative ‘Thicke’ as a Brick

The careers of Hollywood’s actors never die, they are merely repackaged.

The mainstream news is not designed to inform or to report facts concerning the “news of the world”, but to dispense propaganda which, in turn, has been well-formulated to psychologically influence, to shape, and to consolidate a collective consensus, concerning how the public should feel about what they’ve been told has happened.   

The alleged Nashville “bombing” was a psychological operation, a staged simulation, and facilitated by a badly scripted television production.

Several Hollywood actors portrayed key roles, including a pair of actors whom also portrayed the roles of iconic television characters during the eras of the 1980’s and 1990’s.

According to MSM sources, one of these participating actors – the father of a formerly popular performer from Hollywood’s music recording industry – is alleged to have recently died at the age of 69.

But this turns out not to be true.

He is now posing as the mayor of Nashville. 

The other actor – cast in the role of the Nashville bombing villain – was once noteworthy for having portrayed the centrifugal role in a formerly popular and highly-rated television series, entitled 7th Heaven. 

One of this actor’s former television co-stars also portrayed the role of “Carissa Kelly”, an alleged bombing victim whom claims to have escaped her apartment building, and mere minutes before the bomb’s calamitous mayhem struck.

As well, the date of the alleged “bombing” in Nashville has numerological significance: 12/25, 12+25=37/3 7’s/777, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code.

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