Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick Drowned in Lies

Beyond creating, promoting emotionally provocative narratives, the MSM also specializes in the popularization of myths. Typically, such classically inspired tales – of both heroism and tragedy – acquire Shakesperean dimensions.

The media-generated tragedy of Chappaquiddick, which forever dashed the seemingly bright political future of one Ted Edward Kennedy, at once transforming a shining presidential hopeful into a pathetic Hamlet-like figure with no hope of redemption, still echoes into posterity.

As the decade of the 1960’s waned, plunged into a war’s quagmire far abroad, dangerously atomized with chaotic civil strife at home, the subsequent effect of Chappaquiddick’s sorrowful narrative seemed poised to further demoralize an already downtrodden America.

Nevertheless, with the help of a rabid MSM eager to capitalize on the tragedy for the sake of skyrocketed television ratings, sensational front-page headlines, Chappaquiddick unfolded into a compelling drama, a thrilling distraction served up to a nation deeply mired in despondency.

In Chappaquiddick’s morbid wake, the death of Mary Jo Kopechne and the deferred political dreams of the last-living Kennedy brother were subsequently spun into epic drama, a made-for-television spectacle through which a gaping mob of American spectators could vicariously live.

Turns out though, upon further investigation, there’s more truth in the latter characterization than perhaps many could ever possibly conceive.

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A Partridge & the Prince of Darkness

A Partridge & the Prince of Darkness

It is generally believed, by musicians seeking to become stars while wallowing in obscurity and popular music fans alike, that Hollywood music industry executives remain busy constantly scouring nightclubs from coast to coast looking for the ‘next big thing’.

But this widely held belief is a fallacy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The renowned stars with which popular music fans have become most familiar have proved to be sons and daughters of either industry legends, corporate entertainment executives, or the family offspring of those who own the record companies, oftentimes child prodigies who’ve been well trained at the finest performing arts schools to master their specialized trade. After being signed to a contract with a major corporate recording label and becoming designated as a priority project, such artists are instantly surrounded by what is tantamount to an efficient brain trust, consisting of premiere record producers, song writers and arrangers – termed ‘song doctors’ in the industry – top-notch sound engineers, wardrobe and makeup specialists, attorneys, managers, and booking agents. 

Since its inception, the Hollywood music industry promotes from within, and those promotions are often based on nepotism. As has been discovered to be the case with contracted assets performing in professional sports – SEE: NFL’s Touchdown Tom Not So Terrific – likewise, popular, profitable assets with successful resumes contracted for employment in the Jesuit and US military/industrial complex-controlled Hollywood music and entertainment industry are routinely recycled into new identities.

Once media marketed entertainment images prove popular with particular audience demographics, to exploit the profitability of new commercial markets, actors or assets working under contract are often cleverly outfitted with sparkling new images, as well as carefully crafted pseudonyms designed for commercial appeal to targeted markets.

In essence, once recycled into new identities and images, Hollywood entertainment industry assets become perpetrators of Post-Modern Reality Simulation designed with the ulterior purpose of promoting social engineering, and with the deliverance of behavioral programming and media messaging. The execution of such operations is directed from the top down by the Jesuit’s Society of Jesus in control of Vatican City in Rome, overseen by military psychological operations units in cooperation with US and British intelligence, while the emotional, behavioral reactions of targeted population demographics are meticulously monitored by organizations such as Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. Such psychological operations prove beneficial to the City of London’s Crown Temple and Swiss banking consortium and their hegemonic maintenance of population centers and the global status quo.

Ironically, while rock music has sold successive generations on the idea of liberating rebellion, they’ve been covertly programmed for enslaving conformity.

Turns out, a pair of intelligence-controlled Hollywood music entertainment assets, perpetrators of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, pose as this article’s featured subjects: “Ozzy Osbourne” and “Randy Roads”.


More extensive investigation indicates and in fact confirms that both of these legendary rock stars were previously known by other famous monikers. One of them was formerly known as a member of perhaps the most famous pop group of the 1960’s, a star who also became known – under another name – as perhaps one of that decade’s most prominent, well-respected, and influential pop musicians and instrumentalists, while the other, before assuming the identity of heavy metal rock guitar god “Randy Roads”, was a 1970’s teen idol cast in the television sitcom “The Partridge Family.” Now, today, this former ‘Partridge’ stars as a podcast sidekick for one of the alternative media’s most influential and well-known figures.

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Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Certain individuals have a knack for remaining clandestine while simultaneously keeping a somewhat conspicuous public profile. A paradoxical scenario to be sure. To those among the general public, however, someone with the capability to execute such a deceptive trick would be considered tantamount to a magician. And yet again, such a feat may not too difficult for one in possession of great wealth, enough to gain some modicum of influential or even controlling interest in the MSM.

In addition, when one’s son is the ubiquitous cult of personality known as “Elon Musk”, chief executive of both Tesla, Space X and chief proprietor of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, it may be that much easier, after faking one’s death, for a “dead” man to conceal one’s genuine identity with an appropriated pseudonym attached to an alternate persona. If successful at employing such deceptive tactics, one could conceivably hide among the public arena while operating in plain view.


But why make the hypothesis that the man pictured in the image posted above may be “dead”?

Because it turns out that, upon more extensive investigation, “Errol Musk”, alleged to be the father of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) is a British royal in disguise, one who was recently alleged to have “died”. Though there isn’t much biographical information available on “Errol”, enough information remains extant to provide possible clues as to his true identity.

1.) Online biographies reveal that Errol’s mother was British, 2.) There exists a rather well-circulated, but dubious MSM promoted narrative which appears derived from a discarded B grade Hollywood action/thriller script treatment, the reported details of which allege “Errol Musk” fended off an attack from a gang of gun toting home invaders at his plush residence in South Africa.

Suspiciously, this particular widely circulated story is not only ridden with gematria coding, but the veracity of its narrative details – like most if not all such stories promoted by the MSM – crumble to utter dust under the weight of even the slightest scrutiny.

For example, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, this MSM promoted story claims that not only did “Errol” heroically emerge intact and alive, but he managed to gun down three of the seven alleged home invaders.

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CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

Within an investigative context, minute details are akin to clues hidden along jungled pathways culminating into ultimate revelation.

After studying the performance of the actor featured in the following video excerpt – alleged to be  “Phillip Mudd”, American media commentator and former counterterrorism official at both CIA and FBI – everyone will begin to surely notice similarities, in both tone and nuance(s) of voice as well as physical mannerisms, in common with a Hollywood/television actor who rose to stardom during the era of the 1980’s, one who is perhaps most famous for having been cast in the lead role of the Hollywood science fiction blockbuster ‘Back to the Future’.



During his interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “Mudd” – a surname which, gematria calculation informs, equals 21, 3 7’s, or 777 in English Ordinal Reverse Reduction, Alistair Crowley’s joker intelligence code – attempts to elaborately spin a ridiculous yarn concerning a car bombing which was alleged to have been carried out by a terrorist, a terrorist he claims to have later spoken with. This narrative represents a gross prevarication undoubtedly created by CIA’s intelligence handlers then delivered by “Mudd” while on air with a theatrical flourish of intense but feigned emotional hysteria. Furthermore, this dubious tale detailing an act of alleged “terrorism” was likely thoroughly concocted to not only bolster in the minds of the targeted audience demographics the utility and continued necessity for CIA and FBI’s domestic and global surveillance efforts to combat “terrorism” and to keep the general public “safe” from “terrorists”, but to justify further tax expenditures beneficial to annual budgetary expansions. Upon viewing the video posted immediately above several more times, it also becomes apparent through detailed ocular analysis that certain portions of the facial geometry belonging to “Phil Mudd” have been strategically modified with CGI layering/animation during CNN’s post-production phase.

What “Mudd” fails to reveal, however, is that the American general public are the genuine target of these alphabet lettered agency’s vast surveillance dragnet and are therefore regarded as potential “terrorists”.

As shall be further detailed later on, the confirmed identity of the Hollywood actor in portrayal of CIA/FBI counterterrorism official “Phillip Mudd” confirms several salient points.

One – that high profile Hollywood actors/celebrities are also well-trained intelligence assets and agents who are regularly contracted to perform under pseudonyms in the guise of high government officials to influence public opinion and perception and, through the effectiveness of their scripted public performances to elicit desired emotional responses in their targeted audiences, to justify greater tax expenditures allocated towards alphabet lettered US corporate government agencies acting under the aegis of and in concert with the Jesuit-controlled US military/industrial/Hollywood entertainment complex.

Two – in the case of former counterterrorism CIA/FBI official and MSM commentator “Phillip Mudd”, it becomes apparent his positive identification as a media-generated fabricated character scheme, portrayed by a strategically modified Hollywood actor, Michael J. Fox (666), legitimizes the premise that both CIA and FBI have historically utilized such modified character schemes for the purposes of plausible deniability regarding their various taxpayer funded psychological operations and, three, by virtue of placing such modified characters acting under pseudonyms who cannot be legally prosecuted in any court operating under Admiralty (AKA Roman/Maritime) Law before the public’s eye as “official” spokespersons, they are provided with an impenetrable shield against the possibility of legal scrutiny or worse, criminal prosecution.

But, given that “Alejandro Mayorkas”, the current chief of US Homeland Security, has also been identified as a fabricated character scheme, portrayed by another famous Hollywood actor – more on this will be revealed in another article, coming soon – there arrives an additional, and perhaps even more sinister, hypothetical premise to consider.

Namely, that the office of Homeland Security exists merely as a brass plated front or proxy for Jesuit-controlled CIA, created as a US corporate government funded bank depository from which CIA can clandestinely but legally funnel, in the way of double dipping, more tax dollars into its already bulging coffers both to sufficiently fund and to dramatically expand its domestic and globally connected surveillance and psychological operations.

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Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard

Even the most transparent masquerades can remain effective. But oftentimes – especially when put under greater and even microscopic scrutiny – not for very long. During the course of an ongoing investigation into politician, lawyer, former IMF directing manager and now European Central Bank president Christine LeGarde, one remained suspicious that not only did her French accent indicate a theatrical affectation, but that certain of her habitual mannerisms appeared familiar indeed.

Below: Christine LeGarde, Hollywood and television actress Allison Janney

It also became clear, while observing her perform during various interviews, that LeGarde’s responses were heavily laden with propagandistic buzzwords and scripted talking points, and therefore considered to be substantively deficient, leading one to conclude that something was amiss, and that one was watching an actor in the midst of a theatrical performance, a media-generated personality rather than a highly educated economist and competent executive.

Turns out, the “official” biographies of “Christine LeGarde” are complete fabrications and that she too is a fabricated character scheme placed in highly visible and prominent positions of influence – IMF managing director, presidency of European Central Bank – to promote the transformation of the global economy with the establishment of a central bank digital currency and to spout propaganda relating to the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and its seventeen “sustainability goals”.

Continue reading “Former IMF Chief Caught Off Guard”

NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

Politics is not only the practiced art of deception, but also merely theater, a staged production cast with actors, each portraying especially tailored roles, trained to regurgitate the ideologically oriented talking points scripted for them. It matters not for which candidate one casts their vote, because “freedom of choice” through the process of voting is merely a sham, an illusion.

Though a majority of US citizens may still lend credence to this illusion through the opportunity to cast votes in legally sanctioned “elections”, the candidates, all of whom, whether “democrat” or “republican”, are carefully vetted then selected by the upper ranks of the masonic brotherhood to represent the interests of the Crown Templar/Swiss/Vatican/banking cartels. The process of voter registration merely entails a citizen’s surrendering of legal consent, a legal forfeiture of individual sovereignty to the tyrannical will of collective corporate governance consisting of those “elected” to perform business as private law merchants. Washington’s District of Columbia (AKA United States/Virginia Company), a private masonic principality governed by Admiralty Law/UCC (Uniform Commercial Code), is a corporate subsidiary of the Crown Temple and its four Courts of Inn – Middle, Inner Temple, Grey’s and Lincoln’s Inn – residing in the City of London (AKA one square mile).

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America (part I)

How Crown Temple rules America (part II)

How Crown Temple rules America (part III)

How Crown Temple Rules America (Part IV)

SEE also: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The fifty states (crown estates) of America which fall under the legal governing jurisdiction of the United States (AKA Washington D.C./Virginia Company), including Alaska and Hawaii outside its contiguous boundaries, exist as commercial markets/banking districts which were created for the commercial exploitation of both human and natural resources. As explained in previous articles, the US constitution and all state (crown estate) constitutions are legal documents couched in the legal terms of private law enumerating citizen privileges which can be amended or even revoked at any time. While the subject of this article concerns the current “elected” governor of New York, “Kathy Hochul”, it is important to point out that all US states (crown estates), are represented by two governors. This duality of governance remains hidden in each state (estate) constitution, written in the terms of legalese as opposed to vernacular.

Kathy_Hochul_official_portrait (1)

There is a hidden governor for the de facto crown corporation – governor of ‘this’ state – and another – governor of ‘the’ state – which remains visible to the public. This duality of governance was codified in 1933 with the War Powers Act (UCC 2107) which is not only still in effect today but entailed that the publicly traded bonds (AKA birth certificates) of the people were henceforth to be put up as collateral against the debt owed to the Federal Reserve, a central banking subsidiary of the City of London’s Crown Temple. According to Title 50 USC (United States Code), 12 stat 319, since 1861, the US corporate government has been legally operating under a state of war. The Middle Temple of City of London’s Crown Temple uses the crown estate of New York as a primary base of operation and New York’s political machine is completely controlled by the York Rite of Freemasonry. Therefore, as “elected” governor of ‘the’ state of New York, the job of “Kathy Hochul” is largely ceremonial. Her designated role is to act as official spokesperson on behalf of the de facto crown corporation.

This is why Hollywood actors fill such positions while contracted to perform under pseudonyms.

After all, as everyone is surely well aware, actors are most accomplished at playing scripted roles, staying in character, and taking direction from an executive producer. Though actors cannot be held legally accountable since, within the context of the arena of politics, they are contracted to perform as private law merchants under false names attached to fabricated character schemes and, from a legal standpoint, technically don’t exist, they can, however, due to unsatisfactory performance, stand to take criticism from the public and then subsequently “voted” out of office. But this is the precise trick which is played upon the public to keep the status quo maintained in favor of the US corporation’s owners. Meanwhile, the legal but unlawful status quo remains intact, and the City of London’s Crown Temple, the US corporate government, and their criminal cartel remains sovereign, inviolable, and untouched.

As shall soon be revealed, the Hollywood actress identified in portrayal of New York governor “Kathy Hochul” is indeed an accomplished professional thespian who, most notably, starred in West Wing, a once popular television series.


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Infamous Hollywood Liars Busted

Infamous Hollywood Liars Busted

The MSM wants to ensure that “official” narratives concerning certain high-profile news events cannot be questioned. They want to ensure that the general public is convinced that questioning, or even addressing these certain news narratives in any manner which deviates from the “official” consensus is socially unacceptable.

Perhaps even criminal.

Such extreme measures indicate that MSM news executives have reached an acute state of desperation over their dwindling influence with the American general public.

But since the MSM isn’t interested in the pursuit of journalism, one of their recent responses to this degenerative state of affairs was choosing to concoct another news event – a deliberately staged trial simulation – with the intention of promulgating malicious propaganda. The star of this show was CIA controlled opposition “alternative” media icon “Alex Jones”. Reportedly, Jones was found guilty of defamation charges and subsequently fined a substantial monetary sum for having questioned the “official” MSM narrative of the “shooting” alleged to have taken place at Sandy Hook Elementary back in 2012.

But one shouldn’t waste needless pity for “Alex Jones”.

While having been identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a well-hidden European noble, “Jones” (AKA Prince Gustav of Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg) was merely acting out his scripted role as part of a well-planned but transparently ill-conceived psychological operation. Which means “Alex Jones”, while working at the behest of his CIA/Jesuit intelligence masters, and even while appearing to be put under legal oath, knew he could never tell the public the truth about his fellow Jesuit controlled Hollywood intelligence operatives, about the experienced Hollywood actors/directors who were cast in major roles – “Gene Rosen”, “Doctor H. Wayne Carver II” – to help execute the mass casualty simulation event/psychological operation staged at Sandy Hook Elementary over one decade ago.

Below: Gene Rosen, Doctor H. Wayne Carver



SEE: Bankman-Fried Trial Judge Royal Impostor

Nancy Pelosi Gets Nailed Once Again

While the Hollywood actor/director identified in portrayal of Sandy Hook’s “Gene Rosen” is comparatively less well known to the public, the identity of the host actor cast in portrayal of “Doctor H. Wayne Carver” is certainly better recognized. As everyone shall soon observe, the latter Hollywood actor/director also portrays climate change guru “Al Gore” and former CDC (Center for Disease Control) director “Doctor Robert Redfield”.



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Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

Exposing “Doctor” Fetzer’s Grand Deception

The slaughtering of sacred cows is never popular. But so be it. For the last two decades, “Doctor James Fetzer” has been one of the most influential and premiere figures in the “alternative” media.

Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, while appearing to be professionally well-credentialed as a published academic, Fetzer came to the public’s attention as an authoritative figure, unabashedly armed with perspectives and opinions which sharply contrasted to the MSM’s “official” narratives.

To this day, Fetzer’s iconic status in the “alternative media”, despite most recently being embroiled in the Sandy Hook controversy, has remained virtually untouched, his sterling reputation largely unsullied. But as many may have no doubt already surmised, that is about to quickly change. In the case of the esteemed “Doctor James Fetzer” – like “Alex Jones”, “Max Igan” – glittering appearances can prove to be most deceiving.

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Behind Fetzer’s carefully crafted mask – a customized mask modified from yet another high-profile character, a popular U.S. senator, which was portrayed by Fetzer’s host actor – lurks a vastly experienced intelligence trained operator, Hollywood actor with connections to the U.S. military/industrial complex, and to both BNY Mellon bank and Carnegie Foundation headquartered in New York City. Indeed, Fetzer’s career as a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation has spanned several decades.

Not only that, but “Gary King”, the side kick with whom Fetzer is often seen working during his podcasts, was a former Hollywood music industry teen idol and television star who faked his death.

In fact, “Gary King” is the hidden son of Fetzer’s Hollywood live-action role player, the long-time spouse of the Hollywood actress who portrays “Hillary Clinton”. Upon further investigation, this Hollywood actress was also known as “Barbara Olson”, the conservative talk show hostess who was alleged to have perished on the ill-fated flight of American Airlines 77 which reportedly “crashed” into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

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Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds

Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds

Over the decades, since the advent of the television medium, mainstream television talk show productions and those cast as their hosts have both played important roles in so far as the application, execution of mass societal behavioral modification, social engineering, the manufacture of social, political consensus, and population perception management.

Quite unexpectedly, while performing research for a recently published article, one happened upon a pair of audio/visual excerpts from The Merv Griffin Show, a popular prime time Hollywood celebrity-oriented talk fest broadcasted during the eras of the 1970’s and early 1980’s. On the surface, though Merv’s show seemed rather dull, filled with the usual mundane and rather trivial talk show fare, nevertheless, selections of banter between Griffin and some of his selected guests proved rather interesting, if not wholly revealing.

Merv Griffin during Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame – November 7, 1994 at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City, New York, United States. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

In the first video excerpt encountered, Griffin was interviewing the “late” Sharon Tate, alleged to have been murdered by “Charles Manson” (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen). The second excerpt – and perhaps just as intriguing – featured Griffin interviewing Barry and Robin Gibb, members of the Bee Gees, a formerly popular 1970’s disco era pop music group.

Below from L to R: Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb

As everyone shall shortly observe, in the first video excerpt, while Griffin and Tate are walking down Carnaby Street in London, England, they are suddenly approached by Hollywood actor Hugh O’Brien. An encounter which, although made to appear spontaneous, was undoubtedly well-planned, tightly scripted. It also became apparent that, concerning the affectations of social sophistication and airy demeanor demonstrated by the show’s host, Griffin was a highly skilled thespian putting on a performance. In addition, one developed an intuition that “Merv Griffin” seemed rather familiar.

After exchanging introductory formalities with O’Brien – at approximately 2:53 in the video posted directly above – Griffin makes an eye-opening quip concerning the CIA. Later, during the interview segment of Griffin’s program, Tate reveals that not only is her father employed by Army intelligence and is stationed in Vietnam, but that she was also born in Dallas, Texas. Of course, Dallas, Texas served as the movie set for the staged “assassination” of U.S. president “John Fitzgerald Kennedy” (AKA Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper) filmed by “Abraham Zapruder” (AKA Walt Disney). Tate also mentions her new film – Vampire Killers – which was directed by Roman Polanski who Tate would later wed. It turns out that “Merv Griffin” has connections to both “Roman Polanski” and to Dallas, Texas, specifically Dealy Plaza.

SEE: JFK Hoax Executed by Wizards of Oz

In fact, not only did further, deeper investigation reveal that the “late” “Merv Griffin” was a fabricated character scheme, a manufactured mainstream television persona behind which lurked a most familiar live-action role player, but, in the case of the Bee Gees, both Robin and Barry Gibb, respectively, have connections to legendary popular music groups – both to the Beatles and to Led Zeppelin. Continue reading “Merv Griffin’s Menagerie of Misdeeds”