Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Certain individuals have a knack for remaining clandestine while simultaneously keeping a somewhat conspicuous public profile. A paradoxical scenario to be sure. To those among the general public, however, someone with the capability to execute such a deceptive trick would be considered tantamount to a magician. And yet again, such a feat may not too difficult for one in possession of great wealth, wealthy enough to gain some modicum of influential or even controlling interest in the MSM.

In addition, when one’s son is the ubiquitous cult of personality known as “Elon Musk”, chief executive of both Tesla, Space X and chief proprietor of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, it may be that much easier, after faking one’s death, for a “dead” man to conceal one’s genuine identity with an appropriated pseudonym attached to an alternate persona. If successful at employing such deceptive tactics, one could conceivably hide among the public arena while operating in plain view.


But why make the hypothesis that the man pictured in the image posted above may be “dead”?

Because it turns out that, upon more extensive investigation, “Errol Musk”, alleged to be the father of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) is a British royal in disguise, one who was recently alleged to have “died”. Though there isn’t much biographical information available on “Errol”, enough information remains extant to provide possible clues as to his true identity.

1.) Online biographies reveal that Errol’s mother was British, 2.) There exists a rather well-circulated, but dubious MSM promoted narrative which appears derived from a discarded B grade Hollywood action/thriller script treatment, the reported details of which allege “Errol Musk” fended off an attack from a gang of gun toting home invaders at his plush residence in South Africa.

Suspiciously, this particular widely circulated story is not only ridden with gematria coding, but the veracity of its narrative details – like most if not all such stories promoted by the MSM – crumble to utter dust under the weight of even the slightest scrutiny.

For example, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, this MSM promoted story claims that not only did “Errol” heroically emerge intact and alive, but he managed to gun down three of the seven alleged home invaders.

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Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Behind the facade, the lie contained in every media image, a deeper, darker truth remains hidden. Many of the personalities presented by the MSM and even the “alternative” media to the general public, especially regarding those occupying high-profile government positions, are not at all who they appear or claim to be.

Alejandro Mayorkas, current director of Homeland Security, which is merely a public relations front for CIA and the Jesuit Society of Jesus’s international intelligence octopus, claims to be the offspring of Cuban immigrants who escaped oppressive tyranny and came to the US for a better life. Mayorkas’s official biography reflects an all-too-familiar template which, through deeper investigation, has been observed time and again. This particular biographical template – of the Horatio Alger variety – not only smacks of propaganda, reflecting the shopworn and tattered myth of the “American Dream”, but of one belonging to and carefully crafted for a media generated fabricated character scheme portrayed by a well-known Hollywood actor.

This particular Hollywood actor – Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed – is a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation and has also been identified as the live-action role player in portrayal of, yet another high-profile MSM promoted figure, former Amazon chief “Jeff Bezos”, whose own official biography nearly mirrors that of the current but embattled Homeland Security director “Alejandro Mayorkas”. A telltale sign that the narrative of Bezos’s biography may have been merely tweaked or customized by Jesuit-controlled CIA intelligence handlers to fit certain storyline specifications designed for “Alejandro Mayorkas”.

“Mayorkas” is a Jesuit-trained intelligence asset, educated at Loyola Marymount University, a private research institution located in Playa Vista, California which was named after the legendary mercenary warrior reputed to have been the founder of the military-styled Jesuit order in control of Vatican City at Rome.

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Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Oftentimes, what is readily visible to the human eye can also remain elusive, clandestine. When it comes to discerning the nature of reality, as presented to the public through television, computer/phone screens, it is this mingling of the seen and the unseen which remains an unsettling, even sinister, if not fascinating paradox.

However, when details of the myriad number of images, purported to be accurate portrayals of reality, flashed onscreen are scrutinized with a keen, coldly objective eye, the monochromatic truth concealed behind the facade of colorful lies can no longer remain obscured. It then becomes apparent that the deceitful nature of these well-designed images has been utilized to program, manufacture a preferred perception of simulated reality, created to serve ulterior agendas against the interests of their targeted audience, and which aim to manipulate then reshape both thought and behavior on a massive scale.

Since their inception, Hollywood and the MSM have remained the undisputed masters at maintaining this cruel deception. On this occasion, we shall primarily concern ourselves with the popular image which, for several years now, has been sold to the public as American presidential first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”.

Before becoming known as “Doctor Jill”, however, the result of extensive investigation indicates, she was an actress who began her public career in television and was known by another name. A name synonymous with ‘hit’ television shows such as the cowboy/western themed “Big Valley” during the 1960’s and, still later, during the 1980’s, with a starring role in “Dynasty”.

In the following video clip, this veteran television/Hollywood actress can be observed performing in the role of “Audra Barkley” in an episode of “Big Valley”, shot and aired in 1965.

Indeed, as shall be more fully revealed, American first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”, alleged to have been awarded an academic Ed.D., exists as a wholly created fabrication. But when the deceptive layers are peeled away, the actress who portrays her is revealed to be a doctor of deception, a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

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MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

Mainstream news stories aren’t meant to inform the public. Rather, they are a psychologically penetrative form of oftentimes insidious, sometimes even sinister deception. While appearing to be benignly informative, the genuine but concealed intention is to ruinously propagandize its intended, targeted audience.

When efficiently performed on a mass scale, the effects of propaganda can be all encompassing, seizing the general public in the grip of auto hypnosis, an unrelenting, even strangulating grasp from which they aren’t meant to escape. That is, until the MSM decides to broadcast yet another irresistibly melodramatic human-interest narrative intended to redirect the malleable public’s collective and abbreviated attention span.

The recent Ocean Gate/Titan submarine disaster in which five persons were alleged to have perished presents an instructive metaphor, demonstrating that if one is not aware of propaganda’s manipulations to which they are subjected, they are certain to be submerged beneath the waves, deluged under all manner of psychological manipulations, coercions, then immersed, drowned in the murky depths of deception’s vast ocean.

And yet, with the emergence of this particular news story, into the deepest abyss is precisely where the MSM’s faltering credibility has plummeted.

Somehow, quite predictably, when highly esteemed Hollywood director/executive producer James Cameron soon entered the frame in the wake of the Titan submarine’s “disaster”, it was then one became quite certain the MSM harbored an ulterior agenda. First, to execute an occult/masonic ritual and, secondarily, to create a perverse justification to cynically hoist Cameron into the public’s eye because a sequel to Avatar, the Way of Water is slated to be released later this year in time enough for what Hollywood’s executives surely anticipate being a most profitable Christmas season.

Turns out, not only is James Cameron one of Hollywood’s most accomplished and creatively brilliant film directors, but, with connections to NASA, he is also a master of deception, and, as everyone shall soon observe, no stranger to the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation. Continue reading “MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep”

Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds

Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds

Over the decades, since the advent of the television medium, mainstream television talk show productions and those cast as their hosts have both played important roles in so far as the application, execution of mass societal behavioral modification, social engineering, the manufacture of social, political consensus, and population perception management.

Quite unexpectedly, while performing research for a recently published article, one happened upon a pair of audio/visual excerpts from The Merv Griffin Show, a popular prime time Hollywood celebrity-oriented talk fest broadcasted during the eras of the 1970’s and early 1980’s. On the surface, though Merv’s show seemed rather dull, filled with the usual mundane and rather trivial talk show fare, nevertheless, selections of banter between Griffin and some of his selected guests proved rather interesting, if not wholly revealing.

Merv Griffin during Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame – November 7, 1994 at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City, New York, United States. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

In the first video excerpt encountered, Griffin was interviewing the “late” Sharon Tate, alleged to have been murdered by “Charles Manson” (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen). The second excerpt – and perhaps just as intriguing – featured Griffin interviewing Barry and Robin Gibb, members of the Bee Gees, a formerly popular 1970’s disco era pop music group.

Below from L to R: Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb

As everyone shall shortly observe, in the first video excerpt, while Griffin and Tate are walking down Carnaby Street in London, England, they are suddenly approached by Hollywood actor Hugh O’Brien. An encounter which, although made to appear spontaneous, was undoubtedly well-planned, tightly scripted. It also became apparent that, concerning the affectations of social sophistication and airy demeanor demonstrated by the show’s host, Griffin was a highly skilled thespian putting on a performance. In addition, one developed an intuition that “Merv Griffin” seemed rather familiar.

After exchanging introductory formalities with O’Brien – at approximately 2:53 in the video posted directly above – Griffin makes an eye-opening quip concerning the CIA. Later, during the interview segment of Griffin’s program, Tate reveals that not only is her father employed by Army intelligence and is stationed in Vietnam, but that she was also born in Dallas, Texas. Of course, Dallas, Texas served as the movie set for the staged “assassination” of U.S. president “John Fitzgerald Kennedy” (AKA Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper) filmed by “Abraham Zapruder” (AKA Walt Disney). Tate also mentions her new film – Vampire Killers – which was directed by Roman Polanski who Tate would later wed. It turns out that “Merv Griffin” has connections to both “Roman Polanski” and to Dallas, Texas, specifically Dealy Plaza.

SEE: JFK Hoax Executed by Wizards of Oz

In fact, not only did further, deeper investigation reveal that the “late” “Merv Griffin” was a fabricated character scheme, a manufactured mainstream television persona behind which lurked a most familiar live-action role player, but, in the case of the Bee Gees, both Robin and Barry Gibb, respectively, have connections to legendary popular music groups – both to the Beatles and to Led Zeppelin. Continue reading “Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds”

Another Fake ‘Phil’ Talk Show Host

Another Fake ‘Phil’ Talk Show Host

Though many who frequent this site may have read about the results of the investigation into “Doctor Phil McGraw” who was identified as a fabricated character scheme, he wasn’t the only talk show host named ‘Phil’ with a hidden identity.

SEE: Del’s Big Tree Bears Rotten Fruit

Before the vivid persona of Oprah Winfrey became the predominant figure on the daytime television talk show circuit, there was another with whom Oprah credits the possibility for her meteoric success – “Phil Donahue”.

From the beginning of his television career, the popular television persona who became known to the American public as “Phil Donahue” carved out a rather sizable and dominant niche on what was up until then, during the era of the 1980’s, an almost barren daytime television landscape populated by mindless game shows and melodramatic soap operas.


Even after his emergence on the American television airwaves, the format of Donahue’s talk show contrasted sharply with that of his would-be competitors. Instead of founding a platform for inane discussions concerning crass popular culture or a shallow promotional showcase for Hollywood celebrities, “Phil Donahue” showed a penchant for tackling issues which appeared to be of social or political import. Issues which sometimes were considered controversial or even taboo by targeted audiences and network executives alike.

As shown in the video clip at the link posted below, in 1985, decades before the Covid-19 “pandemic”, “Phil Donahue” invited Doctor Robert S. Mendelsohn – who at the time was considered to be a most controversial figure among his colleagues in the medical profession – onto his show to discuss the clear and present dangers to the public’s health posed by vaccinations.

Though today, mainstream talk show hosts wouldn’t dare allow such contrarian views to be aired, at least in this regard, “Phil Donahue” proved to be well ahead of his time and his would-be competitors. But did this penchant for exploring controversial topics emanate from a deeply held conviction? Or was “Phil Donahue” merely playing out the role he was scripted to portray?

Upon further investigation, the latter turned out to be the case.

“Phil Donahue” was a fabricated character scheme. A carefully tailored image designed to titillate and entertain a particular targeted audience of daytime television consumers. After all, as any television executive knows, controversy is a marketable commodity, profitable to not only the network’s bottom line, but to the network’s advertisers. But there is much more to the story of “Phil Donahue” which won’t be found in “official biographies”.

Before becoming daytime television’s premiere talk show host, “Phil Donahue” played the role of a villain in one of American history’s most tragic narratives – the “assassination” of an American president. Not only that, but the Hollywood actor knighted by the British royal family who has been identified as his host actor (live-action role player) has been known by a slew of famous pseudonyms.

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‘Dead’ Rockefeller Resurrected Hollywood Star

‘Dead’ Rockefeller Resurrected Hollywood Star

With the visual magic of Hollywood cinema production, the semantic word sorcery of the print media, and the immense propaganda machine of the MSM augmented by the sinister art of neuro linguistic programming and CGI/green screen trickery at one’s disposal, the potential for manipulating the public into believing fabricated falsehoods is never beyond the realm of possibility.

As well, too, the psychological operations of the controlled opposition “alternative media” and assorted social media platforms, which are nothing more than colossal data mining machines managed by the CIA and other alphabet lettered organizations umbrellaed under the centralized control of the Society of Jesus at Vatican City in Rome, exist as vital components in this widespread distribution of information propaganda designed for the purposes of social and political division and pacification.

Though the idea may be inconceivable or even preposterous to most, with such effective perception altering tools at one’s disposal, it even becomes possible to resurrect a man from “death” and turn him into a bona fide Hollywood celebrity, to be worshipped and adored by millions.  But believe it or not, such appears to be the case with the “late” Michael C. Rockefeller, the son of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, formerly U.S. vice president and governor of New York.

Below: Michael C. Rockefeller


According to “official” biographies and accounts, Michael C. Rockefeller disappeared in the jungles of New Guinea and was never to have been seen again.

Or was he indeed?

The answer: he did reappear – in Hollywood.

Over a period of decades, Michael C. Rockefeller has been observed by the American public time and again on Hollywood’s silver screen. As shall be detailed further, the “late” Michael C. Rockefeller, in the guise of the award-winning Hollywood actor observed in the image posted immediately below, has been modified into several high-profile fabricated character schemes operating under pseudonyms in the realms of entertainment, politics, and the medical/pharmaceutical complex.


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Nashville’s Little Lollipop Photo Shop

Nashville’s Little Lollipop Photo Shop

If investigation has revealed anything, the MSM lies by omission. Perhaps better to say, they are adept at concealing the truth. Or, on the other hand – they merely lie to better service the widespread distribution and promotion of transparent propaganda funded by the City of London’s Crown Temple and the Swiss/Vatican banking consortium.

In the case of the recent school shooting hoax staged in Nashville, there exist key biographical details which the notoriously prevaricating MSM left undisclosed concerning ‘gun control’ advocate Ashbey Beasley, to who the MSM networks afforded maximum face time at the “press conference” held in the immediate wake of the staged drill’s execution.

Below: Ashbey Beasley

220728_ntl_gun_rights_1241_hpMain_16x9_608 (1)

Furthermore, concerning ‘gun control’ advocate Ashbey Beasley, the results of image comparison analyses have determined there is a more than probable connection between Beasley and the alleged assailant – “Audrey Hale” – now conveniently deceased, who appears to have been a photo shopped creation.

Below: Audrey Hale

Audrey-Elizabeth-Hale (1)

However, in a larger context, there appears to be no happenstance that the passage of a number of pieces of congressional legislation – Restrict Act, for example – has coincided with the execution of this latest U.S. corporate government/alphabet lettered intelligence agency sponsored and MSM promoted staged ‘gun control’ propaganda psychological operation in Nashville, Tennessee.

As shall be detailed further, there are verifiable connections between the recent “event” staged in Nashville, Ashbey Beasley, a “grass roots” ‘gun control’ organization called Moms Demand Action, Strong Cities Initiative, and the continued progress of the UN’s genocidal Agenda 2030/2050, also known as “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset”, monikers which are synonymous with the planned global implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution authored and engineered by the Society of Jesus in control of the Vatican at the City of Rome.

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Erin Brockovich East Palestine’s Fake Savior

Erin Brockovich East Palestine’s Fake Savior


Taking the trouble to investigate then expose the machinations of humanity’s rulers, owners, and slave masters presupposes those now living are invested in fighting at all costs for the perpetuation of their own survival. Lately, after venturing out among the general public, there doesn’t seem to exist much evidence this appears to be the case.

In fact, the opposite seems to be true. Rather, the most remarkable characteristic about the American general public appears to be their willingness to not only unquestioningly obey the edicts of perceived “authority”, but, even while seemingly resigned to the genocidal fate which has been planned for them, the American public seems determined to never abscond from its stubborn propensity to defend their betrayers, subjugators at every turn.

Worse yet, many appear ridden with apathy while concerned only with satisfying their most petty desires.

In the astute words of occult researcher Michael Hoffman, “Modern man is a mind bombed patsy who gets his marching orders from twilight language key words sprinkled throughout his news and current events, so that even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, he scoffs with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control. Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject. He vehemently denies the control the hypnotist holds over him even while his head bobs up and down on a string.”

The hypnotists and elite managers of human behavior, those with the power to wield the levers of the media’s mass mind control machinery – the perpetrators of Post-Modern Reality Simulation – have never shied away from utilizing a pretty face to assist them in the success of their sinister mass manipulations.

Sometimes – as in the case of “Erin Brockovich” – the face of the betraying enemy appears as benign and even benevolent.

As reported by the MSM, “Erin Brockovich”, along with US Secretary of Transportation “Pete Buttigieg” (AKA Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark/Bradley Manning), recently visited catastrophe plagued East Palestine, Ohio and, still earlier in her public career, was also the subject of an award-winning Hollywood cinema production.

SEE: Mayor Pete is a Royal Impostor

But deeper investigation has revealed that paralegal, whistleblower, consumer advocate, and environmental activist “Erin Brockovich” is not who or what she seems.


Megyn Kelly Portrait Session, New York, USA

Wedding Tiara () for Crown Princess Mary of Denmark 6

In fact, beneath the savior-like exterior lurks a cruel impostor, an actor cast in the role of a public interest advocate, a symbolic representation of the occultic ancient Divine Feminine (AKA Isis/Semiramis/Mother Mary/the Statue of Liberty) harboring the eternal flame (AKA activation of the pineal gland or third eye) portrayed in the flesh by a European royal princess, one who has also been previously identified as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

SEE: Bankman-Fried Trial Judge Royal Impostor

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