Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

After a two-year hiatus, the infamous Bilderberg Group recently reconvened in Washington D. C. between the 2nd and 5th of June. According to Bilderberg’s official web page, King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson/Sir Richard Branson/Chris Hansen), Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, and perhaps not surprisingly, Henry Kissinger (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen/Doctor Anthony Fauci) was in attendance.

Not unexpectedly, given the controversy surrounding their penchant for covert behavior, Bilderberg’s home page at couches the nature of their annual meetings in the most general if not ambiguous terms: “Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, the annual Bilderberg Meeting has been a forum for informal discussions to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.”

Over the years, despite such similarly bland reassurances, Bilderberg’s dark shroud of secrecy and its insistence upon garrisons of heavily armed guards has only served to invite greater suspicion regarding their hidden agenda.

The MSM, which until recently and only in passing admitted with reluctance such an annual meeting even exists, predictably preferred to remain mum about this year’s stellar gathering of global luminaries right in the very backyard of America’s capital.

Apparently, instead, the sycophantic MSM decided to fawn over the jubilee celebration of Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Lucille Ball), thinking that was more paramount.

While there is more to be reported about US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, his connections to infamous Wall Street trader Larry Fink, to SES (Senior Executive Services) and British based contractor Serco, to a digital algorithmic platform dubbed Aladdin, and, as well, about “Henry Kissinger” (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen), King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson, billionaire philanthropist Sir Richard Branson, MSM news presenter Chris Hansen) the hidden brother of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) and how all of these influential and powerful public figures fit into the larger scenario concerning the global implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and the “Internet of Things”, deeper investigation has also revealed that, like “Justin Trudeau” (AKA Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey), Canada’s former finance minister and current Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland is not who she claims to be.

Below: Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland

SEE: Behind the Curtain of Boris’s Big Top

Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk

Kissinger: Master of Geopolitical Disaster

But would it also surprise everyone to discover there is something amiss concerning “Big Jim Tucker”, the late and legendary independent investigator associated with Info Wars’ “Alex Jones” (AKA Prince Gustav of Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleberg) who, decades ago during the era of the mid-1970’s while employed by independently published Spotlight Magazine, was solely credited with breaking the news of the existence of the Bilderberg Meetings to the world-at-large?

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Turns out, there is a good reason as to why “Big Jim Tucker” would have been privy to the secret location of Bilderberg’s annual meetings and about the nefarious nature of their secret but far-reaching agendas.

Upon further investigation, “Big Jim Tucker” was a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a Hollywood actor who was once cast in the role of US president.

Below from L to R: ‘Big’ Jim Tucker and former US president Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Ukraine Film Studios, Hollywood & MSM Connections?

Ukraine Film Studios, Hollywood & MSM Connections?

Never considered why the public, time and again, has been so easily duped by the MSM?

Over successive decades, the MSM in combination with the well-organized, systematic, and strategic deployment of the internet’s digital algorithms have served to incrementally and psychologically condition humanity and its perceptions of “reality”.

The MSM, consisting of format standardized corporate mainstream radio, television, magazine and book publications, is owned and monopolized by historically ancient Jesuit families such as the Orsini, Aldobrandini, Farnese, von Furstenberg, Grimaldi, Savoy, Borgia, Massimo, and the royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (AKA Windsor, Rockefeller, Rothschild) who have pledged an oath of fealty to Vatican City in Rome controlled by the Superior General of the Jesuit order or Society of Jesus whom monitor and control the narrative content broadcasted by the MSM.

To what end?

To not only foster the perception of social confusion, political division, and societal chaos which can only be resolved by the authoritative order of corporate “governments” presiding over countries (AKA exploitable commercial markets), but to also condition humanity to the idea there are no moral or intellectual absolutes other than what “AUTHORITY” has decided to rigidly define at any given moment.

This is routinely done so that the thirteen ruling Jesuit families, through the enactment of laws and ratified treaties, can more completely bolster and solidify their control over human and natural resources and the means of global commercial/industrial production.

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America

This unfolding incremental process, in combination with the deliberate and theatrical simulation of what are reported as “news” events, is how the solipsistic philosophy of post-modernism has come to prevail over the “common” man in modern times. To the point where, as of late, no one, not even those in positions of so-called “AUTHORITY” is able or “allowed” to adequately define the concept of gender or of objective reality itself.

However, once the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 (AKA depopulation/population control) and the “Internet of Things” have been implemented and globally standardized, the concept of “gender” will be legally redefined.

At that point in time, human reproduction will be legally subject to a globally standardized licensing process and human DNA will have become the sole ownership province and property of the STATE.

The MSM – known as a repeated perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation – will have played a key role in bringing this state of “REALITY” to ultimate fruition.

Historically, when it comes to manipulating the perceptions of the general public, one of the MSMs chief methods of operation is through the promotion of “war.”

Case in point?

An article published at on April 13, 2022, reported the following: “A bright, talented Ukrainian journalist signed up to help Fox News cover the war. Two months later she was dead.”


But as usual and without exception, what are generally perceived to be unquestionable “facts” reported by MSM sources turn out to be dubious, and ultimately false.

For one, upon further investigation, the “bright, talented Ukrainian” to which refers was not a “journalist” but a film producer.

Secondly, it turns out, “she” – “Oleksandra ‘Sasha’ Kuvshynova” – is far from “dead”.


In fact, one’s investigation into this particular news story proceeded towards a dizzying array of connections between Fox News, Ukrainian film studios, a New York City modeling agency, and a Hollywood actress who has already been identified as a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation in relation to the “war” in Ukraine.


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‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

‘Eyewitness’ Testimony Collapses MSM’s Bridge Story

The MSM’s report of the collapse of the Fern Hollow bridge in Pittsburgh, PA, on January 28, 2022, featured a very interesting ‘eyewitness’, Jane Dudley, one who appeared as well as sounded all-too familiar.

Below: Jane Dudley

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In the video clip displayed immediately below, Jane Dudley, alleged to be a Pittsburgh resident, volunteers an eyewitness testimony which not only suspiciously sounds like a well-rehearsed script delivered by an experienced actress, but as shall be thoroughly explained later on, the details of Dudley’s testimony do not appear to be remotely credible. In fact, when put under even the least bit of scrutiny and measured against the official timeline reported by the MSM, her testimony falls completely apart.

Indeed, after repeated listening, Dudley’s voice sounds very similar to that of the award-winning actress Annette Bening, observed in the following video clip, who, as most will recall, was identified as the live-action role player behind the masks of the fabricated character schemes known as former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, and Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren.

SEE: SOE Confirms: America Under Siege Warfare

Further investigation has revealed, according to her professional profile at, “Jane Dudley” is an “Assistant Creative Director” at Pittsburgh University’s Office of Communications and Marketing. That dubious title appears to be an ill-conceived intelligence cover, part of a custom-tailored legend or backstory designed to legitimize the professional bona fides of an intelligence operator. More intriguingly still, even further investigation has revealed, Hollywood actress Annette Bening has an older sister – wait for it, folks – named Jane.

Below: L to R, Annette and Jane Bening


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“Robert Malone”: Another Hollywood “Doctor”

“Robert Malone”: Another Hollywood “Doctor”

Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated, folded, spindled, and mutilated?

The MSM’s CIA-controlled mockingbird spin machine never sleeps, after all.

Somehow, though, when one recognizes the manufactured chicanery routinely churned out by the MSM, the sinister methodologies of its psychological warfare machine seem all-too transparent and, well, quite frankly, more than a bit comical, perhaps even a bit pathetic.

But amid the perpetual onslaught of the MSM’s psychological warfare, yet another “doctor” has emerged on the world’s stage to “courageously” reveal what many Americans appear to have devoured as the wholesale “truth”.

Nevertheless, rest assured, “Doctor Robert Malone”, who recently made headlines for his “controversial” appearance on the Joe Rogan show and for his subsequent banning from the popular social media platform Twitter, is no doctor, he just plays one on television.

Below: Doctor Robert Malone

In fact, everyone who frequents this site may have observed “Doctor Robert Malone” before but cast in another role.

Surely, there are those who remember “Richard Martinez”, from Santa Barbara, California, and his theatrical histrionics while scathingly lobbying for “gun control”?

Surely, too, everyone has observed the host actor (live-action role player) identified in portrayal of “Doctor Robert Malone” as well, cast in an iconic role and in one of Hollywood’s most classic and highest grossing films – Star Wars.

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Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs

Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs

Turns out – other than the most essential of biographical details – not much is really understood about the life of the man known as “Klaus Schwab”, the executive chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab

For a man in such a high-profile public position, Schwab’s “official” biographies – including his own biographical entry located at Wikipedia – appear to be remarkably threadbare.

Despite being posed by the MSM as a figure of great influential power, “Klaus Schwab” remains a complete mystery.

But further and extensive investigation has managed to peel away the layers of mist, mystery, and intrigue which – up until now – have managed to obscure the true identity of the chief spokesperson for what has become infamously known as the “Great Reset”.

Schwab, as shall soon be made quite evident, has proved to be yet another fraudulent character scheme and portrayed by a Norwegian European royal playing at being actor.

Additionally, the academic bona fides attached to the pseudonym of  “Klaus Schwab” also exist as fabrications and have been tailor-made – most likely by CIA in cooperation with other such agencies operating under the umbrella of the international intelligence octopus – to fit Schwab’s concocted persona.

Not only that, Schwab’s royal host actor has a royal granddaughter who – upon further and extensive image comparison analysis – portrays Greta Thunberg, the ubiquitous but obnoxious “climate change” activist. 

As shall soon be demonstrated, Klaus Schwab’s royal host actor has been caught out as a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

The man known as Klaus Schwab – as are the royal host actors portraying his spouse “Hilde” and the “climate change” activist known as “Greta Thunberg”, Schwab’s hidden granddaughter – is nothing more than a media generated persona with a concocted biographical intelligence legend attached to a pseudonym, and created to widely promote the “climate change”, “Great Reset”, and Covid-19 psychological operations as paradigm-shifting engines of global social, political, and economic transformation.

Harold V, King of Norway

Though those whom frequent this site may wish to carefully consider the following conclusions of one’s investigation, most, however, may not be able to handle the truth.

By the way, one can solemnly promise, the Hollywood actor everyone witnessed in the previous video excerpt will be prominently featured in my next article.

“Jack Nicholson” has also been discovered to be a fabricated character scheme who – for decades – has been portrayed by a European Danish royal.

Without giving too much away in advance, this Danish royal – though he is alleged to have died in 2018 but has now been proved to be very much still alive – was also involved in the execution of the “assassination” of US president John F. Kennedy (AKA Dennis Hopper), with whom “Nicholson” starred in a Hollywood film production, 1968’s Easy Rider.
Continue reading “Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs”

Nashville Narrative ‘Thicke’ as a Brick

Nashville Narrative ‘Thicke’ as a Brick

The careers of Hollywood’s actors never die, they are merely repackaged.

The mainstream news is not designed to inform or to report facts concerning the “news of the world”, but to dispense propaganda which, in turn, has been well-formulated to psychologically influence, to shape, and to consolidate a collective consensus, concerning how the public should feel about what they’ve been told has happened.   

The alleged Nashville “bombing” was a psychological operation, a staged simulation, and facilitated by a badly scripted television production.

Several Hollywood actors portrayed key roles, including a pair of actors whom also portrayed the roles of iconic television characters during the eras of the 1980’s and 1990’s.

According to MSM sources, one of these participating actors – the father of a formerly popular performer from Hollywood’s music recording industry – is alleged to have recently died at the age of 69.

But this turns out not to be true.

He is now posing as the mayor of Nashville. 

The other actor – cast in the role of the Nashville bombing villain – was once noteworthy for having portrayed the centrifugal role in a formerly popular and highly-rated television series, entitled 7th Heaven. 

One of this actor’s former television co-stars also portrayed the role of “Carissa Kelly”, an alleged bombing victim whom claims to have escaped her apartment building, and mere minutes before the bomb’s calamitous mayhem struck.

As well, the date of the alleged “bombing” in Nashville has numerological significance: 12/25, 12+25=37/3 7’s/777, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code.

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