US government goes wacko in Waco

US government goes wacko in Waco

With this installment, one shall continue to dismantle the sacred cows of documented American history.  As loyal readers have observed, even sacred cows get slaughtered. The media sorcerers broadcast psychological operations not only to increase ratings, but to also propagate government funded propaganda. Upon further examination, the alleged showdown in Waco, Texas between FBI, David Koresh and his Branch Davidian cult represents yet another documented example of such propaganda.

Considering Waco however, one shall attempt to examine and ascertain the overall purpose of the government’s propaganda. And yet again folks, one has discovered the participation of ruling elite family members portraying starring roles in what amounted to a psychological operation transformed into one of television’s grandest soap opera mini-series. As one shall soon observe, all of the so-called details of this widely broadcast event were delivered to the public in the manner similar to a fiction narrative developed in Hollywood via story board fashion, complete with dramatic character arcs.

Yes, perhaps not surprisingly folks, one has discovered the starring role portrayed by a familiar figure ; a ‘thin white duke’ transformed to bible thumping fundamentalist cult leader. But, one has also discovered the participation of yet another well recognized Hollywood actress, who among other noted cinematic roles to her credit, has worked with Hollywood Kabbalah boys club member George Lucas.   Continue reading “US government goes wacko in Waco”

Actors in history’s grand stage play (part XV)

Gangsters have grown to occupy a mythological place in American culture. Like the nineteenth century outlaw legends of the old Western American frontier, tales of gangster lore continue to ignite public imagination; they live as inextinguishable bonfires illuminating the darkest caverns of the collective consciousness. The tragic cinematic epic of the Godfather, and the televised melodrama of the Sopranos, have served as psychological keys unleashing the darkest fantasies locked away in the Pandora’s crypt of America’s collective id.

In keeping with the prevailing philosophy that the concept of history represents nothing more than a scripted stage play, one felt an examination of America’s twentieth century gangster mythology was in order, and the story of J. Edgar Hoover, one of America’s most legendary crime fighters, shall figure prominently in this latest installment. Though the fact Hoover was a character played by a host actor shall not surprise loyal readers here at, the premise put forth in explanation of the reason for the creation of gangland mythology, and the true identity of the seemingly larger than life character of Hoover, shall no doubt surprise many. Continue reading “Actors in history’s grand stage play (part XV)”

Vegas shooting hoax: The real story

Vegas shooting hoax: The real story

When considering stories promoted by mainstream media outlets, whether online, magazine, periodical, newspaper, or television, the real story is always concealed behind the headlined facade. As is the case with all simulated crisis drills, there is usually an ulterior agenda. And, that agenda, usually has to do with monetary profiteering.

Of course, the looming question for any prospective investigator is, who ultimately benefits? The thorough investigator, however, will take it a step further once that initial question has been satisfied, and then ask, exactly how?

In the case of the staged crisis shooting drill in Vegas, the obvious answer to the first question as to who ultimately benefits is, of course, the elite ruling families holding the monopoly umbrella under which all major revenue generating corporations are placed. For the independent investigator, finding out the true end game can prove a bit more difficult. But, after more than a bit of perseverance, patience, and exhaustive research, one thinks they just may have the answer. Continue reading “Vegas shooting hoax: The real story”

Weather weapons unleash war on America (Part II)

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There can be no doubt, weather is modified, and climate can be altered.

The prevalence of geoengineering is becoming more apparent. Worse yet, the media sorcerers are faking weather satellite images of hurricanes to engineer storm crisis psychological operations. Though that information is not exactly top secret to those who frequent, there may be another reason why the ruling elites are hyping their ‘climate change’ agenda.

Indeed, one has always wondered, is there an ulterior agenda behind all of this? And, is there a connection between the chemical trail spraying and the heralded technological colossus known as CERN, or the Hadron particle accelerator?

In this installment, one shall explore the phenomenon of geoengineering from a different perspective, with the reasoning that perhaps there is an ulterior reason the ruling elites and their puppet scientists are belching chemicals such as strontium, barium, and aluminum into our skies, other than to manipulate the world’s climate. Maybe, there is a connection to CERN, which may not have been built for the purpose the public is being told.

Then again, knowing the true nature of the mainstream media, perhaps that isn’t such a surprise.

The following information one may find surprising, perhaps even outlandish.

Needless to say, however, was there a single soul in America, or perhaps the entire world prior to September 11, 2001, thinking the scenario presented to the public on that fateful day would have been even remotely conceivable? Continue reading “Weather weapons unleash war on America (Part II)”

Clooney stars in Vegas shooting hoax

Though, those that rule over the masses may wish for you to be fearful, you have nothing to fear. The world is not a dangerous place, though that is what the ruling elite family of the Rothschild’s wish for you to think.

Remember, these televised crisis events are psychological in nature-black magic spells to direct the flow of mass human consciousness.

Don’t be suckered into the vortex of their elaborately and geometrically concocted spell, or as the Sandy Hook character Doctor Wayne Carver said at his infamously comical post-event press conference, ‘magnificent thing’.

In this installment, one shall learn the origins of these theatrically displayed crisis events. The concept of public theater to advance political and social agendas is not novel nor a recent development in the twenty-first century, but has existed for five-hundred years.

Rather than respond with fear, the only way to break the spell is to respond with love. Turn to those around you-friends, family, co-workers, even strangers in your communities-and tell them, in whatever manner you wish, that you both love, and cherish their presence in your life. Remember, those ruling over you only do so because you surrender your inherent power and energy to them in the form of work, taxes, and the reception, investment, and surrender of their debt paper dollars. Those sitting on the thrones of the mighty only continue to retain their lofty positions because you let them. Now, more than ever, we must not succumb to fear and mistrust among ourselves, for that is precisely what they want. Rather, now is the time to remember, that it is they who are fearful, undisciplined, deceptively weak, and believe in nothing, save retaining their own vast wealth and power, at any and all costs. Now is the time for all of us, to start believing in ourselves, to start believing we can live in a world, without them ruling over us. Continue reading “Clooney stars in Vegas shooting hoax”

Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part XI)

Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part XI)

Delving back into the mists of time, the ‘Iran-Contra affair’ seems all but faded from the American historical memory.

And yet, at the time, it was a crisis that threatened to derail a presidency, much as Watergate had more than a decade before.

More so than any other story, tailor-made to entrance the public, the Iran-Contra affair seemed purposely convoluted, almost to the point of incomprehensibility.

However, like the Watergate scandal, the story sold to the public by the mainstream media sorcerers was filled with anomalies. Turns out, this was done so that the public, entranced with sorting through the intricate web of story lines, and colorful characters, would never see the truth lurking behind the backstage curtain. Like so much, if not all of American history,  the Iran-Contra affair was, in truth, a scripted hoax. One would do well to remember, after all, before his election as American president, Ronald Reagan made his living in Hollywood as an actor. This installment, shall kill two birds with one stone, as it were, in examining not only the blatant hoax known as the Iran-Contra affair, but the staged attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.

Stay tuned folks, this one shall, no doubt, represent a play by play unraveling of historical lies in the post-truth, twenty-first century era. Continue reading “Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part XI)”

Tavistock: pop culture mind war masters (Part III)

Don’t believe mind control exists?

Perhaps, one should rethink that perspective.

The weapons of mind war are not kept in some remote laboratory, nor do they exist in the black netherworld of some James Bond 007 derived fantasy. No, the weapons of 21st century mind war one would discover in closer proximity. For decades, the ruling elites, through the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, have been funding research in to the development and ultimate commercial marketing of technologies that could first predict, and then control mass behavior, through electromagnetic mapping and ultimate control of the human mind.

And to what sort of technologies is one referring?

Why, the portable digital technology clutched firmly into the palm of one’s hand, the cell or smart phone, of course. This digital technology is yet another weapon in the arsenal of the ruling elites.

Believe it or not folks, your cell and smart phone, though cleverly and ostensibly marketed to facilitate one’s personal convenience and entertaining amusements, is in truth, a tool of Tavistock’s technocratic sorcery.  Continue reading “Tavistock: pop culture mind war masters (Part III)”

Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part VII)

Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part VII)

The tragic Charles Manson family murders came to signify a cultural signpost that ultimately defined the American 1960’s. It has been both written and said the gruesome murders marked the end of an historical era best remembered as one of peace, love, and revolutionary social and cultural change.

But, what if the historians are wrong? Does that which is recorded in the history books even reflect an accurate portrayal?

Or, as such in depth examinations performed here at have revealed, were the Manson Family murders merely a theatrical stage play presented to the public in the form of an actual historical event?

The answers to those pertinent queries may both shock and dismay. For, it turns out a former US president present in the White House during 9/11 and the infamous character known as Charles Manson may have more in common than one ever realized! Continue reading “Actors in history’s grand stage play (Part VII)”

9/11: Terror’s symbolic black magic ritual (part II)

September 11, 2001 still looms large in the American memory.

The mainstream media sorcerers shall continue to do everything possible to make certain that memory is not only reinforced, but that the official government and mainstream conspiracy theory of what happened on that fateful day remain permanently seared into America’s collective consciousness. Many may be wondering, how it is the subject of black magic relates to what is still perceived by a majority of the American public to have been a terrorist attack.

If one can, one must learn to reject the social conditioning of Hollywood’s Harry Potter styled populist mysticism.

In truth, black magic is the psychological manipulation and social and political management of collective human energies. On 9/11, the American public was spellbound through media repetition and the grand power of suggestion.

By all indications, the spell has still not yet worn off.

That is why, still to this day, millions cannot entertain the notion what was demonstrated via the mainstream media sorcerers on September 11, 2001, represented not a ‘terror’ attack but in truth the combined controlled demolitions of New York’s Twin Towers and Building number seven.

Or, was it?   Continue reading “9/11: Terror’s symbolic black magic ritual (part II)”