Some Music Legends Only Die Twice!

Some Music Legends Only Die Twice!

For decades now – appearing in bold headlines on the front pages of scandalous periodicals such as Weekly World News and National Enquirer – there have been periodic reports of “Elvis” sightings.

Oh god – one can hear the groans from afar – in what direction are we being taken now?

What the majority of those among the dismissive majority fail to understand: this is how the ruling thirteen Jesuit families choose to release credible information through sources which – like the headline from the “Weekly World News”, seen immediately below – are perceived by the American general public to exist as less than credible sources.

Yes folks, those among the highest echelons of the Jesuit order, as masters of psychological operations, have always sought to make the pursuit of truth appear to be a ridiculous exercise in absurd futility.

Weekly World News: Elvis is Alive!

Though, lately, such fantastical reports of “Elvis sightings” have been infrequent, when they do appear, oftentimes, such accounts represent the sort of sensational absurdities which are always eschewed and even mocked by both the MSM and the general public, alike.

But mocking the discovery of even the smallest grain of truth amid a mountainous compilation of lies is all part of the grand game of manufacturing the public’s consent and managing their programmed perceptions, to ensure everything they believe as self-evident truth is a blatantly fabricated canard.

Generally, these sorts of “stories”, concerning “Elvis sightings”, have always been classified as urban legends, or, even, discredited and filed under the dreaded label of “conspiracy theories”.

Turns out, however, everyone has seen “Elvis the King of Rock” quite frequently and on more than one occasion. Nearly every popular music enthusiast, to-this-day, has seen him perform on stages around the globe.

He has even appeared as a popular character on what existed as an even more popular American television show, a show which claimed to be “about nothing”.

No one, until now, has recognized him in his various character iterations.

Why should this be so, everyone may ask?

Since the King’s “death” in 1977, he’s been performing under another very famous name, someone who was even knighted by the British Queen, Elizabeth II! Continue reading “Some Music Legends Only Die Twice!”

Rebel Conspirators in a Deceptive Cause?

Rebel Conspirators in a Deceptive Cause?

The following conclusions, at least to first-time visitors, may seem eccentric, controversial and, perhaps, even implausible.

This is the true story of a young Hollywood actor — James Dean —  who was alleged to have died young and, yet, incredible as it may seem, he was seemingly resurrected, and went on to become an even bigger Hollywood star than before.

Though empirical evidence will prove Dean’s death was a staged hoax, it shall also be proved that, it was, indeed, likely, he had help staging his death from a veteran British actor, a man who had starred on both the theatrical stage and on Hollywood’s silver screen.

Turns out, the celebrated and legendary actor, Sir Alec Guinness, not only had a hand in staging James Dean’s death, but, he also helped stage one of history’s most colossal hoaxes — the “Cuban Missile crisis”, a militarily staged psychological operation which involved one of Dean’s co-stars in ‘Rebel Without a Cause’.

Now, the truth, regarding the intriguing connections between the mythical death of a young Hollywood actor, the Cuban Missile Crisis hoax, the ill-fated JFK presidential administration, and the award-winning and iconic British stage and screen actor, Sir Alec Guinness, the “man of one-thousand faces”, shall finally become known.

As for Dean, he went on to assume another similar sounding name, which some of you may be familiar with, and played a US president while cast in, what became, a highly-rated and popular television drama.

Continue reading “Rebel Conspirators in a Deceptive Cause?”

Let’s “Cruz” in to Post-Modern Reality Simulation

Let’s “Cruz” in to Post-Modern Reality Simulation

Yes, folks, yet another impostor, posing as a US  presidential candidate, has been discovered.

Politicians are the middle-men between the proletariat and the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families. Possessing the manufactured demeanor of the used-car salesperson, they emerge into the public realm like fully-formed flesh and blood animated caricatures, and armed with an array of readymade pitches, euphemisms, and buzz words, they effectively proceed to peddle the dubious merits of the social and political agendas du jour to those of the gullible American public.

Their true identities – though their constituencies and the general public often remain unaware – are always found to be hidden behind pseudonyms, while the genuine features of their true visages remain hidden behind carefully-crafted masks, consisting of Hollywood stippling, deceptive camera and lighting angles and, very often, CGI animated modifications.

Though the adoption of such disguises while operating under false pretenses remains unlawful, it is not, however, technically illegal.

Despite the technical legality of their deceptive practices, due to the verification of third parties, these practices remain shrouded, and for good reason. If the true identity of the politicians to which they’ve sworn ideological allegiance were known by the general public, the ruling elites are well-cognizant, everyone would be less likely to vote for them and, even less likely, to place their trust in a political system persisting solely on such blatantly covert deceptions.

Though it is doubtful America’s political system would crumble if the general public were to become aware of the actor/entertainer hidden behind the mask of “Ted Cruz”, on the other hand, they would, there can be no doubt, become less inclined to cast their votes in his favor.

Would you believe, the politician known to America as “Ted Cruz” once made his living in the music recording industry? Continue reading “Let’s “Cruz” in to Post-Modern Reality Simulation”

NFL’s Jim Brown also a Jackson?

Many former NFL players have also been actors.

Joe Namath, O.J. Simpson, and several others, have all taken turns starring on Hollywood’s silver screen.

Now however, former all-Pro and NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown can be added to that hallowed list.

Though, after his retirement from the professional gridiron, the illustrious Brown starred in a string of mostly execrable films, most of you may not be aware, Mister Brown has also starred in another well-recognizable role.

And, though Brown has portrayed this particular character for several ongoing decades, many have never realized, the former NFL running back remains hidden behind the mask of one of American history’s most renowned Civil Rights activists, a well-documented historical figure who also twice campaigned for the presidency of the US corporation. Continue reading “NFL’s Jim Brown also a Jackson?”

Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part II

Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part II

Though there exists reams of published disinformation which will try to convince you those who secretly own the US corporation hide in the shadows – it isn’t so.

Disinformation and propaganda artists, belonging to both the MSM and “alternative” media, would have you believe your true owners are never seen in the light of day.

The truth of the matter, however, is rather quite the opposite.

Keeping you occupied and distracted with cliched terms such as “Deep State” and “Illuminati”, serves as a colossal blind thrown over the eyes of the general public.

Such terms act as distractions, deterrents, and even obstacles to the truth.

These popularly utilized terms have been thoroughly concocted, and derive from the identical CIA counter-intelligence sources which created the term, “conspiracy theorist”.

Those belonging to the thirteen, ruling elite families remain highly visible while, simultaneously, their genuine identities are hidden behind CGI masks, pseudonyms, and the fabricated identities of well-known entertainers, politicians, MSM anchorpersons, and other conspicuous “authority” figures.

In this installment, we will endeavor to discover the genuine identity of yet another European royal who has been posed as a 2020 US presidential candidate.

And, on this occasion, a truly wondrous discovery awaits us.

Not only, has this European royal appeared on CNN as a press correspondent, he formerly served as the governor of Massachusetts, and he is also an elder genealogical relative, the father of the host actor (Belgian Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant) behind the mask of “Greta Thunberg”. Continue reading “Greta Thunberg’s Teenaged Propaganda Rampage Part II”

American “King of All Media” European Royal?

American “King of All Media” European Royal?

Emotionalism is rendered meaningless in the face of objective analysis.

For the substance of any analysis which is underscored by empirical, historical, and even forensic evidence to be considered fully, one must be willing and even determined, like any disposable detritus, to cast the impediments of one’s emotional attachments aside.

Nevertheless, for the majority – time and again – feelings and emotional connections ultimately contain greater consideration; especially, it would seem, when it comes to an in-depth analysis that, most likely, could be construed as an overt and even personal criticism of their favorite Hollywood or mass media celebrities.

Blind adoration is often the result of such childish attachments to celebrity idols.

For a time, at least, there was no bigger media celebrity – or so he proclaimed – than the ‘King of All Media’, Howard Stern.

The celebrity known as Howard Stern is merely another media character operating under a pseudonym.

It turns out, “Howard Stern” is a pseudonym for a prominent European royal, someone who – in the past – has shown himself to be more than familiar with the concept of post-modern reality simulation. Continue reading “American “King of All Media” European Royal?”

Rock and Roll’s Blair Witch Superstar

At the risk of sounding presumptuous, this installment shall attempt to blow the myths surrounding the music and entertainment industries into utter splinters.

In the past, one has discovered the biographies of the past’s music industry icons to have been completely fabricated in a grand effort to completely conceal the industry’s rampant nepotism.

The result’s of one’s further research shall attempt to divulge the true extent to which nepotism has fouled the music and entertainment industries, dispelling the myth the concepts of fame and renown are predicated on the merits of diligence, persistence, and talent alone.

Most, if not all of the classic rock stars of the past were sons and daughters of the rich and powerful, those with genealogical ties to the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families whose monopoly chokehold on the music and entertainment industries of the West remains unbroken to this day.

Perhaps more remarkably, there are clear indications that, when it comes to the genuine phenomenon of the actor based reality, there exist overlapping connections between the professional fields of politics and the music and entertainment industries, in so far as several of those iconic Hollywood figures examined in the past, have also served as the host actors that portrayed some of American history’s most heralded and mythical figures. And, in the true spirit of a family affair, there is every indication several of their offspring have also served as host actors for many of the most revered entertainment personalities.

First however, one shall examine the career of a child actor who appeared in what would become one of Hollywood’s most recognizable and iconic examples of classic horror cinema, the Exorcist. When loyal readers learn of just who this actor truly is and, learn of her true genealogical ties, the effect of such a revelation shall surely be nothing less than- pardon the crude pun – positively head spinning.

Before loyal readers continue on though, one shall provide just the faintest hint: Linda Blair is the hidden daughter of Shirley McClain (McClain is known to be a practicing Wiccan or modern-day witch), and the hidden niece of the host actor currently portraying the role of a US senator from Massachusetts married to an iconic Hollywood actor who is not only McClain’s brother, but formerly portrayed disgraced US president and Rockefeller puppet, Richard M. Nixon.

More than this though, one shall also demonstrate a connection between Linda Blair and a late-night talk show host, the JFK assassination and three of rock and pop music’s most iconic acts.

Impossible, you say?

Well, one shall attempt to demonstrate, this grand connection heads right to the doorstep of the one of the world’s most prominent merchant banking families, the Rothschilds.
Continue reading “Rock and Roll’s Blair Witch Superstar”

Actors in history’s grand stage play (part VI)

In the wake of the JFK assassination, would soon arrive the seemingly perfect anecdote for America’s malaise. In 1964, four charismatic lads allegedly hailing from a dank and gray overcast port called Liverpool, appeared on the popular Ed Sullivan show and proceeded, armed with rough hewed guitars and sunny melodies, to pluck euphoria from the oak strong grip of sorrow, holding captive America’s hearts as well as their imaginations.

However, after more than sixty years since that eventful night on American television, cracks are starting to appear in the media sorcerer’s wall of spells.

And now, it is time to tear the wall completely down.  Continue reading “Actors in history’s grand stage play (part VI)”