Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

The slaughtering of sacred cows is never popular. But so be it. For the last two decades, “Doctor James Fetzer” has been one of the most influential and premiere figures in the “alternative” media.

Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, while appearing to be professionally well-credentialed as a published academic, Fetzer came to the public’s attention as an authoritative figure, unabashedly armed with perspectives and opinions which sharply contrasted to the MSM’s “official” narratives.

To this day, Fetzer’s iconic status in the “alternative media”, despite most recently being embroiled in the Sandy Hook controversy, has remained virtually untouched, his sterling reputation largely unsullied. But as many may have no doubt already surmised, that is about to quickly change. In the case of the esteemed “Doctor James Fetzer” – like “Alex Jones”, “Max Igan” – glittering appearances can prove to be most deceiving.

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Behind Fetzer’s carefully crafted mask – a customized mask modified from yet another high-profile character, a popular U.S. senator, which was portrayed by Fetzer’s host actor – lurks a vastly experienced intelligence trained operator, Hollywood actor with connections to the U.S. military/industrial complex, and to both BNY Mellon bank and Carnegie Foundation headquartered in New York City. Indeed, Fetzer’s career as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation has spanned several decades.

Not only that, but “Gary King”, the side kick with whom Fetzer is often seen working during his podcasts, was a former Hollywood music industry teen idol and television star who faked his death.

In fact, “Gary King” is the hidden son of Fetzer’s Hollywood live-action role player, the long-time spouse of the Hollywood actress who portrays “Hillary Clinton”. Upon further investigation, this Hollywood actress was also known as “Barbara Olson”, the conservative talk show hostess who was alleged to have perished on the ill-fated flight of American Airlines 77 which reportedly “crashed” into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

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DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The covert goal of government is to ultimately control the human mind.

Still today, among a majority, the concept of subliminal advertising is considered to be a myth.

However, the following example, from decades ago, proves that not only did the US corporate government conspire with the Jesuit-controlled CIA to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the American public with subliminal messaging, but the identity of the covert perpetrators, as well as their true and sinister intentions, is actually hidden within the subliminal messaging.

In addition, the unsettling content of the following video excerpt more than implies and clearly demonstrates, while the perpetrators remained well aware the modern communications medium known as television programming was designed as a psychological warfare weapon possessing the capability to effectively induce the public into a collective “alpha” hypnotic state, this particular example of the deliberate deployment of subliminally suggestive psychologically coercive mind subversion was not an isolated example.

In fact, in the coming decades, this sinister practice would only grow to become more widely utilized and sophisticatedly subversive.

As the video’s narrator attempts to explain, a series of subliminal messages were covertly hidden within the words – the emotionally stirring lyrics of the American national anthem – as they progressively scrolled across America’s late night and early morning television screens.

The subliminally embedded message of “Buy Naomi” is particularly ominous.

According to the researcher featured in the following video excerpt, Project MK Naomi was a CIA biological weapons/population control project facilitated and executed by the Jesuit controlled CIA. Though the agency claimed this special project was defunct by the time of the Church Committee hearings of the mid-1970’s which ostensibly convened to examine the dark underbelly of CIA’s covert black projects, as shall be demonstrated, Project MK Naomi continued into the 21st century under the guise of the Covid-19 “pandemic” psychological operation.

Over the decades from the time of its inception, Project MK Naomi has been promoted and administratively guided by members of the von Furstenberg family posing as high-level figures in the arena of US politics and US corporate government sponsored medical research.

When Project MK Naomi began during the era of the 1950’s shortly after the post-war inception of the CIA, it was with the blessing of the presidential administration of “Dwight D. Eisenhower” who, as most who frequent this site will recall, was identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by Hollywood and Coca-Cola executive Barry Diller (AKA Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg Hohenlohe/Alfred Hitchcock/Oliver Stone/Mike Nichols/Cary Grant/Robert Shapiro/John Avery/John Ramsey/Bill O’Reilly), the very same who participated in the OJ Simpson (AKA Hollywood actor Danny Glover) trial simulation/hoax as attorney “Robert Shapiro” and again as attorney “John Avery” in the Port Aurthur, Australia “massacre” posing as the defense for the alleged shooter “Martin Bryant”, a fabricated character scheme portrayed by small-time Hollywood actor Matt Lattanzi (AKA California governor Gavin Newsome/Burke Ramsey/Rob Lowe/Jean Claude Van Dame) who also, not coincidentally, played a key role in the OJ Simpson murder hoax, starring as “Ronald Goldman”.

SEE: Dead Man Governing Golden State?

Below: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry Diller, Prince Eduard Egon von Furstenberg



But even further and more extensive investigation into the true identity of Florida governor “Ron DeSantis” (AKA Joe Rogan) – SEE: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor – has revealed a family connection both to Diller and, by genealogical extension, to American president “Franklin Delano Roosevelt” (AKA Prince Tassilo von Furstenberg/Fred Astaire/Walt Disney/Jimmy Stewart/Glen Miller/Harry Truman/Henry Fonda/Al Jolson).

Below: Ron DeSantis, Joe Rogan, Prince Alexander von Furstenberg

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SEE: FDR: America’s Royal Hollywood Fraud

Honesty Not Harry S. Truman’s Best Policy

As shall soon be revealed, “Ron DeSantis” also has genealogical connections to not only Diller, but to Hollywood executive David Geffen, the man behind the well-crafted public persona known as “Doctor Anthony Fauci”, an image modification related to yet another of Geffen’s fabricated character schemes, TMZ television executive “Harvey Levin”.

This really isn’t surprising, given, as everyone who frequents this site has learned, David Geffen has been identified as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, having portrayed a slew of fabricated character schemes in the arenas of entertainment and in politics. David Geffen is also the host actor (live-action role player) behind the mask of “Henry Kissinger”, a member of the eugenicist Club of Rome, who went on record as having stated, “Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over. We thin out the herd and the herd pay us for providing extermination services.”

Turns out, the perpetrators of Post-Modern Reality Simulation belong to a tightly knit group of actors connected to the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families, including that of the von Furstenberg, the Dukes of Swabia, an ancient noble and royal family of German origin with deep historical connections to the Holy Roman Empire and to the Vatican.

Below: Doctor Anthony Fauci, Harvey Levin, David Geffen


REELZ Presents "TMZ Hollywood Sports" Panel With Harvey Levin And Evan Rosenblum At TCA In Pasadena


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‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

The MSM’s report of the collapse of the Fern Hollow bridge in Pittsburgh, PA, on January 28, 2022, featured a very interesting ‘eyewitness’, Jane Dudley, one who appeared as well as sounded all-too familiar.

Below: Jane Dudley

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In the video clip displayed immediately below, Jane Dudley, alleged to be a Pittsburgh resident, volunteers an eyewitness testimony which not only suspiciously sounds like a well-rehearsed script delivered by an experienced actress, but as shall be thoroughly explained later on, the details of Dudley’s testimony do not appear to be remotely credible. In fact, when put under even the least bit of scrutiny and measured against the official timeline reported by the MSM, her testimony falls completely apart.

Indeed, after repeated listening, Dudley’s voice sounds very similar to that of the award-winning actress Annette Bening, observed in the following video clip, who, as most will recall, was identified as the live-action role player behind the masks of the fabricated character schemes known as former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren.

SEE: SOE Confirms: America Under Siege Warfare

Further investigation has revealed, according to her professional profile at linkedin.com, “Jane Dudley” is an “Assistant Creative Director” at Pittsburgh University’s Office of Communications and Marketing. That dubious title appears to be an ill-conceived intelligence cover, part of a custom-tailored legend or backstory designed to legitimize the professional bona fides of an intelligence operator. More intriguingly still, even further investigation has revealed, Hollywood actress Annette Bening has an older sister – wait for it, folks – named Jane.

Below: L to R, Annette and Jane Bening


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Birx another brick in the Masonic Wall?

Birx another brick in the Masonic Wall?

The coronavirus psychological operation is a grand masonic ritual to initiate everyone, while employing the most sinister methods of psychological coercion and manipulation, into becoming a dedicated member of the Templar/Jesuit/Masonic global cult.

Though the MSM will never report it, “Covid” is an anagram for Certificate of Vaccination Identification.

Covid-19 is a code derived from those at the highest levels of the military/industrial complex for a global Marshall Law exercise.

As we’ve learned, who else but those at the highest levels of the triumvirate Templar/Jesuit/Masonic global cult not only cherish the use of semantics as a tool of deception, but also thrive on the pageantry and grandeur of elaborate ritual initiations?

Only this time, the outrageous behavior of sycophantic public officials is signaling to those of the general public they have no choice but to comply and submit to participating in this grand masonic ritual.

The thirteen families have employed their vast media organs and, augmented by baseless threats of arrest from thuggish legions of masonic police guilds, are attempting to force mass compliance with a globally promulgated advisory public health opinion, the legality of which, while only made to appear legal with the public’s conspicuous consent, is backed by nothing other than blatant acts of psychological coercion, emotion driven propaganda, and crude intimidation.

The donning of masks and gloves mirrors the ritualistic garb of high-degree freemasonic ceremonies and rituals, while the ‘washing of hands’ represents a psychological cleansing; a spiritual transcendence from death to resurrection and, finally, to rebirth.

This is a symbolic transcendence which is necessary, for those who partake in the masonic ritual, to become reborn into a new spiritual perception of not only themselves but of their place in the new order of global affairs.

Recently, we have observed yet another key actor appearing on the global stage.

“Doctor Deborah Birx” now stands before the American general public to assume her role as the ritualistic master of ceremonies, and to remind all and sundry of their duties and roles as the grand masonic ceremony progresses to its final culmination.

The appearance of Birx symbolically represents the emergence of Isis, the feminine energy of the Triple Goddess.

She is also a symbolic representation of the high masonic priestess; the nurturing earth mother, guiding the masses of new initiates as each prepares to transcend the death of old identities and readies to embrace a symbolic rebirth into the new age of Aquarius.

One presumes, Birx is well-aware of her occulted role, due to one simple fact: her host actor is a close family relation of a celebrated Wiccan high-priestess; one who is both a high-ranking initiate into the masonic order of the Eastern Star and a European princess in disguise.

Turns out folks, the host actor identified as “Doctor Deborah Birx” is not only well-familiar to us, she is the daughter-in-law of one of Hollywood’s most esteemed, accomplished, and award-winning actresses — Shirley McClain —  the sister of Hollywood actor/director Warren Beatty AKA former US president Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

While everyone watches the following performance of “Doctor Deborah Birx”, one suspects there are some, if not many, who will begin to recognize, while paying especial attention to the particular qualities of her voice, mannerisms, and facial geometry, that Doctor Birx resembles a certain former democratic presidential candidate and senator from the state of Massachusetts.

But the stunning discoveries don’t end there.

Another video clip, excerpted from a popular BBC television production, features an eerie example of predictive programming which foreshadowed the coronavirus’s global psychological operation.

Stay turned folks!

Continue reading “Birx another brick in the Masonic Wall?”

“Maverick” John McCain’s all-American deception

In choosing to write this installment, there are those who will undoubtedly claim the author has committed an unforgivable outrage. But one will counter the charge by pointing out those choosing to vent such scorn are numbered among the masses of the deceived, for it is thoroughly impossible to sully the memory of a man and pubic figure who has never existed. It is also quite possible, those very same have not dared to contemplate the extent to which the post-modern age of actor based CGI reality has managed to so thoroughly engulf them.

That’s right folks – the celebrated late senator, John “Maverick” McCain, was yet another archetypical character, an all-American Hollywood conceived myth. In fact, the host actor portrayed the celebrated senator even went on to star in a Hollywood produced television documentary about McCain’s ill-fated presidential campaign paired with vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, who was another CGI created, cartoon based political character.

The imagination boggles – a fake documentary about a fake presidential election featuring fake candidates. Well, as had been said many times before: something like this could only happen in America.

Once again, the ruling elites have chosen to distract the masses with the death of one of their fabricated heroes. But more than this, the distinguished senator’s death at 81 (18/occult mirror’s reflection=666) demonstrates how heroic myths are created for historical posterity, those visions stirring in the boiling brew of the wicked witch’s mainstream media cauldron, potent potions that magically transform into indelible images of sight and sound. Continue reading ““Maverick” John McCain’s all-American deception”

Unholy trinity: Sex, drugs and rock and roll (part V)

Though surely, there are those who think it may be unbecoming, one simply could not resist the urge to gloat. Merely one day after identifying Roseanne Barr (See: Lottery: the longer you play the more you pay) starring as a host actor in a fake lottery commercial, the elite controllers have chosen to pull the plug on Roseanne’s television show:

Though perhaps it would be presumptuous to imagine, nevertheless, the ruling elites are beginning to run scared from the overwhelming possibility the peasants are catching on to their decades and even centuries of psychologically based nonsense. And I’m certain the loyal readers here at Newsspell have become aware this may be so.

At any rate, on to the matter at hand.

Rock and pop superstars, of the type that transcend the parameters of entertainment to become almost archetypal totems in the public consciousness, are also merely tools of the ruling elite Jesuit families. After all, when an entire industry becomes monopolized by a handful of colossally powerful financial interests, those contracted to work on behalf of elite, monopoly business interests can be built up into culturally influential figures, figures that can, in turn, influence public behaviors for the benefit of globally expanding commercial interests.

One must comprehend that the music business, and to a very large extent the whole of the entertainment industry, including sports, represents a colossal psychological operation, designed not only to increase commercial profits through the presentation of bread and circuses, but also to shape human perceptions of prevailing culture, politics, and to shape and mold mass human consciousness itself.

There is oftentimes an overlooked irony concerning the concept of popular music, in that, while representing a ‘universal language’ capable of enchanting millions from all walks of life across social, political, and economic boundaries, many still refuse to believe or are yet unaware of the more profound and lasting effects – mostly negative due to the intention of its clandestine purpose – upon psychological and behavioral entrainment, designed to segment humanity into units of commercial demographics that can be profitably exploited by the prevailing commercial system of the ruling elites.

In this installment, the aspect of psychological entrainment as it relates to the mass marketing of popular music shall be investigated and explored a bit further.

But first, one shall reveal even further evidence of the actor based reality of psychological operations as it pertains to the profit making machinery of the pop music industry.

For, as one shall soon discover, a pair of iconic, popular performers of the past decades were indeed, not who they claimed to be, and were, incredibly enough, portrayed by the same host actor. Continue reading “Unholy trinity: Sex, drugs and rock and roll (part V)”